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Tuesday, November 5

12:00pm PST

OPEN WORKSHOP (API): API CTF: Learn the FUNdamentals of API Security
Tuesday November 5, 2024 12:00pm - 12:50pm PST
David Warburton, F5, Director, F5 Labs
Malcolm Heath, F5, Senior Threat Researcher

Join us for an exciting and educational Capture the Flag (CTF) event focused on API security, designed specifically for beginners! No prior experience with API security is required, making this an inclusive and welcoming environment for anyone eager to learn how APIs are commonly attacked — by doing the attacking themselves!
Participants will engage with a series of hands-on challenges aimed at teaching fundamental concepts of API security. You'll explore vulnerabilities often found in APIs and learn how attackers exploit these weak spots to compromise systems. Each challenge is designed to introduce you to core techniques used in the field of cybersecurity, guiding you step by step toward understanding how APIs work and where their security gaps lie.
This event is all about learning by doing, but don’t worry — you won’t be left to figure things out entirely on your own. While the focus is on self-discovery and problem-solving, the session will end with a detailed walk-through of all the challenges. So, even if you're unsure of how to solve a particular problem, you'll leave with valuable new skills and a deeper understanding of API security.
What to Expect:
  • A series of beginner-friendly CTF challenges that focus on API vulnerabilities.
  • No pressure, inclusive atmosphere where the goal is to learn, not compete.
  • Guidance on how to approach and solve common API security challenges.
  • A final walk-through session where the team demonstrates solutions for each challenge, so you'll understand the techniques used, even if you struggled to solve them on your own.
What to Bring:
  • Your own laptop. Most challenges can be solved using a standard web browser like Firefox or Chrome, but you’ll have an edge if you're able to run Python scripts or use tools like Postman, which can make testing APIs easier and more efficient.
While this event is geared toward beginners, having a basic understanding of HTTP requests and headers will be helpful but not essential. Don’t worry if you don’t have that background, as the walkthrough and explanations provided during the event will help bring you up to speed.
Whether you’re completely new to the world of API security or just looking to reinforce your understanding, this CTF game will be an engaging and fun way to dive into the subject. By the end of the session, you’ll leave with practical knowledge and the confidence to further explore API security on your own!
avatar for Malcolm Heath

Malcolm Heath

Senior Threat Researcher, F5
Malcolm Heath is a Senior Threat Researcher with F5 Labs.  His career has included incident response, program management, penetration testing, code auditing, vulnerability research, and exploit development at companies both very large and very small. Prior to joining F5 Labs, he... Read More →
avatar for David Warburton

David Warburton

Director, F5 Labs, F5
Warburton is the director of threat research team, F5 Labs, has given talks around world, and appeared on TV, and industry podcasts. He is the author of several F5 Labs reports, and recently co-authored the SSL/TLS/HTTPS scanning devops tool ‘Cryptonice’ which helps organisations... Read More →
Tuesday November 5, 2024 12:00pm - 12:50pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B
Wednesday, November 6

10:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Securing APIs Requires Cyber Survival Tactics
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Steve Winterfeld, Akamai Technologies, Advisory CISO
Swetha Sridharan, IBM API Connect, Senior Product Manager

APIs are the backbone of modern applications, enabling seamless communication and user experiences, but their widespread use makes them prime targets for cybercriminals. Business and IT leadership is quickly recognizing that cyber risk is business risk, and securing API driven transformation is critical to protecting revenue and brand. 
Fueled by the latest research from Akamai’s State of the Internet (SOTI) report as well as IBM’s 2024 Cost of a Data Breach report, you will learn about the latest threat trends including the most-targeted industries and attack surfaces so you can stay secure in an evolving threat landscape. Join us to understand how to leverage these tactics to strengthen your API security practices and posture. 
  • Understanding of threat trends 
  • Case studies by industry
  • Best practices, resources, and tools to mitigate the threat 
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Swetha Sridharan

Senior Product Manager, IBM API Connect
Swetha Sridharan is passionate about solving problems through technology and empathetic design thinking in API management and integration. She is currently a Senior Product Manager at IBM API Connect.
avatar for Steve Winterfeld

Steve Winterfeld

Advisory CISO, Akamai Technologies
Steve Winterfeld is Akamai’s Advisory CISO. He has a strong background in building operational security programs that are compliant with industry regulations. Before joining the team, he served as CISO for Nordstrom Bank, Managing Director of Incident Response and Threat Intelligence... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Achieving True Developer Self-Service in Kubernetes
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Jan Lepsky, mogenius GmbH, Co-founder and CPO

Today, software teams frequently face significant challenges with Kubernetes operations. Developers often grapple with limited visibility, constrained independence, and restricted access to resources within Kubernetes environments. Concurrently, DevOps teams are tasked with daily support duties such as provisioning environments, monitoring usage, and managing governance across multiple clusters, which prevents them from focusing on core DevOps initiatives. These issues contribute to a poor developer experience, reduced productivity, and increased frustration within teams. This talk will delve into strategies for enabling developer self-service in Kubernetes, emphasizing how to maintain both flexibility and control over infrastructure to enhance overall efficiency and satisfaction.
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Jan Lepsky

Co-founder and CPO, mogenius GmbH
As the Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer at mogenius, Jan Lepsky is specialized in Platform Engineering, focusing on enhancing DevOps efficiency and empowering developers to work independently with Kubernetes. mogenius provides practical tools that enable developers to define and... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:30am PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Ambassador (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session), Live Raffle/Giveaway)
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am PST
We will do a demo and offer a raffle at the end for a giveaway!
Chris Petterson, head of solutions on our team, will be giving a quick live demo of Blackbird, our new API development platform, with a raffle and prize giveaway at the end. Prize TBD.

Booth #507
avatar for Ambassador


Ambassador provides best-in-class Kubernetes-native productivity tools. We specialize in building developer-friendly solutions – Telepresence and Edge Stack. We design tools to empower developers to design, develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications with efficiency and ease.As... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am PST
Expo Hall

10:30am PST

CloudX Roundtable: Ruchir Jha, CEO, Cardinal
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
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Ruchir Jha

CEO, Cardinal
Ruchir is the co-founder and CEO of Cardinal, which helps improve the ROI (Return On Investment) of an existing Observability Stack. In his previous life, he spent 7 years as a Lead Engineer on Netflix's Observability team, where he built petabyte-scale Observability products that... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): APIs & Today's Digital Revolution
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
James De Luca, Rapid, Director, Sales Engineering

This talk will explore the critical role of APIs in driving business growth and innovation. It will delve into the evolution of APIs from cost-cutting tools to revenue-generating assets. The presentation will emphasize the importance of a software-centric strategy and how APIs can be leveraged to create new products, services, and partnerships. Attendees will gain insights into best practices for developing and implementing API-driven business models.
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James De Luca

Director, Sales Engineering, Rapid
James De Luca is a Director of Enterprise Sales Engineering and an esteemed subject matter expert in APIs with over 20 years of experience. He has provided cutting-edge API solutions to numerous Fortune 500 companies, empowering them to thrive in the digital landscape. As a thought... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Top API challenges for Platform Engineering teams
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Francesco Burns, Gravitee.ioVP Product

In this session we will explore Platform Engineering practise and some common challenges faced by Platform Engineering teams. In particular, this session examines some common challenges around APIs and API lifecycle that these teams deal with, and examples of how organizations overcome them.
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Francesco Burns

VP Product, Gravitee.io
Francesco, VP of Product at Gravitee.io has more than 12 years experience in building successful products and leading high-performing teams in B2B SaaS and B2C markets. He spent the best part of his career building software for developers, and now leads the product team and strategy... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
API World -- Main Stage

11:00am PST

Sponsor Spotlight: mogenius (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Discover how mogenius empowers developers with seamless Kubernetes self-service to tackle cloud-native challenges and ensure consistent delivery. In the live demo, you’ll see how to easily create customized workflows for independent management of the application lifecycle, all while ensuring compliance across diverse infrastructures and reducing DevOps reliance.

Our team is ready to answer your questions and explore how mogenius can benefit your team as well.

Booth #406 
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Expo Hall

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API) : APIs for Data: How to Build Data-Intensive Cloud Applications with Snowflake and Large Language Models
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Daniel Myers, Snowflake, Director of Developer Relations

APIs for data - do you start with the data model or the API model? Learn best practices and how to build data-intensive applications on Snowflake and large language models (LLMs). In this session, you’ll learn different API architectural patterns, including Connected Apps and Snowflake Native Apps. Daniel will demonstrate how to develop, deploy, and run applications directly on Snowflake.
avatar for Daniel Myers

Daniel Myers

Director of Developer Relations, Snowflake
With cross-functional experience in software engineering, product management, and business development, Daniel is the Director of Developer Relations at Snowflake. Daniel leads global, cross-functional teams in software development and customer adoption, with a focus on bottom-up... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Conquer the API Rainbow Road Level with These Dev “Cheat Codes”
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Matt Voget, Ambassador, Director of Technology

In the game of API development, the world is getting more and more complex. How do you power up your dev team to complete each level faster and better? In this session, we’ll share the top five “cheat codes” that will put you in the winner’s circle. From design through testing, we’ll share how to give developers ultimate control over the development process, automate spec gen, and remove unnecessary infrastructure obstacles from impeding the advancement of your API strategy.
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Matt Voget

Director of Technology, Ambassador
I bring 10+ years experience working as a multi-disciplinary engineer on software projects ranging from enterprise SaaS web-apps to embedded software on satellite payloads. I leverage my experience as a Manager, Software Engineer, Systems Engineer, and QA Engineer within large and... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Main Stage

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Pax8 Coming Soon!
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Rob Harding, Pax8, Director of AWS Technical Strategy
Logan McRae, Pax8, Sr. Manager of Cloud Generation)
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Rob Harding

Director of AWS Technical Strategy, Pax8
avatar for Logan McRae

Logan McRae

Sr. Manager of Cloud Generation, Pax8
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Turn Fragmentation into Federation: A Guide to Effective API Management
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am PST
Beerinder Rodey, Boomi, Director, API Product Management

The rapid proliferation and fragmentation of APIs create complexities and inefficiencies that hinder operational effectiveness for many organizations. If you’re an API developer, product owner, or architect facing these challenges, join this session.

We will discuss the current state of API management and outline strategies to move from fragmented APIs to a unified federated approach. Key topics will include dynamic API discovery, the issues caused by API sprawl, and how effective API management can enhance workflows, support API productization, and enable scalability in the context of AI integration.

Gain insights into improving API visibility, security, and governance while leveraging your existing API management investments like AWS, Azure, Apigee, and Kong. Witness federated API management in action and explore its potential to streamline your API ecosystem.

Join us to discover how to:
- Centralize API discovery and provisioning
- Strengthen API governance for better control
- Simplify API management practices
avatar for Beerinder Rodey

Beerinder Rodey

Director, API Product Management, Boomi
As a product management leader with over 10 years of experience in the API Management space, Beerinder has a proven track record of managing globally distributed SaaS and Hybrid platform solutions at scale. Beerinder is passionate about customer engagement and finding innovative solutions... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

11:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Leveraging Modern Authorization Models to Scale Your Applications
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Mary Greenlee, Auth0 by Okta, Field CTO

Learn how modern authorization models enable developers to easily implement authorization for the most complex use cases. Modern authorization models enable developers to design authorization models in a way that's centralized, flexible, scalable, and easy to use.

In this talk, we’ll cover:
Where we’re at with authorization as an industry today.
The scalability, performance, and complexity challenges of implementing authorization.
An introduction to modern authorization models and key principles to address the fine-grained authorization challenges
Details about OpenFGA, the open source version of FGA and Okta’s commercial offering

avatar for Mary Greenlee

Mary Greenlee

Field CTO, Auth0 by Okta
Mary Greenlee serves as a Field CTO and Principal Solutions Engineer at OKTA, where she leads programs to mitigate the security risks of large-scale integrations of enterprise applications. Her multifaceted expertise in databases, networking protocols, and server systems coupled with... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): OAuth 2…Is It Really The Standard? Exploring Real-World Implementations and OAuth 2.1
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Shon Urbas, Pandium, CTO

OAuth 2 is a protocol celebrated for its intended standardization, yet it’s plagued by inconsistent implementations across various systems. In this session, Shon Urbas will discuss the evolution of OAuth 2.0.
Drawing on unique insights from his leadership at Pandium—a platform that streamlines authentication and integration for SaaS companies—Shon will share critical patterns, anomalies, and best practices extracted from 7-years of data collected through Pandium’s extensive work with hundreds of systems.

This presentation will also highlight actual usage demographics of OAuth 2.0, sourced from Pandium’s work simplifying authentication for their customers across different APIs, shedding light on common pitfalls and effective strategies. Looking ahead, Shon will discuss the anticipated OAuth 2.1, examining its potential to rectify past mistakes and advance beyond current implementations.
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Shon Urbas

CTO, Pandium
Shon Urbas, CTO and Co-Founder of Pandium, brings decades of experience building integrations and leading large-scale integration projects across SaaS platforms. As the architect behind Pandium, Shon has helped hundreds of companies streamline their OAuth and authentication processes... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
CloudX -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Runtime API Governance: The Secret to Scaling Secure and Reliable APIs
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Sudeep Goswani, Traefik Labs, CEO

As APIs become the lifeblood of modern software development, ensuring their security, reliability, and scalability is more crucial than ever. Runtime API governance is the unsung hero that enables this success, providing the necessary guardrails and constraints to produce the desired outcome. In this talk, we'll explore the critical components of runtime API governance, including security posture, conformance checks, and ongoing change management. We'll delve into the importance of these components and how they work together to create a checks and balances system that ensures APIs can handle the pace of business and don't fall prey to runtime issues. Join us to learn how to build a robust API governance strategy that will help you sleep better at night, knowing your APIs are secure, reliable, and scalable.
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Sudeep Goswami

CEO, Traefik Labs
With a 25-year career spanning multiple disciplines, including software programming, network desgin and engineering, technology consulting, product management, product marketing, corporate marketing, business development, and sales, Sudeep joined Traefik Labs as the Chief Revenue... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

12:30pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Okta (Live Demo)
Wednesday November 6, 2024 12:30pm - 12:45pm PST
In this demo, we’ll showcase how to secure APIs using Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA). As modern applications require more sophisticated access control, traditional methods like role-based access control (RBAC) can fall short. Auth0 FGA provides a more flexible and scalable solution by enabling developers to define and enforce granular permissions and policies.

We’ll walk through the process of setting up Auth0 FGA to protect your APIs, demonstrate key concepts, and show how to implement dynamic, relationship-based access controls. By the end of this demo, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to secure your APIs using Auth0 FGA while delivering a seamless user experience

Booth #606
avatar for Okta


Auth0 by Okta takes a modern approach to Identity and enables organizations to provide secure access to any application, for any user. Auth0 is a highly customizable product that is as simple as development teams want, and as flexible as they need. Safeguarding billions of login transactions... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 12:30pm - 12:45pm PST
Expo Hall

1:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Scalable Data Science: GraphQL with a SQL Expression Parser
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Anthony Molzahn, Devii, CEO

GraphQL is powerful. SQL is powerful. Combining them safely enables data scientists, researchers, R&D engineers, and due diligence teams to validate and analyze information immediately. With NSF Engines and EDA Tech Hubs popping up everywhere, there are billions being poured into figuring out how to commercialize IP and scale revenue streams asap.
avatar for Anthony Molzahn

Anthony Molzahn

CEO, Devii
Anthony Molzahn is the CEO and co-founder of Devii, a company specializing in a middleware capable of automating the generation of GraphQL schemas and APIs for any and all SQL-based relational databases.With 16+ years of experience in B2B SaaS and startup environments, Anthony has... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

1:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): You Don’t Need to Be Apple: Innovate Small. Modernize Big.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Collin Pike, Point of Rental Software, Chief Architect and Head of Cloud Engineering

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud technology, it's easy to get caught up in the race for the latest and greatest innovations. However, true success lies not in mirroring the giants but in strategically enhancing your products to meet your customers' needs effectively. This session, "You Don't Need to be Apple: Innovate Small. Modernize Big.," delves into the importance of prioritizing improvements in ease of deployment, scalability, and usability over the pursuit of cutting-edge technology in every aspect of your platform.

This session will explore the pitfalls of blindly chasing the latest trends and the benefits of focusing on merging those trends into incremental innovation. Attendees will gain valuable insights into:

- Understanding Customer Needs as an Engineer:
Discover why understanding your customers' pain points and addressing them through incremental improvements is key to long-term success.

- Prioritizing Usability and Scalability:
Learn how prioritizing ease of deployment and scalability can lead to greater customer satisfaction and retention, even without the flashiest features.

- Balancing Innovation with Practicality:
Explore strategies for striking the right balance between innovation and practicality, ensuring that your cloud products remain relevant and competitive without overextending your resources.

- Case Studies and Best Practices:
Dive into real-world case studies and best practices from companies that have successfully modernized their cloud products by focusing on incremental innovation and customer-centric improvements.

Whether you're a startup looking to establish a foothold in the market or a seasoned player aiming to stay ahead of the curve, "You Don't Need to be Apple: Innovate Small. Modernize Big." will equip you with the insights and strategies needed to thrive in today's rapidly evolving cloud ecosystem. Discover how prioritizing the right kind of innovation can propel your cloud products to new heights of success.
avatar for Collin Pike

Collin Pike

Chief Architect and Head of Cloud Engineering, Point of Rental Software
With expertise in IT infrastructure, cloud solutions, and cybersecurity, Collin specializes in designing secure, scalable cloud architectures and leading high-impact teams towards achieving compliance with top industry standards. He actively contributes to technology and security... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Layer7 - Comprehensive API Security Infrastructure
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Greg Thompson, Broadcom, Product Manager
Aran White, Broadcom, Head of Product Management
Jonathan Schendt, Vista Ascent Solutions, Founder

Deep dive into the infrastructure that controls access to APIs based on four pillars of security; real time security and integration, API Ops at Scale, API Management, and API intelligence. We will explore how these pillars combine to provide an effective and comprehensive solution for large-scale API security.
avatar for Jonathan Schendt

Jonathan Schendt

Founder, Vista Ascent Solutions
Jon Schendt has been working in the US Federal space for the past 17 years, focusing on API Management, Key Performance Indicators, data transformation and normalization, and full stack development.  In his career, Jon has been an advocate and champion for deriving business and operational... Read More →
avatar for Greg Thompson

Greg Thompson

Product Manager, Broadcom
Greg Thompson is a member of the Layer7 API Security product management team. He has been part of the Layer7 API Security team for the past 10+ years where he has specialized in working with customers, helping them to realize their integration and API management business challenges... Read More →
avatar for Aran White

Aran White

Head of Product Management, Broadcom
Aran is the head of  the Layer7 API product management team. He has worked with Layer7 for over 15 years and has been in API security and API management for over 20 years. He has worked in a number of customer facing roles including presales, adoption and sales. For the last few... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

1:30pm PST

CloudX Roundtable: Rahul Agarwal, Principal Product Manager, Hasura
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Rahul Agarwal

Rahul Agarwal

Principal Product Manager, Hasura
Rahul is a principal technical product manager at Hasura, which is a leading cloud API and data integration platform providing instant APIs on data sources, and has a robust open source community across the globe. Rahul has led multiple products in the cloud and API Management industry... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): API Testing on Trial: Evolution or Extinction in the AI Era
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Joanna Schloss, Parasoft, Chief Marketing Officer

As artificial intelligence continues to reshape the tech landscape, the most pressing question emerges: Has AI fundamentally altered the realm of API testing? Join us for a dynamic panel discussion where our experts—Arthur and Renata—will delve into the merits and limitations of AI-driven testing versus traditional, human-led approaches. They will cover the topic of how quality and engineering organizations are fundamentally evolving during this time where AI seems to be a hype that is driving a sea change in our world of API first development.

Moderated by a seasoned industry professional, Joanna Schloss, this session will explore key points of contention, including:

Can AI truly replicate the intuition of experienced testers in identifying edge cases?

How do AI-generated test cases compare to manually crafted ones in terms of coverage and reliability?

What are the practical challenges of integrating AI testing tools into existing development workflows?

We will also examine how the rise of AI testing impacts the roles of QA professionals and developers. Engage in this interesting and timely debate as we consider whether API testing is evolving or facing extinction in the age of AI. Don’t miss the opportunity to weigh in on the future of quality assurance!
avatar for Joanna Schloss

Joanna Schloss

Chief Marketing Officer, Parasoft
Joanna Schloss leads Parasoft’s marketing, business development, branding, strategic positioning, go-to-market strategy, and sales enablement. With 25 years of experience transforming and evolving both global 500 companies and startups, she’s worked on various projects involving... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Demystifying GraphQL: Explore the Truth Behind the Myths
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Roy Derk, IBM, Developer Experience & DevRel, Integration Portfolio
Brian Pagano, IBM, Brand Technical Specialist, Automation Portfolio

Although increasingly popular, numerous misconceptions and myths have emerged about GraphQL, leading to confusion among developers and technology adopters. See real-world examples, best practices and debunked myths to understand the true capabilities and benefits of GraphQL.
avatar for Roy Derks

Roy Derks

Developer Experience & DevRel, Integration Portfolio, IBM
Roy works with the IBM API Connect engineering, product, and marketing teams to create content and attract new users. He has over 11 years of experience in building, investing, and advising startups and developers, and is the founder of Hackteam.io, a platform that connects tech talent... Read More →
avatar for Brian Pagano

Brian Pagano

Brand Technical Specialist, Automation Portfolio, IBM
Having spent decades in enterprise software, Brian has worked in various roles, from startups to Fortune 500 companies on Wall Street. The last decade was spent at Apigee and Google, helping customers make good decisions. His current role at IBM continues that work by helping customers... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Observability & OpenTelemetry 101 for Developers
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Mike Simon, Splunk, Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability

In today’s cloud-native world, developers need to innovate faster while maintaining the reliability and performance of their applications. In this session, you’ll learn about why observability matters for developers and how it lets you spend more time coding and less time fixing things. You’ll also see a demo of how to automatically instrument your applications with Splunk’s distribution of the OpenTelemetry collector, and learn why OpenTelemetry is the most important skill you can learn in 2024. 
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Mike Simon

Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability, Splunk
Mike Simon is a Staff Developer Evangelist at Splunk, where he has been part of the team for two years. In his tenure at Splunk, Mike has held roles as an Observability Strategist and Technical Architect.Before joining Splunk, Mike built a distinguished 16-year career as an Observability... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

2:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): APIs for Data: How to Build Data-Intensive Cloud Applications with Snowflake and Large Language Models
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Daniel Myers, Snowflake, Director of Developer RelationsAPIs for data - do you start with the data model or the API model? Learn best practices and how to build data-intensive applications on Snowflake and large language models (LLMs). In this session, you’ll learn different API architectural patterns, including Connected Apps and Snowflake Native Apps. Daniel will demonstrate how to develop, deploy, and run applications directly on Snowflake.

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Daniel Myers

Director of Developer Relations, Snowflake
With cross-functional experience in software engineering, product management, and business development, Daniel is the Director of Developer Relations at Snowflake. Daniel leads global, cross-functional teams in software development and customer adoption, with a focus on bottom-up... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

2:30pm PST

CloudX Roundtable: Ankit Jain, Co-founder & CEO, Aviator Technologies
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Ankit Jain

Ankit Jain

Co-founder & CEO, Aviator Technologies
Ankit is a cofounder and CEO of dev-productivity startup Aviator Technologies and also leads the ex-Google alumni network (Xoogler.co). Previously he led engineering teams at Sunshine, Homejoy and Shippo. Prior to that, Ankit was also an EIR at Unshackled Ventures and an engineer... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

2:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Rest Doesn’t Cut It. I Needed a Simple JSON API—So I Built One
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Mike Bowers, FairCom, Chief Architect

In this session, Chief Architect Mike Bowers explains how he dreamt up a new JSON API to replace REST—one that could easily query and manage databases in any language, even without a driver.

Learn how he created and deployed the JSON DB API to POST JSON to a single URL over HTTPS. See just how simple development can be with jsonAction.

Mike will also demo how JSON DB API let’s you:
—Use JSON to manage databases, tables, records, queries, etc.
—Use stateful database sessions and cursors from stateless app servers.
—Run jsonAction commands over HTTPS, WSS, and MQTTS.
—Automatically map data between JSON and SQL.
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Mike Bowers

Chief Architect, FairCom
Mike Bowers is chief architect at FairCom. He oversees the company's architecture and product roadmaps, which include high-performance SQL and JSON databases, IIoT platforms, and failsafe MQTT brokers. He has more than 35 years of experience in software development, database management... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Supergraph: Putting the Domain Back in Your API First Architecture
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Praveen Durairaju, Hasura, Staff Developer Advocate

In a world where data sprawl across heterogeneous data sources is the norm, maintaining high-quality API-first development can be a significant challenge. Supergraph architecture addresses this challenge by enabling teams to build robust API platforms that manage complexity and foster productivity. This session explores how the Supergraph’s metadata-driven approach allows for centralized and federated governance while providing decentralized data access. By driving API design and runtime through comprehensive metadata definitions, the Supergraph ensures consistency, simplifies integration with governance tools, and enhances developer efficiency. Discover how adopting Supergraph architecture can transform your API-first development process, allowing your teams to deliver more value in a rapidly evolving data landscape.
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Praveen Durairaju

Staff Developer Advocate, Hasura
Praveen is a Developer Advocate at Hasura with over 10 years of full-stack web dev experience. Praveen was a core contributor to open source projects like hasura/graphql-engine, gatsby-gitbook-starter and evangelizes modern data access practices. Besides the day job, Praveen runs... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Unlocking the Power of Observability as Code in Cloud-Native Environments
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Mike Simon, Splunk, Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability

In cloud-native environments, embedding observability as part of your infrastructure-as-code strategy is no longer optional—it’s essential. This session explores the value and necessity of adopting an observability-inclusive as-code approach, allowing teams to automate monitoring, reduce blind spots, and accelerate incident response. We’ll dive into the opportunities this brings for enhancing visibility, ensuring system reliability, and empowering teams to take proactive, data-driven actions without manual overhead.
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Mike Simon

Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability, Splunk
Mike Simon is a Staff Developer Evangelist at Splunk, where he has been part of the team for two years. In his tenure at Splunk, Mike has held roles as an Observability Strategist and Technical Architect.Before joining Splunk, Mike built a distinguished 16-year career as an Observability... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

3:00pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Okta (Live Demo)
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm PST
In this demo, we’ll showcase how to secure APIs using Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA). As modern applications require more sophisticated access control, traditional methods like role-based access control (RBAC) can fall short. Auth0 FGA provides a more flexible and scalable solution by enabling developers to define and enforce granular permissions and policies.

We’ll walk through the process of setting up Auth0 FGA to protect your APIs, demonstrate key concepts, and show how to implement dynamic, relationship-based access controls. By the end of this demo, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to secure your APIs using Auth0 FGA while delivering a seamless user experience

Booth #606
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Auth0 by Okta takes a modern approach to Identity and enables organizations to provide secure access to any application, for any user. Auth0 is a highly customizable product that is as simple as development teams want, and as flexible as they need. Safeguarding billions of login transactions... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm PST
Expo Hall

3:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Automated Retry Strategy to Provision Cloud Resources
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Vicky Deliwala, Cisco Systems, Software Engineering Leader

In the modern era of the cloud environment, users needs to think about handling the temporary service interruptions caused by API and micro-services failure.
As the applications interact with remote services and cloud resources, transient faults are more likely to be encountered.
Events such as API’s throttle limits, connection failures, Quota exhaustion, power outage etc. can lead to such unwanted
faults and not so good user experience.

The best practice in such scenarios is to come up with an automated and intelligent retry mechanism which can hide the temporary exceptions from the customers. Challenges faced while designing such strategy are fault identification, tracking
Retry counter, appropriate log instrumentation and custom fallback. This presentation will focus on defining a smart Retry strategy along with specific guidelines to overcome
such challenges gracefully. Through a deep dive into real world scenario, this session will walk-through the design/architecture of RESTful API’s to provision OpenShift VMs along with NoSQL. It will showcase the profound Retry Logic implementation
using the Cron job and scheduler which can significantly improve user experience.
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Vicky Deliwala

Software Engineering Leader, Cisco Systems
Vicky Deliwala is a Software Engineering Leader at Cisco Systems, who shepherds B2B API modernization. He is responsible to provide the technical thought leadership, establish innovative enterprise-level strategy and build highly resilient APIs for Commerce Workspace.12+ years of... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

3:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Unlock Shift-Left: Right Teams, Right Tools, Fixed Problems
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Dan Hopkins, StackHawk, VP, Engineering

In today's fast-paced development environment, ensuring API security is more crucial than ever. Despite the strong desire to integrate security into software delivery cycles, many organizations struggle to achieve this effectively. This session will focus on the importance of proactive API security testing to match the pace of development and achieve business outcomes and goals. By understanding your organization's shift-left maturity, you can better position yourself to integrate security into your development processes seamlessly.

Using StackHawk's Shift-Left Maturity Model as a framework, we will explore how identifying your maturity stage is key to making meaningful progress. The session will delve into the three fundamental pillars of successful shift-left practices: people, process, and tooling. Join us to learn how to empower your team, optimize your processes, and leverage the right tools to shift left effectively and ensure robust API security.
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Dan Hopkins

VP, Engineering, StackHawk
Dan Hopkins has been a software engineer for 20 years, working at high growth startups such as VictorOps and LivingSocial and at large high tech companies such as Splunk. For the last 10 years he has focused on building tools for progressive engineering teams adopting DevOps and DevSecOps... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
API World -- Main Stage

3:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Unlocking the Power of Intelligent Data APIs
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Akhilesh Agarwal, apexanalytix, COO & EVP, Global Procure to Pay Solutions & Applied Technology

Dive into the world of Intelligent Data APIs and explore how they can transform your data management processes. Learn how these powerful tools reference over 1,000 data sources to ensure the accuracy of vendor addresses, tax information, bank details, and more. 
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Akhilesh Agarwal

COO & EVP, Global Procure to Pay Solutions & Applied Technology, apexanalytix
Akhilesh Agarwal leads the apexanalytix solutions practice responsible for apexportal, the industry’s only 100 percent touchless solution for global supplier information management and working capital optimization. He leads the development of new client-focused software innovations... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

3:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Accelerate AI Adoption with an AI Gateway
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm PST
Steve Poyer, Kong, Senior Solutions Engineer

Is your company looking to improve revenue or reduce costs with AI? As businesses adopt AI they have heard of or discovered the horror stories of PII exposure, AI hallucinations and exploding costs. How can an AI Gateway help with these concerns? In this presentation you will learn how AI Gateways:
Improve developer productivity.
Add guardrails to corporate use of AI.
Improve AI security and observability.
Enforce AI compliance and abuse prevention.
Control access to AI models

The presentation will explore using AI with existing API traffic and without coding as well as optimization of LLM usage with AI Gateway symantec functionality.
avatar for Steve Poyer

Steve Poyer

Senior Solutions Engineer, Kong
Steve Poyer has spent his entire career of over 20 years helping companies succeed with IT technology in the areas of Systems Management, Content Management, Content Networking, Enterprise Video, Load Balancing, API Management, Kubernetes and more recently, Artificial Intelligence... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

3:15pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Splunk (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session), Live Raffle/Giveaway, Live Game/Competition)
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:15pm - 3:30pm PST
Join Splunk at booth 309 to keep the conversation going and ask questions after Mike Simon’s talk on Observability and OpenTelemetry. Mike will be available to answer questions and the Splunk team will be around to show demos of Splunk Observability Cloud. You can also enter our raffle to win some Splunk branded swag!

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 Splunk helps make organizations more digitally resilient. Leading organizations use our unified observability and security platform to keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Organizations trust Splunk to prevent infrastructure, application and security incidents from becoming... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:15pm - 3:30pm PST
Expo Hall

3:30pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: mogenius (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm PST
Overwhelmed by Kubernetes support requests?

Empower your developers to self-serve on Kubernetes and take control.

Accelerate project delivery, reduce errors, and cut costs by enabling developers to manage Kubernetes deployments independently.

In our live demo, discover how mogenius can help your team tackle cloud-native challenges and ensure consistent delivery with customized workflows for independent lifecycle management, all while maintaining compliance and reducing DevOps reliance.

Hope to see you at our booth. Our team is happy to answer your questions.

Booth #406 
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm PST
Expo Hall

3:30pm PST

Dev Innovation Summit Roundtable: Dev Agrawal, Software Engineer, Smart Data
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Dev Agrawal

Dev Agrawal

Software Engineer, Smart Data
Dev Agrawal is a software engineer at Smart Data, and makes content on YouTube and Twitch around software development and design. Dev has been writing fullstack javascript applications for 7 years, has an interest in devtools that enable productivity, home brewing coffee, and heavy... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

3:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Scaling Data Management at Netflix: The Power of Data Abstractions
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Raj Ummadisetty, Netflix, Senior Software Engineer
Vidhya Arvind, Netflix, Staff Software Engineer

Managing data at Netflix scale presents unique challenges, especially with multiple applications requiring diverse databases. Traditional methods risk database sprawl, fragmented knowledge, and redundant efforts. Netflix's Data Access team addresses these issues with Data Abstractions, creating a streamlined data access layer.

Our paved path abstractions—KeyValue, Time Series, Graph, and more—offer robust APIs that hide underlying database complexities. Application teams simply specify their access patterns and requirements, and select the appropriate abstraction. Our platform then handles capacity planning, hardware provisioning, and database deployment.

Data Abstractions allow us to transparently switch databases, ensuring optimal performance and scalability as use cases evolve. This approach has enabled one of the largest database migrations at Netflix, completely transparent to the client. This innovative approach allows Netflix to maintain a high level of service reliability and operational efficiency, even as new database technologies emerge.

Learning objectives
1) Gain a comprehensive understanding of what Data Abstractions are and how they simplify database management by providing a robust data access layer.
2) Discover how Netflix's platform handles capacity planning and hardware provisioning based on application teams' specified access patterns and requirements.
3) Explore the architecture, scale, and novel techniques employed by Netflix to operate Data Abstractions reliably at massive scale.
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Vidhya Arvind

Staff software Engineer, Netflix
Vidhya Arvind is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix and a Senior IEEE member, specializing in building data abstractions. She is a founding member of Netflix’s data abstraction platform, which supports common patterns including KeyValue, Tree, TimeSeries, Table Metadata, and... Read More →
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Raj Ummadisetty

Senior Software Engineer, Netflix
Rajasekhar Ummadisetty is a leading professional with over a decade of experience in solving distributed systems problems at scale. He currently leads the development of data abstractions at Netflix, focusing on scalable, high-performance solutions. Previously, Rajasekhar made significant... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

4:00pm PST

CloudX Roundtable: Akash Bhaskar, Software Architect, Cisco
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Akash Bhaskar

Akash Bhaskar

Software Architect, Cisco
Akash has over a decade of experience including Site Reliability, DevOps, IT Operations, Middleware Administration, ITIL and Managed File Transfer. Cisco has provided Akash an opportunity apply SRE principles to network operations. Akash has presented at Cisco Live EMEA at Amsterdam... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

4:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Code Automation for APIs
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Terence Bennett, DreamFactory Software, CEO

A discussion of low code APIs - internal/private APIs use cases. Discuss when to adopt design first vs data first API development.
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Terence Bennett

CEO, DreamFactory Software
Terence is the CEO of DreamFactory Software. Previously, he was the Director of Operations at DreamFactory Software. Before joining DreamFactory, led operations at TeamPassword, was a member of Google RedTeam, and served as a U.S. Navy Officer during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

4:30pm PST

Dev Innovation Summit Roundtable: Irina Nazarova, CEO, Evil Martians
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
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Irina Nazarova

CEO, Evil Martians
CEO at devtools consulting Evil Martians, co-founder of real-time framework AnyCable, based in SF. I believe that clients are friends, and we care about each other. Armed with wit, passion, and a sprinkle of mischief, I proudly steer Evil Martians toward extraordinary achievement... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage
Thursday, November 7

9:30am PST

API World Roundtable: John Power, CEO, Ostia Solutions
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for John Power

John Power

CEO, Ostia Solutions
John Power has over 40 years experience in software development and has focused on the the design and deployment of APIs / API Ecosystems for the past 20 years.
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

9:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Thrive with the Power of APIs in the Artificial Intelligence Era
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Alisha Mohanty. OpenText, Manager, Product Marketing

A quick guide to API strategy for businesses to thrive in an era of Artificial Intelligence
Here I elaborate on points to take away for current trends in API strategy and future predictions keeping them relevant the age of AI.
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Alisha Mohanty

Manager, Product Marketing, OpenText
Alisha is a Technology Marketeer with OpenText, an information management technology company in AI and Analytics line of business. Here, she is focused on strategies to foster API adoption and innovation, empowering partners through smarter information management solutions. As a speaker... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:00am PST

API World Roundtable: Supreet Nagi, Assistant Director Systems Software Engineering, Northwestern Mutual
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Supreet Nagi

Supreet Nagi

Assistant Director Systems Software Engineering, Northwestern Mutual
Supreet Nagi, Assistant Director in infrastructure core platforms, leads messaging, events, runtimes, and API management teams. With 18 years of IT experience, witnessed the transformation of developer experience from 1-day manual builds to 5-minute CICD, bringing efficiency and agility... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Embracing API-First in the Internal Developer Platform: A Unified Approach
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Asanka Abeysinghe, WSO2, CTO

In the evolving landscape of enterprise technology, the traditional approach of building separate API platforms is no longer sustainable. Instead, integrating API management and capabilities into a comprehensive Internal Developer Platform (IDP) ensures greater agility, efficiency, and coherence in software development. This session explores the pitfalls of isolated API platforms and presents a compelling case for their integration into IDPs. By emphasizing modularity, discovery, and composability, this unified approach can streamline workflows and enhance developer productivity. Drawing from the principles of the Platformless Manifesto, practical strategies, architectural considerations, and real-world examples will illustrate the benefits of this integrated methodology. 
avatar for Asanka Abeysinghe

Asanka Abeysinghe

Asanka is a technology visionary who connects people and technology through digital transformation programs that create consumer-centric applications. As WSO2's CTO, he is responsible for advancing the company's corporate reference architecture and promoting its thought leadership... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- Main Stage

10:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Practicing Design First API Development with Backstage
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Ram Gopinathan, Red Hat, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, Edge Computing

This session will first cover what design first API development means and compare and contrast with code first approach. We will then go over how backstage can help API developers practice design first API development using software templates and github actions workflow.
API designers after designing openapi spec in swagger editor can use the software template to provide information about the API along with the spec. Once the information is submitted, using backstage scaffolding capabilities required catalog entity files are created and added to git repo and a pull request is created. PR url will be displayed as output. Open pull request action will also trigger a github actions workflow to update the targets in the location file and since our backstage instance is configured to automatically ingest entities from this location as soon as the pull request is merged within a few minutes this new API will become available in the backstage software catalog. At this point development team can use a software template to implement this newly created API.
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Ram Gopinathan

Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, Edge Computing, Red Hat
Developer turned platform engineer primarily focused on edge computing
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Unlocking Live Data Access for AI
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Anushrut Gupta, Hasura, Senior Product Manager, Generative AI

“Over the last 3 months, summarize the top billing issues faced by my enterprise customers within the first 30 days of their onboarding.”

On the surface, building an internal AI customer intelligence application that can answer questions like this is a perfect use-case for Gen AI.
However, building a production ready app that retrieves the data (RAG) before hauling it off to your favorite LLM for summarization soon becomes a terrible engineering experience.

The data is spread across 3 places: a tickets database (eg: elastic), a CRM (eg: salesforce) and your user-accounts transactional database (eg: postgres).
In production, your app can’t access the data from these databases directly. Given security & privacy concerns, your app won’t have direct access to these databases.
Making independent retrieval requests to each of these sources and then joining them in memory might be prohibitively expensive and needs a level of query planning to do efficiently.
Moving all data into one location is expensive to build, maintain and govern
Predictable quality is further made hard because underlying data formats and storage interfaces are continuously changing.
Different types of user queries might require additional filtering and joining of data, which becomes hard to generalize.

APIs solve almost all of these very well known challenges. APIs offer standardization and security. APIs can provide a stable contract to interact with underlying data.

And in all likelihood, you already have APIs on these internal and external data sources.

Ironically, while APIs have become a necessity for other parts of the stack, they are clearly not the first thing that AI engineers building RAG reach for.

In this talk, we’ll discuss:
Why API based retrieval doesn’t work well for RAG
What we need from our existing internal and external APIs to make them RAG ready
How we can get existing APIs to become RAG ready without needing to rebuild the APIs

This talk will be technical, with code demos (possibly with some live coding!) and end with key resources (reference architectures, API best practices, tools/technologies) that attendees can take back to their work.
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Anushrut Gupta

Senior Product Manager, Generative AI, Hasura
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

10:30am PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Ambassador (Live Demo, Live Raffle/Giveaway)
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am PST
We will do a demo and offer a raffle at the end for a giveaway!
Chris Petterson, head of solutions on our team, will be giving a quick live demo of Blackbird, our new API development platform, with a raffle and prize giveaway at the end. Prize TBD.

Booth #507
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Ambassador provides best-in-class Kubernetes-native productivity tools. We specialize in building developer-friendly solutions – Telepresence and Edge Stack. We design tools to empower developers to design, develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications with efficiency and ease.As... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am PST
Expo Hall

10:30am PST

CloudX Roundtable: Ruchir Jha, CEO, Cardinal
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Ruchir Jha

Ruchir Jha

CEO, Cardinal
Ruchir is the co-founder and CEO of Cardinal, which helps improve the ROI (Return On Investment) of an existing Observability Stack. In his previous life, he spent 7 years as a Lead Engineer on Netflix's Observability team, where he built petabyte-scale Observability products that... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Accelerating API Adoption with Ready-Made Code 🧙
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Raileen Del Rosario, Docusign, Programmer Writer

Ensuring frictionless integration for developers is key to ensuring that your APIs are used to their fullest potential. By offering reference implementations and a Quickstart wizard in eight programming languages, we highlight the main use cases for our APIs, enabling developers to use our tools efficiently. This talk will discuss how providing ready-made code enables developers to start using your APIs as quickly as possible. 
avatar for Raileen Del Rosario

Raileen Del Rosario

Programmer Writer, Docusign
Raileen has been a Programmer Writer with Docusign for two years. As a member of the Developer Content team, she is passionate about developer enablement, developing code and writing guides to assist developers in the enablement of Docusign APIs to meet their needs.
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Rerouting: GIS-based Microservices for the Modern Business
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Anthony Molzahn, Devii, CEO

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) are pivotal across industries. Yet, many GIS applications remain anchored in outdated, monolithic structures.

Join us for an insightful session with Anthony Molzahn, CEO of Devii, to discover how cutting-edge microservices are transforming the GIS landscape.

Anthony, a pioneer in remote sensing, GIS, and API technologies, will share how EDA hubs and NSF engines are making spatial data more accessible and commercially viable. Learn how these innovations are driving efficiency and growth in sectors like manufacturing, supply chain, agtech, energy, photonics, and IoT.
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Anthony Molzahn

CEO, Devii
Anthony Molzahn is the CEO and co-founder of Devii, a company specializing in a middleware capable of automating the generation of GraphQL schemas and APIs for any and all SQL-based relational databases.With 16+ years of experience in B2B SaaS and startup environments, Anthony has... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

10:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX):: Managing Data Security in Multi-Cloud Environments
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Kevin Hunt, Cloud Storage Security, CTO

Ransomware attacks, breaches, data exfiltration, and insider disclosures are occurring every day around the world. Legacy thinking on providing data security has been focused on the application and platform or operating system. This leads to a somewhat chaotic data security landscape that is likely to have holes and missed handoffs. Modern enterprise systems use and store data using the most effective platform that delivers the convenience and performance required. This open-ended approach to data handling should be addressed through an equally open and flexible approach to securing data regardless of where it is stored or how and when it is used.
Businesses should take a holistic view of their data security to ensure that unintended gaps and inconsistencies that may open the door for threat propagation are detected and mitigated. Enacting multiple layers of data management practices ensures that both stored and inflight data is clean.
This keynote will draw on the Data Security Maturity Model (DSMM) to illustrate the challenges developers and users face in the open landscape of current application deployments. Placing a strong focus on a layered framework that provides consistent and robust security for data as it is used, this approach incorporates seamless malware scanning and detection that provides a constant watch for irregularities and threats.
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Kevin Hunt

Chief Technology Officer, Cloud Storage Security (CSS)
As chief technology officer for CSS, Kevin leads the company’s product development, engineering, and customer experience groups in delivering unparalleled cloud storage security solutions that address current and future customer storage security needs. Kevin brings CSS a wealth... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
API World -- Main Stage

11:00am PST

Sponsor Spotlight: mogenius (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Discover how mogenius empowers developers with seamless Kubernetes self-service to tackle cloud-native challenges and ensure consistent delivery. In the live demo, you’ll see how to easily create customized workflows for independent management of the application lifecycle, all while ensuring compliance across diverse infrastructures and reducing DevOps reliance.

Our team is ready to answer your questions and explore how mogenius can benefit your team as well.

Booth #406 
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Expo Hall

11:00am PST

API World Roundtable: Asanka Abeysinghe, CTO, WSO2
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Asanka Abeysinghe

Asanka Abeysinghe

Asanka is a technology visionary who connects people and technology through digital transformation programs that create consumer-centric applications. As WSO2's CTO, he is responsible for advancing the company's corporate reference architecture and promoting its thought leadership... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): API Synthetics and Observability to Improve UX and Digital Outcomes
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Gagan Kapahi, Optum, Sr. Principal Engineer and Director of Engineering

With proliferation of multi cloud, hybrid cloud, digital architectures and micro services, security and reliability of APIs has become very critical and important.

Majority of the organizations today spend a lot of time and resources on chasing the problem and the root cause.

With the right blend of synthetics and enhanced observability strategy, organizations can save huge amount of time chasing the problem and instead spend more time rolling out new features and problem solving.

Let's hear more from us on how this overall synthetics and observability strategy leads to improved user experience (UX) and digital outcomes.
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Gagan Kapahi

Sr. Principal Engineer and Director of Engineering, Optum (United Health)
Gagan Kapahi is a hands-on Technology Leader with deep expertise in platform engineering, product, automation and delivery of transformative capabilities and solutions across multiple tiers, data centers and cloud.In his current role, Gagan is serving UnitedHealth Group/Optum as Sr... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): You Can't Do AI Without APIs: A Practical Playbook for the AI Revolution
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Sterling Chin, Postman, Senior Developer Advocate

Sterling presents a comprehensive playbook for navigating the AI API landscape, which has been rapidly evolving since the AI revolution began in late 2022. We'll explore how APIs have become the cornerstone of AI accessibility and implementation across industries.

Attendees will gain actionable insights on how to implement and maximize the potential of AI APIs in their organizations. This playbook approach will equip participants with the knowledge to make informed decisions, overcome common challenges, and stay ahead in the rapidly advancing field of AI.

Whether you're new to AI implementation or looking to optimize your current strategies, this talk will provide valuable, real-world guidance for harnessing the power of AI through APIs.

You'll Learn:
1. How to evaluate AI APIs
2. Open Source or Close Source?
3. How to create a playbook on implementing AI APIs in your products
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Sterling Chin

Senior Developer Advocate, Postman
Sterling Chin is a driving force behind numerous Postman initiatives from inception to launch, including the GA releases of gRPC, GraphQL, Postman Flows, and most recently Postbot, Postman’s AI Assistant. As a long time proponent of AI/ML, he has been instrumental in the adoption... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

11:00am PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Responsible AI and Security in the Generative Era: Science and Practice
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Ishneet Dua, Amazon Web Services, Senior Generative AI Solutions Architect
Parth Girish Patel, Amazon Web Services, Sr AI/ML Architect

The rapid growth of generative AI brings promising innovation and, at the same time, raises new challenges around its security, safe, and responsible development and use. These challenges include some that were common before generative AI, such as bias and explainability, and new ones unique to generative models, including hallucinations, toxicity, and intellectual property protection. During this session, participants will gain an overview of the challenges that generative AI presents, survey the emerging science surrounding these challenges, and engage in a discussion about the hands-on, security, and Responsible AI work currently being conducted on AWS.
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Ishneet Dua

Senior Generative AI Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Ishneet Dua (Isha) is a recognized expert in leveraging AI and machine learning for sustainability solutions. She has established herself as a go-to authority on combating climate change, pollution, and other environmental challenges through cutting-edge technologies.Dua has authored... Read More →
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Parth Girish Patel

Sr AI/ML Architect, AWS
Parth Girish Patel is a seasoned architect with a wealth of experience spanning over 17 years, encompassing management consulting and cloud computing. Currently, at Amazon Web Services (AWS), he specializes in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, generative AI, sustainability... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
CloudX -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Okta (Live Demo)
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am PST
In this demo, we’ll showcase how to secure APIs using Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA). As modern applications require more sophisticated access control, traditional methods like role-based access control (RBAC) can fall short. Auth0 FGA provides a more flexible and scalable solution by enabling developers to define and enforce granular permissions and policies.

We’ll walk through the process of setting up Auth0 FGA to protect your APIs, demonstrate key concepts, and show how to implement dynamic, relationship-based access controls. By the end of this demo, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to secure your APIs using Auth0 FGA while delivering a seamless user experience

Booth #606
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Auth0 by Okta takes a modern approach to Identity and enables organizations to provide secure access to any application, for any user. Auth0 is a highly customizable product that is as simple as development teams want, and as flexible as they need. Safeguarding billions of login transactions... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am PST
Expo Hall

11:30am PST

API World Roundtable: Jeremy Snyder, CEO and Founder, FireTail
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Jeremy Snyder

Jeremy Snyder

Founder and CEO, FireTail.io
Jeremy is the founder and CEO of FireTail.io, an end-to-end API security startup. Prior to FireTail, Jeremy worked in M&A at Rapid7, a global cyber leader, where he worked on the acquisitions of 3 companies during the pandemic. Jeremy previously led sales at DivvyCloud, one of the... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

11:30am PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Crafting the Future: Web3 Innovation Powered by APIs
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Aman Johar, DATACURVE, Founder and CEO

The emergence of Web3 technologies, built upon decentralized networks such as blockchain, is revolutionizing the digital landscape. At the heart of this revolution, APIs will play a pivotal role in enabling interoperability, connectivity, and functionality within the Web3 ecosystem. This session will delve into the intricacies of leveraging APIs to unlock the full potential of Web3 platforms, exploring their impact on industries ranging from sports, entertainment, retail, finance, gaming and beyond.
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Aman Johar

Founder and CEO, DATACURVE
A seasoned Silicon Valley executive, Aman, is currently the co-founder of DATACURVE , and is focused on sculpting the veryfoundations of the next era of human-machine interaction and immersive experiences. With an ability to identify andcapitalize on nascent technologies, he has directly... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

1:00pm PST

CloudX Roundtable: Simon Wijckmans, CEO, c/side
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Simon Wijckmans

Simon Wijckmans

CEO, c/side
Simon Wijckmans is the CEO and co-founder of c/side. His career has focused on web security, product management, cloud solutions, and developer experience. His technical experience includes work at Cloudflare, Vercel, and Microsoft.
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Modernizing Monoliths
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Parth Shah, Cruise, Staff Software Engineer
Bianca Tamayo, Cruise, Staff Software Engineer

In today's micro services world, it is far too common for an API service to explode at an unbounded rate. The journey starts off as a shiny new micro service, which was designed to contain APIs for 1 business entity, becoming so heavily utilized that over time, it evolves and turns into a massive monolith, which contains hundreds of APIs for dozens of business entities. In the early days, new features could be introduced and rolled out within a few hours. Now, a small database schema change takes a few days or weeks to roll out. In this madness, how do you effectively and efficiently decompose and modernize your monolith? This session goes over a real world case study of how a group of 5 engineers decomposed a 160+ API monolith into smaller and focused micro services with 0 outages, 0 downtime, increase in overall service availability from 99.9% to 99.999%, decrease in latencies from 15% to 95% and ability to handle 90x more traffic with a reduced resource footprint (68% reduction in compute and 55% reduction in memory).
avatar for Parth Shah

Parth Shah

Staff Software Engineer, Cruise
Parth is a highly accomplished Staff Software Engineer who is currently working on Developer Productivity at Cruise LLC. With a distinguished career spanning across industry giants such as Oracle and Microsoft, he has consistently designed, developed, and delivered cutting-edge cloud... Read More →
avatar for Bianca Tamayo

Bianca Tamayo

Staff Software Engineer, Cruise
Bianca Tamayo is a Staff Software Engineer at Cruise, based in San Francisco. She has a broad range of experience, including full-stack application development, backend services, release and deployment, and building platforms. Bianca's passion lies in developing systems that simplify... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

1:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): A World of AI Is a World of APIs; Securing the Most Modern of Modern Apps
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Chuck Herrin, F5, Field CSO
Corey Ball, Moss Adams, Senior Manager - Penetration Testing

F5 secures and optimizes traffic for some of the largest AI projects in the world, and organizations are planning to spend an average of 18% of 2025 IT budgets on AI implementation.
What many are missing is that outside of a few edge cases, nearly all training, usage, attacks, and data loss against AI models come through APIs, and APIs themselves expose critical information about models such as data labels and confidence scores, facilitating model theft, transfer attacks, and other issues unique to securing LLMs.
In this session, we’ll talk about the ties between AI security, APIs, and how to structure a Defense in Depth architecture to secure your AI factory and models from the beginning, rather than after the fact.
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Corey Ball

Senior Manager - Penetration Testing, Moss Adams
Corey has provided cybersecurity consulting services since 2011, and has primarily focused his expertise on the energy, financial, legal, and health care industries. He has extensive technical experience in multiple security areas, including penetration testing, web application security... Read More →
avatar for Chuck Herrin

Chuck Herrin

Field CSO, F5
Chuck’s purview includes customer advocacy and active engagement across Product, Marketing, Sales, and Channel operations to bring thought leadership and alignment of solutions with the real-world problems our enterprise customers face every day.  Prior to F5, Chuck was the CTO... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

1:30pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: mogenius (Live Demo)
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:45pm PST
Tired of juggling Kubernetes with manual scripts and tools?

Many teams still rely on manual processes, scripts, or fragmented tools to manage Kubernetes complexity, draining resources and slowing down productivity.

In our live demo, see how mogenius can help your team solve cloud-native challenges with Kubernetes self-service. Create customized workflows to manage the application lifecycle independently, ensure compliance across environments, and reduce the workload on your DevOps team.

Our team is happy to answer your questions.

Booth #406 
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:45pm PST
Expo Hall

1:30pm PST

API World Roundtable: Adrian Machado, Product Engineer, Zuplo
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Adrian Machado

Adrian Machado

Product Engineer, Zuplo
Adrian is a Product Engineer at Zuplo. Formerly a tech lead in the Facebook videos org, Adrian is now focused on making API development accessible to all.
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Building an API Ecosystem to Enable Generative AI
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Ed Olson-Morgan, Marsh McLennan, Core API & Innovation Lead

Driving value from generative AI isn't just about large language models. Integrating them with the right data, services and supporting capabilities through APIs is just as important.

Learn how Marsh McLennan's Generative AI Services project built an API-based environment to nourish AI experimentation and underpin AI impact through production applications serving their 90,000 employees as well as a world-wide client base.
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Ed Olson-Morgan

Core API & Innovation Lead, Marsh McLennan
Ed Olson-Morgan is an experienced technology leader with a diverse background across technical fields as well as business, consulting and strategy. He is currently the Core APIs and Innovation Lead at Marsh McLennan, where he is building a team of software engineers and technologists... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
API World -- Main Stage

1:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): FinOps 2.0: Integrating GreenOps for a Sustainable Cloud Financial Future
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Ashish Bhalgat, Thoughtworks, Cloud Practice Lead / Cloud Strategist

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial operations, a new paradigm is emerging—one that not only optimizes costs and maximizes efficiency but also champions environmental sustainability. Join us for an enlightening session as we delve into the world of 'FinOps 2.0: Integrating GreenOps for a Cloud Sustainable Financial Future.'

In this session, we will explore the crucial intersection of financial intelligence and environmental stewardship, where the principles of FinOps seamlessly integrate with the innovative practices of GreenOps. Discover how organizations can go beyond profit margins to embrace a holistic approach that aligns financial strategies with eco-friendly initiatives, paving the way for a resilient and sustainable future.

Learn actionable insights on sustainable cloud usage, carbon footprint tracking, and the balance between cost and sustainability. This session is a must-attend for those looking to drive both financial and environmental performance in their organizations
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Ashish Bhalgat

Cloud Practice Lead / Cloud Strategist, Thoughtworks
Cloud Solution Architect / Enterprise Architect – Expertise in Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, IoT Platform, Big Data, Data Engineering, Machine learning application with Computer science professional 18+ years of experience in the Software industry.Currently working as global... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Splunk (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session), Live Raffle/Giveaway, Live Game/Competition)
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:15pm PST
Join Splunk at booth 309 to keep the conversation going and ask questions after Greg Leffler’s talk on the importance of observability in cloud native applications. Greg will be available to answer questions and the Splunk team will be around to show demos of Splunk Observability Cloud. You can also enter to win some cool Splunk branded swag!

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 Splunk helps make organizations more digitally resilient. Leading organizations use our unified observability and security platform to keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Organizations trust Splunk to prevent infrastructure, application and security incidents from becoming... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:15pm PST
Expo Hall

2:00pm PST

Dev Innovation Summit Roundtable: Alain Chautard, Expert Web Consultant, Angular Training
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Roundtables give attendees the opportunity to meet in small groups with API World, CloudX + Dev Innovation Summit speakers and industry leaders to discuss real-world topics relevant to you. These open roundtables are working sessions for in-depth industry conversations.
avatar for Alain Chautard

Alain Chautard

Expert Web Consultant, Angular Training
Alain is a Google Developer Expert in Angular and Maps platform. He started working with Angular JS in 2011.Since then, he has worked with all Angular versions daily, both as a developer and as a technical trainer. He runs the Angular certification program for Angular Training.He... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

2:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): How AI Is Redefining API Integrations and How Developers Will Benefit from It
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Dominik Rampelt, APICHAP, CEO & Co-Founder

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming every facet of our lives, including the way we approach API integrations. In this talk, we will explore the profound impact AI will have on developers and the necessary steps to harness its full potential. The future of API development will focus heavily on an API-Contract First approach, where developers become architects defining APIs and data flows. The implementation will then be assisted by various AI tools.

Join us to discover how tools like APICHAP enable developers to implement APIs for your services and integrate with any datasource in just a few seconds. Learn how to leverage the power of AI in your daily development work. In the future, the best API developers won't just write code—they'll design the blueprint for AI to follow.
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Dominik Rampelt

CEO & Co-Founder, APICHAP
Dominik is an API Advocate with over a decade of experience in building hundreds of APIs, backends, and system integrations. Throughout his career, Dominik has witnessed the evolution of APIs, from the rise of REST APIs and API-Contract development to the advent of AI-assisted API... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

2:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Transforming Lending with Open Banking: A Case Study in Building a Cash Flow Underwriting System
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Amol Gote, Innova Solutions, Solutions Architect

In the evolving landscape of financial services, implementing a cash flow underwriting system aims to expand credit access and enhance risk assessment. This session will cover an approach that leverages open banking, machine learning, and dynamic underwriting rules to provide creditworthiness evaluation beyond traditional credit scoring methods. It will cover the case study of iCreditWorks - a Fintech organization where this pattern was implemented.

The system consists of four critical components:

(1) A financial data aggregator to securely link customers' bank accounts, utilizing open banking APIs and traditional integration techniques.

(2) Collaboration with a specialized partner that employs machine learning models to analyze transaction data, generating a comprehensive cash flow score and identifying verifiable income.

(3) Developing and implementing underwriting rules that integrate the cash flow score and income data to make informed lending decisions.

(4) The seamless integration of these components into a mobile application and backend infrastructure, ensuring a user-friendly experience and efficient loan application processing.

This session discusses the cash flow underwriting system's design, implementation, and strategic significance. It highlights its potential to extend credit access by surpassing traditional credit scores and opening new avenues for financial inclusion and risk assessment. It also introduces a technical implementation approach for cash flow underwriting by integrating multiple services and using open banking for bank account linking for transaction data.
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Amol Gote

Solutions Architect, Innova Solutions
Amol Gote is a seasoned technology professional adept at building scalable, resilient microservices in Java and .NET. He excels at deploying and managing microservices in AWS and Azure environments and boasts technical proficiency across multiple applications and tools. His expertise... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Shifting the Perspective on Security: Putting Security Back in the Design Process
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Celina Stewart, Neuvik Solutions, Cyber Risk Lead

Although many organizations incorporate security into the Software Development Life Cycle, it is often treated as a compliance requirement rather than a purpose-built feature. Not treating security as a feature during the design process can lead to rework, extra complexity, or investment in functionality that does not actually address risk effectively. Further, poor integration of security can have a negative impact on otherwise well-designed applications and cause friction in user experience.

This talk encourages attendees to go beyond traditional threat modeling and defense-in-depth techniques to incorporate security as a purpose-built feature in applications. Attendees will receive tactical guidance on how to incorporate security proactively in the design process. Techniques discussed will include: how to use the organization’s risk outlook to prioritize security features; how to avoid unnecessary development costs by proactively anticipating friction in user experience; how to evaluate tradeoffs and invest in the security features needed to prevent the greatest risks.
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Celina Stewart

Cyber Risk Lead, Neuvik
Celina Stewart is an expert in cyber risk management at Neuvik, a cybersecurity services company. In her current role, she leads Neuvik’s Integrated Risk Management service line, translating technical findings from Red Team Assessments to cogent, tactical strategies to buy-down... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
CloudX -- Main Stage

2:15pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: F5 (Live Book Signing)
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:15pm - 2:30pm PST
 Book signing with Corey Ball.

Booth #201
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Digital experiences power nearly every facet of our lives. Whether you’re shopping, banking, working, seeing a doctor, or connecting with loved ones, you probably relied on an app during the process. We want these experiences to be simple, reliable, and safe—and the reputation... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Expo Hall

2:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): Get Started Building Agents with SambaNova
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Vasanth Mohan, SambaNova, Director, Technical Product Marketing and Developer Relations

Agentic AI is the next frontier. Whilst current chat-bot + RAG use cases were the first wave, they are ultimately limited in how much they can transform work and deliver on the productivity growth that we have all been promised. Agentic AIs can autonomously pursue complex goals and workflows with limited direct human supervision, making it possible to automate large amounts of knowledge work.

However, whilst the systems of today, namely GPU-based systems, were well suited to chatbots and knowledge retrieval use cases, they are not equipped to handle this new wave of Agentic AI. From ultra-fast token generation, running lots of models of each node and instant model switching, we walk through why this matters, and how fast inference speeds through SambaNova unlock this capability.
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Vasanth Mohan

Director, Technical Product Marketing and Developer Relations, SambaNova
Vasanth Mohan is a seasoned technology leader, serving as Director of Technical Product Marketing and Developer Relations at SambaNova. With a proven track record of empowering thousands of developers and startups across emerging technologies, including VR/AR, Edge Computing, and... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:30pm PST

OPEN SESSION (API): How to Build a Killer API Program Developers Love
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Derric Gilling, Moesif, CEO

A discussion on what are healthy metrics foryour developer program and ways to improve like Time to First Hello World (TTFHW) and integration rate. What does it mean to build a good Developer Experience and some tips on where you can improve. 
avatar for Derric Gilling

Derric Gilling

CEO, Moesif
Derric Gilling is the CEO of Moesif, the leading API analytics and monetization platform. He enjoys working with both startups and large enterprises on launching and scaling an API-first strategy. Gilling is a frequent speaker at developer conferences, including API World, Developer... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

3:00pm PST

Sponsor Spotlight: Broadcom (Live Raffle/Giveaway)
Thursday November 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm PST
Pamela Deason, Marketing Manager for Broadcom with draw a name to receive a Soarington Drone!

Booth #500
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Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) is a global technology leader that designs, develops and supplies a broad range of semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions. Broadcom’s category-leading product portfolio serves critical markets including data center, networking, enterprise... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm PST
Expo Hall
Tuesday, November 12

9:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN WORKSHOP (API): API CTF: Learn the FUNdamentals of API Security
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PST
David Warburton, F5, Director, F5 Labs
Malcolm Heath, F5, Senior Threat Researcher

Join us for an exciting and educational Capture the Flag (CTF) event focused on API security, designed specifically for beginners! No prior experience with API security is required, making this an inclusive and welcoming environment for anyone eager to learn how APIs are commonly attacked — by doing the attacking themselves!
Participants will engage with a series of hands-on challenges aimed at teaching fundamental concepts of API security. You'll explore vulnerabilities often found in APIs and learn how attackers exploit these weak spots to compromise systems. Each challenge is designed to introduce you to core techniques used in the field of cybersecurity, guiding you step by step toward understanding how APIs work and where their security gaps lie.
This event is all about learning by doing, but don’t worry — you won’t be left to figure things out entirely on your own. While the focus is on self-discovery and problem-solving, the session will end with a detailed walk-through of all the challenges. So, even if you're unsure of how to solve a particular problem, you'll leave with valuable new skills and a deeper understanding of API security.
What to Expect:
  • A series of beginner-friendly CTF challenges that focus on API vulnerabilities.
  • No pressure, inclusive atmosphere where the goal is to learn, not compete.
  • Guidance on how to approach and solve common API security challenges.
  • A final walk-through session where the team demonstrates solutions for each challenge, so you'll understand the techniques used, even if you struggled to solve them on your own.
What to Bring:
  • Your own laptop. Most challenges can be solved using a standard web browser like Firefox or Chrome, but you’ll have an edge if you're able to run Python scripts or use tools like Postman, which can make testing APIs easier and more efficient.
While this event is geared toward beginners, having a basic understanding of HTTP requests and headers will be helpful but not essential. Don’t worry if you don’t have that background, as the walkthrough and explanations provided during the event will help bring you up to speed.
Whether you’re completely new to the world of API security or just looking to reinforce your understanding, this CTF game will be an engaging and fun way to dive into the subject. By the end of the session, you’ll leave with practical knowledge and the confidence to further explore API security on your own!
avatar for Malcolm Heath

Malcolm Heath

Senior Threat Researcher, F5
Malcolm Heath is a Senior Threat Researcher with F5 Labs.  His career has included incident response, program management, penetration testing, code auditing, vulnerability research, and exploit development at companies both very large and very small. Prior to joining F5 Labs, he... Read More →
avatar for David Warburton

David Warburton

Director, F5 Labs, F5
Warburton is the director of threat research team, F5 Labs, has given talks around world, and appeared on TV, and industry podcasts. He is the author of several F5 Labs reports, and recently co-authored the SSL/TLS/HTTPS scanning devops tool ‘Cryptonice’ which helps organisations... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B
Wednesday, November 13

10:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Securing APIs Requires Cyber Survival Tactics
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Steve Winterfeld, Akamai Technologies, Advisory CISO
Swetha Sridharan, IBM API Connect, Senior Product Manager

APIs are the backbone of modern applications, enabling seamless communication and user experiences, but their widespread use makes them prime targets for cybercriminals. Business and IT leadership is quickly recognizing that cyber risk is business risk, and securing API driven transformation is critical to protecting revenue and brand. 
Fueled by the latest research from Akamai’s State of the Internet (SOTI) report as well as IBM’s 2024 Cost of a Data Breach report, you will learn about the latest threat trends including the most-targeted industries and attack surfaces so you can stay secure in an evolving threat landscape. Join us to understand how to leverage these tactics to strengthen your API security practices and posture. 
  • Understanding of threat trends 
  • Case studies by industry
  • Best practices, resources, and tools to mitigate the threat 
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Swetha Sridharan

Senior Product Manager, IBM API Connect
Swetha Sridharan is passionate about solving problems through technology and empathetic design thinking in API management and integration. She is currently a Senior Product Manager at IBM API Connect.
avatar for Steve Winterfeld

Steve Winterfeld

Advisory CISO, Akamai Technologies
Steve Winterfeld is Akamai’s Advisory CISO. He has a strong background in building operational security programs that are compliant with industry regulations. Before joining the team, he served as CISO for Nordstrom Bank, Managing Director of Incident Response and Threat Intelligence... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX):Achieving True Developer Self-Service in Kubernetes
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Jan Lepsky, mogenius GmbH, Co-founder and CPO

Today, software teams frequently face significant challenges with Kubernetes operations. Developers often grapple with limited visibility, constrained independence, and restricted access to resources within Kubernetes environments. Concurrently, DevOps teams are tasked with daily support duties such as provisioning environments, monitoring usage, and managing governance across multiple clusters, which prevents them from focusing on core DevOps initiatives. These issues contribute to a poor developer experience, reduced productivity, and increased frustration within teams. This talk will delve into strategies for enabling developer self-service in Kubernetes, emphasizing how to maintain both flexibility and control over infrastructure to enhance overall efficiency and satisfaction.
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Jan Lepsky

Co-founder and CPO, mogenius GmbH
As the Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer at mogenius, Jan Lepsky is specialized in Platform Engineering, focusing on enhancing DevOps efficiency and empowering developers to work independently with Kubernetes. mogenius provides practical tools that enable developers to define and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): APIs & Today's Digital Revolution
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
James De Luca, Rapid, Director, Sales Engineering

This talk will explore the critical role of APIs in driving business growth and innovation. It will delve into the evolution of APIs from cost-cutting tools to revenue-generating assets. The presentation will emphasize the importance of a software-centric strategy and how APIs can be leveraged to create new products, services, and partnerships. Attendees will gain insights into best practices for developing and implementing API-driven business models.
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James De Luca

Director, Sales Engineering, Rapid
James De Luca is a Director of Enterprise Sales Engineering and an esteemed subject matter expert in APIs with over 20 years of experience. He has provided cutting-edge API solutions to numerous Fortune 500 companies, empowering them to thrive in the digital landscape. As a thought... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Runtime API Governance: The Secret to Scaling Secure and Reliable APIs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Sudeep Goswani, Traefik Labs, CEO

As APIs become the lifeblood of modern software development, ensuring their security, reliability, and scalability is more crucial than ever. Runtime API governance is the unsung hero that enables this success, providing the necessary guardrails and constraints to produce the desired outcome. In this talk, we'll explore the critical components of runtime API governance, including security posture, conformance checks, and ongoing change management. We'll delve into the importance of these components and how they work together to create a checks and balances system that ensures APIs can handle the pace of business and don't fall prey to runtime issues. Join us to learn how to build a robust API governance strategy that will help you sleep better at night, knowing your APIs are secure, reliable, and scalable.
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Sudeep Goswami

CEO, Traefik Labs
With a 25-year career spanning multiple disciplines, including software programming, network desgin and engineering, technology consulting, product management, product marketing, corporate marketing, business development, and sales, Sudeep joined Traefik Labs as the Chief Revenue... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Top API challenges for Platform Engineering teams
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Francesco Burns, Gravitee.ioVP Product

In this session we will explore Platform Engineering practise and some common challenges faced by Platform Engineering teams. In particular, this session examines some common challenges around APIs and API lifecycle that these teams deal with, and examples of how organizations overcome them.
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Francesco Burns

VP Product, Gravitee.io
Francesco, VP of Product at Gravitee.io has more than 12 years experience in building successful products and leading high-performing teams in B2B SaaS and B2C markets. He spent the best part of his career building software for developers, and now leads the product team and strategy... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

10:45am PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: Ambassador (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am PST
Live virtual demo and Q&A with Chris Petterson, VP of Solutions.

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Ambassador provides best-in-class Kubernetes-native productivity tools. We specialize in building developer-friendly solutions – Telepresence and Edge Stack. We design tools to empower developers to design, develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications with efficiency and ease.As... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am PST
Virtual Expo Hall

11:00am PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: mogenius (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Discover how mogenius empowers developers with seamless Kubernetes self-service to tackle cloud-native challenges and ensure consistent delivery. In the live demo, you’ll see how to easily create customized workflows for independent management of the application lifecycle, all while ensuring compliance across diverse infrastructures and reducing DevOps reliance.

Our team is ready to answer your questions and explore how mogenius can benefit your team as well.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Virtual Expo Hall

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API) : APIs for Data: How to Build Data-Intensive Cloud Applications with Snowflake and Large Language Models
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Daniel Myers, Snowflake, Director of Developer Relations

APIs for data - do you start with the data model or the API model? Learn best practices and how to build data-intensive applications on Snowflake and large language models (LLMs). In this session, you’ll learn different API architectural patterns, including Connected Apps and Snowflake Native Apps. Daniel will demonstrate how to develop, deploy, and run applications directly on Snowflake.
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Daniel Myers

Director of Developer Relations, Snowflake
With cross-functional experience in software engineering, product management, and business development, Daniel is the Director of Developer Relations at Snowflake. Daniel leads global, cross-functional teams in software development and customer adoption, with a focus on bottom-up... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Conquer the API Rainbow Road Level with These Dev “Cheat Codes”
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Matt Voget, Ambassador, Director of Technology

In the game of API development, the world is getting more and more complex. How do you power up your dev team to complete each level faster and better? In this session, we’ll share the top five “cheat codes” that will put you in the winner’s circle. From design through testing, we’ll share how to give developers ultimate control over the development process, automate spec gen, and remove unnecessary infrastructure obstacles from impeding the advancement of your API strategy.
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Matt Voget

Director of Technology, Ambassador
I bring 10+ years experience working as a multi-disciplinary engineer on software projects ranging from enterprise SaaS web-apps to embedded software on satellite payloads. I leverage my experience as a Manager, Software Engineer, Systems Engineer, and QA Engineer within large and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Pax8 Coming Soon!
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Rob Harding, Pax8, Director of AWS Technical Strategy
Logan McRae, Pax8, Sr. Manager of Cloud Generation)
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Rob Harding

Director of AWS Technical Strategy, Pax8
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Logan McRae

Sr. Manager of Cloud Generation, Pax8
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Turn Fragmentation into Federation: A Guide to Effective API Management
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am PST
Beerinder Rodey, Boomi, Director, API Product Management

The rapid proliferation and fragmentation of APIs create complexities and inefficiencies that hinder operational effectiveness for many organizations. If you’re an API developer, product owner, or architect facing these challenges, join this session.

We will discuss the current state of API management and outline strategies to move from fragmented APIs to a unified federated approach. Key topics will include dynamic API discovery, the issues caused by API sprawl, and how effective API management can enhance workflows, support API productization, and enable scalability in the context of AI integration.

Gain insights into improving API visibility, security, and governance while leveraging your existing API management investments like AWS, Azure, Apigee, and Kong. Witness federated API management in action and explore its potential to streamline your API ecosystem.

Join us to discover how to:
- Centralize API discovery and provisioning
- Strengthen API governance for better control
- Simplify API management practices
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Beerinder Rodey

Director, API Product Management, Boomi
As a product management leader with over 10 years of experience in the API Management space, Beerinder has a proven track record of managing globally distributed SaaS and Hybrid platform solutions at scale. Beerinder is passionate about customer engagement and finding innovative solutions... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Scaling: From 0 to 20 Million Users
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Josip Stuhli,  Sofascore, CTO

A story of how our infrastructure evolved over time to accommodate an increasing number of users - from on-premise to cloud and back down.

How does one make an infrastructure to handle more than a couple of users?

How do you go from 100 to 1000 to 100,000 to tens of millions?

What happens when due to popular demand hundreds of thousands of users hit your servers at the same time?

I'll tell you a story of how a small team of people managed to move software and services from one server to two, and then to dozens on cloud and then back to on-premise. What we encountered on the way, where we failed, and how we solved it.
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Josip Stuhli

CTO, SofaScore
Josip has been involved with computers for the better part of his life. Started with web development back in high school. Since then he's moved to backend and DevOps. Loves security stuff and is obsessed with optimising everything. Works in Zagreb as CTO @ Sofascore
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Leveraging Modern Authorization Models to Scale Your Applications
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Aaron Wolbach, Auth0 by Okta, Sr Solutions Engineer  

Learn how modern authorization models enable developers to easily implement authorization for the most complex use cases. Modern authorization models enable developers to design authorization models in a way that's centralized, flexible, scalable, and easy to use.

In this talk, we’ll cover:
Where we’re at with authorization as an industry today.
The scalability, performance, and complexity challenges of implementing authorization.
An introduction to modern authorization models and key principles to address the fine-grained authorization challenges
Details about OpenFGA, the open source version of FGA and Okta’s commercial offering

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Aaron Wolbach

Sr Solutions Engineer, Auth0 by Okta
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): OAuth 2…Is It Really The Standard? Exploring Real-World Implementations and OAuth 2.1
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Shon Urbas, Pandium, CTO

OAuth 2 is a protocol celebrated for its intended standardization, yet it’s plagued by inconsistent implementations across various systems. In this session, Shon Urbas will discuss the evolution of OAuth 2.0.
Drawing on unique insights from his leadership at Pandium—a platform that streamlines authentication and integration for SaaS companies—Shon will share critical patterns, anomalies, and best practices extracted from 7-years of data collected through Pandium’s extensive work with hundreds of systems.

This presentation will also highlight actual usage demographics of OAuth 2.0, sourced from Pandium’s work simplifying authentication for their customers across different APIs, shedding light on common pitfalls and effective strategies. Looking ahead, Shon will discuss the anticipated OAuth 2.1, examining its potential to rectify past mistakes and advance beyond current implementations.
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Shon Urbas

CTO, Pandium
Shon Urbas, CTO and Co-Founder of Pandium, brings decades of experience building integrations and leading large-scale integration projects across SaaS platforms. As the architect behind Pandium, Shon has helped hundreds of companies streamline their OAuth and authentication processes... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (API): API Robot - Swagger Contract to Deployment – in Minutes
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Basu Sugeerappa, Fidelity Investments, Director, API Center of Excellence
Belton Monroe, Fidelity Investments, Director, Workplace Investing API Architecture Strategy

As our firm started modernization of API (Rest, Cloud, Gateway) it was evident that program needed to be accelerated rather than taking one API at a time. Team enthusiastic tech geeks defined standard technology, tools, process, development, and deployment procedure. Best thing is it is all automated and friendly UI where even non-technologist can develop API without knowing java or CICD. Our organization is contract first approach. Created various financial business need based swagger templates to jump start contract creation process, it goes through rigor governance committee review to avoid redundancy and to ensure new contract meets defined standards. After governance approval we use proprietary framework generates java code for Authentication, Authorization, Monitoring, logging, IO, Database, Caching etc.. It creates required configuration files and all deployable. Using generated java code, API goes through successful build procedure, and it auto deploys API runnable to cloud environment and the swagger proxy to envoy-based gateway. All these activities are completed less than 30 min from API contract to deployment which helps various development teams and business in focusing on business logic than infrastructure. Through this process we're able to decrease the time to market, bring consistent development practices and of course save money and bring operational efficiencies across the heterogeneous technologies and teams. Behind the scenes we use regular SDLC Swaggerhub, Github, Java Springboot, Jenkins, uDeploy, Venafi, GSLB, Azure and Envoy. Advantage is person who is developing API don't need to know how to do but they just focus on what business wants. 
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Belton Monroe

Director, Workplace Investing API Architecture Strategy, Fidelity Investments
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Basu Sugeerappa

Director, Software Engineering Development, Fidelity Investments
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): AI in Observability
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Harsh Joshi, Visa, Engineering

This session will delve into the transformative potential of generative AI in shifting observability from a reactive to a proactive approach.

This session is crafted for IT professionals, cloud administrators, and developers seeking to advance their infrastructure management practices. The audience will be equipped with actionable insights on implementing a predictive, AI-driven observability framework that enhances both efficiency and system resilience.
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Harsh Joshi

Engineering, Visa
Harsh works as a senior software engineer with a global fintech company, Visa. With a solid foundation in software engineering, he has a keen interest in technology-agnostic, pragmatic and applied engineering, and taking it to broader audiences. His experiences with open source include... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Real-Time Data Streaming and AI Enhancements: E-Commerce Live Streaming Shopping
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Arjun Mantri, TikTok, Software Engineer, Data

It explores the transformative potential of real-time data streaming and artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of e-commerce live streaming shopping. By leveraging advance technologies such as Storm, Trident, Samza, and Spark Streaming, businesses can process and analyze data in real-time, enhancing consumer engagement and driving sales in real time. This paper reviews the literature on live streaming selling, product promotion, and multichannel sales, and discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with these technologies. The findings provide valuable insights for businesses and researchers aiming to harness the power of real-time data streaming in the dynamic landscape of social commerce using real time streaming 
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Arjun Mantri

Engineering, TikTok
My testament to his dedication and expertise, particularly in AI and ML:Published Papers and Written Book Chapter on the same as well: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arjun-Mantri-2Career Progression: I have has held pivotal roles at leading technology companies such as TikTok, Roku Inc., and Expedia Group, showcasing his ability to excel in various high-impact positions.Educational Background: I hold a Master of Science in Software Engineering from San Jose State University and a Bachelor... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Main Stage

12:30pm PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: Okta (Live Demo)
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:30pm - 12:45pm PST
In this demo, we’ll showcase how to secure APIs using Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA). As modern applications require more sophisticated access control, traditional methods like role-based access control (RBAC) can fall short. Auth0 FGA provides a more flexible and scalable solution by enabling developers to define and enforce granular permissions and policies.

We’ll walk through the process of setting up Auth0 FGA to protect your APIs, demonstrate key concepts, and show how to implement dynamic, relationship-based access controls. By the end of this demo, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to secure your APIs using Auth0 FGA while delivering a seamless user experience

Booth #606
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Auth0 by Okta takes a modern approach to Identity and enables organizations to provide secure access to any application, for any user. Auth0 is a highly customizable product that is as simple as development teams want, and as flexible as they need. Safeguarding billions of login transactions... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:30pm - 12:45pm PST
Virtual Expo Hall

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Scalable Data Science: GraphQL with a SQL Expression Parser
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Anthony Molzahn, Devii, CEO

GraphQL is powerful. SQL is powerful. Combining them safely enables data scientists, researchers, R&D engineers, and due diligence teams to validate and analyze information immediately. With NSF Engines and EDA Tech Hubs popping up everywhere, there are billions being poured into figuring out how to commercialize IP and scale revenue streams asap.
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Anthony Molzahn

CEO, Devii
Anthony Molzahn is the CEO and co-founder of Devii, a company specializing in a middleware capable of automating the generation of GraphQL schemas and APIs for any and all SQL-based relational databases.With 16+ years of experience in B2B SaaS and startup environments, Anthony has... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): You Don’t Need to Be Apple: Innovate Small. Modernize Big.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Collin Pike, Point of Rental Software, Chief Architect and Head of Cloud Engineering

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud technology, it's easy to get caught up in the race for the latest and greatest innovations. However, true success lies not in mirroring the giants but in strategically enhancing your products to meet your customers' needs effectively. This session, "You Don't Need to be Apple: Innovate Small. Modernize Big.," delves into the importance of prioritizing improvements in ease of deployment, scalability, and usability over the pursuit of cutting-edge technology in every aspect of your platform.

This session will explore the pitfalls of blindly chasing the latest trends and the benefits of focusing on merging those trends into incremental innovation. Attendees will gain valuable insights into:

- Understanding Customer Needs as an Engineer:
Discover why understanding your customers' pain points and addressing them through incremental improvements is key to long-term success.

- Prioritizing Usability and Scalability:
Learn how prioritizing ease of deployment and scalability can lead to greater customer satisfaction and retention, even without the flashiest features.

- Balancing Innovation with Practicality:
Explore strategies for striking the right balance between innovation and practicality, ensuring that your cloud products remain relevant and competitive without overextending your resources.

- Case Studies and Best Practices:
Dive into real-world case studies and best practices from companies that have successfully modernized their cloud products by focusing on incremental innovation and customer-centric improvements.

Whether you're a startup looking to establish a foothold in the market or a seasoned player aiming to stay ahead of the curve, "You Don't Need to be Apple: Innovate Small. Modernize Big." will equip you with the insights and strategies needed to thrive in today's rapidly evolving cloud ecosystem. Discover how prioritizing the right kind of innovation can propel your cloud products to new heights of success.
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Collin Pike

Chief Architect and Head of Cloud Engineering, Point of Rental Software
With expertise in IT infrastructure, cloud solutions, and cybersecurity, Collin specializes in designing secure, scalable cloud architectures and leading high-impact teams towards achieving compliance with top industry standards. He actively contributes to technology and security... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Layer7 - Comprehensive API Security Infrastructure
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Greg Thompson, Broadcom, Product Manager
Aran White, Broadcom, Head of Product Management
Jonathan Schendt, Vista Ascent Solutions, Founder

Deep dive into the infrastructure that controls access to APIs based on four pillars of security; real time security and integration, API Ops at Scale, API Management, and API intelligence. We will explore how these pillars combine to provide an effective and comprehensive solution for large-scale API security.
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Jonathan Schendt

Founder, Vista Ascent Solutions
Jon Schendt has been working in the US Federal space for the past 17 years, focusing on API Management, Key Performance Indicators, data transformation and normalization, and full stack development.  In his career, Jon has been an advocate and champion for deriving business and operational... Read More →
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Greg Thompson

Product Manager, Broadcom
Greg Thompson is a member of the Layer7 API Security product management team. He has been part of the Layer7 API Security team for the past 10+ years where he has specialized in working with customers, helping them to realize their integration and API management business challenges... Read More →
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Aran White

Head of Product Management, Broadcom
Aran is the head of  the Layer7 API product management team. He has worked with Layer7 for over 15 years and has been in API security and API management for over 20 years. He has worked in a number of customer facing roles including presales, adoption and sales. For the last few... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): API Testing on Trial: Evolution or Extinction in the AI Era
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Joanna Schloss, Parasoft, Chief Marketing Officer

As artificial intelligence continues to reshape the tech landscape, the most pressing question emerges: Has AI fundamentally altered the realm of API testing? Join us for a dynamic panel discussion where our experts—Arthur and Renata—will delve into the merits and limitations of AI-driven testing versus traditional, human-led approaches. They will cover the topic of how quality and engineering organizations are fundamentally evolving during this time where AI seems to be a hype that is driving a sea change in our world of API first development.

Moderated by a seasoned industry professional, Joanna Schloss, this session will explore key points of contention, including:

Can AI truly replicate the intuition of experienced testers in identifying edge cases?

How do AI-generated test cases compare to manually crafted ones in terms of coverage and reliability?

What are the practical challenges of integrating AI testing tools into existing development workflows?

We will also examine how the rise of AI testing impacts the roles of QA professionals and developers. Engage in this interesting and timely debate as we consider whether API testing is evolving or facing extinction in the age of AI. Don’t miss the opportunity to weigh in on the future of quality assurance!
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Joanna Schloss

Chief Marketing Officer, Parasoft
Joanna Schloss leads Parasoft’s marketing, business development, branding, strategic positioning, go-to-market strategy, and sales enablement. With 25 years of experience transforming and evolving both global 500 companies and startups, she’s worked on various projects involving... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Demystifying GraphQL: Explore the Truth Behind the Myths
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Roy Derk, IBM, Developer Experience & DevRel, Integration Portfolio
Brian Pagano, IBM, Brand Technical Specialist, Automation Portfolio

Although increasingly popular, numerous misconceptions and myths have emerged about GraphQL, leading to confusion among developers and technology adopters. See real-world examples, best practices and debunked myths to understand the true capabilities and benefits of GraphQL.
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Roy Derks

Developer Experience & DevRel, Integration Portfolio, IBM
Roy works with the IBM API Connect engineering, product, and marketing teams to create content and attract new users. He has over 11 years of experience in building, investing, and advising startups and developers, and is the founder of Hackteam.io, a platform that connects tech talent... Read More →
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Brian Pagano

Brand Technical Specialist, Automation Portfolio, IBM
Having spent decades in enterprise software, Brian has worked in various roles, from startups to Fortune 500 companies on Wall Street. The last decade was spent at Apigee and Google, helping customers make good decisions. His current role at IBM continues that work by helping customers... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Observability & OpenTelemetry 101 for Developers
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Mike Simon, Splunk, Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability

In today’s cloud-native world, developers need to innovate faster while maintaining the reliability and performance of their applications. In this session, you’ll learn about why observability matters for developers and how it lets you spend more time coding and less time fixing things. You’ll also see a demo of how to automatically instrument your applications with Splunk’s distribution of the OpenTelemetry collector, and learn why OpenTelemetry is the most important skill you can learn in 2024. 
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Mike Simon

Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability, Splunk
Mike Simon is a Staff Developer Evangelist at Splunk, where he has been part of the team for two years. In his tenure at Splunk, Mike has held roles as an Observability Strategist and Technical Architect.Before joining Splunk, Mike built a distinguished 16-year career as an Observability... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): APIs for Data: How to Build Data-Intensive Cloud Applications with Snowflake and Large Language Models
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Daniel Myers, Snowflake, Director of Developer RelationsAPIs for data - do you start with the data model or the API model? Learn best practices and how to build data-intensive applications on Snowflake and large language models (LLMs). In this session, you’ll learn different API architectural patterns, including Connected Apps and Snowflake Native Apps. Daniel will demonstrate how to develop, deploy, and run applications directly on Snowflake.

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Daniel Myers

Director of Developer Relations, Snowflake
With cross-functional experience in software engineering, product management, and business development, Daniel is the Director of Developer Relations at Snowflake. Daniel leads global, cross-functional teams in software development and customer adoption, with a focus on bottom-up... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Rest Doesn’t Cut It. I Needed a Simple JSON API—So I Built One
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Mike Bowers, FairCom, Chief Architect

In this session, Chief Architect Mike Bowers explains how he dreamt up a new JSON API to replace REST—one that could easily query and manage databases in any language, even without a driver.

Learn how he created and deployed the JSON DB API to POST JSON to a single URL over HTTPS. See just how simple development can be with jsonAction.

Mike will also demo how JSON DB API let’s you:
—Use JSON to manage databases, tables, records, queries, etc.
—Use stateful database sessions and cursors from stateless app servers.
—Run jsonAction commands over HTTPS, WSS, and MQTTS.
—Automatically map data between JSON and SQL.
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Mike Bowers

Chief Architect, FairCom
Mike Bowers is chief architect at FairCom. He oversees the company's architecture and product roadmaps, which include high-performance SQL and JSON databases, IIoT platforms, and failsafe MQTT brokers. He has more than 35 years of experience in software development, database management... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Supergraph: Putting the Domain Back in Your API First Architecture
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Praveen Durairaju, Hasura, Staff Developer Advocate

In a world where data sprawl across heterogeneous data sources is the norm, maintaining high-quality API-first development can be a significant challenge. Supergraph architecture addresses this challenge by enabling teams to build robust API platforms that manage complexity and foster productivity. This session explores how the Supergraph’s metadata-driven approach allows for centralized and federated governance while providing decentralized data access. By driving API design and runtime through comprehensive metadata definitions, the Supergraph ensures consistency, simplifies integration with governance tools, and enhances developer efficiency. Discover how adopting Supergraph architecture can transform your API-first development process, allowing your teams to deliver more value in a rapidly evolving data landscape.
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Praveen Durairaju

Staff Developer Advocate, Hasura
Praveen is a Developer Advocate at Hasura with over 10 years of full-stack web dev experience. Praveen was a core contributor to open source projects like hasura/graphql-engine, gatsby-gitbook-starter and evangelizes modern data access practices. Besides the day job, Praveen runs... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Unlocking the Power of Observability as Code in Cloud-Native Environments
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Mike Simon, Splunk, Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability

In cloud-native environments, embedding observability as part of your infrastructure-as-code strategy is no longer optional—it’s essential. This session explores the value and necessity of adopting an observability-inclusive as-code approach, allowing teams to automate monitoring, reduce blind spots, and accelerate incident response. We’ll dive into the opportunities this brings for enhancing visibility, ensuring system reliability, and empowering teams to take proactive, data-driven actions without manual overhead.
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Mike Simon

Staff Developer Evangelist - Observability, Splunk
Mike Simon is a Staff Developer Evangelist at Splunk, where he has been part of the team for two years. In his tenure at Splunk, Mike has held roles as an Observability Strategist and Technical Architect.Before joining Splunk, Mike built a distinguished 16-year career as an Observability... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Unlock Shift-Left: Right Teams, Right Tools, Fixed Problems
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Dan Hopkins, StackHawk, VP, Engineering

In today's fast-paced development environment, ensuring API security is more crucial than ever. Despite the strong desire to integrate security into software delivery cycles, many organizations struggle to achieve this effectively. This session will focus on the importance of proactive API security testing to match the pace of development and achieve business outcomes and goals. By understanding your organization's shift-left maturity, you can better position yourself to integrate security into your development processes seamlessly.

Using StackHawk's Shift-Left Maturity Model as a framework, we will explore how identifying your maturity stage is key to making meaningful progress. The session will delve into the three fundamental pillars of successful shift-left practices: people, process, and tooling. Join us to learn how to empower your team, optimize your processes, and leverage the right tools to shift left effectively and ensure robust API security.
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Dan Hopkins

VP, Engineering, StackHawk
Dan Hopkins has been a software engineer for 20 years, working at high growth startups such as VictorOps and LivingSocial and at large high tech companies such as Splunk. For the last 10 years he has focused on building tools for progressive engineering teams adopting DevOps and DevSecOps... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Unlocking the Power of Intelligent Data APIs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Akhilesh Agarwal, apexanalytix, COO & EVP, Global Procure to Pay Solutions & Applied Technology

Dive into the world of Intelligent Data APIs and explore how they can transform your data management processes. Learn how these powerful tools reference over 1,000 data sources to ensure the accuracy of vendor addresses, tax information, bank details, and more. 
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Akhilesh Agarwal

COO & EVP, Global Procure to Pay Solutions & Applied Technology, apexanalytix
Akhilesh Agarwal leads the apexanalytix solutions practice responsible for apexportal, the industry’s only 100 percent touchless solution for global supplier information management and working capital optimization. He leads the development of new client-focused software innovations... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Accelerate AI Adoption with an AI Gateway
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm PST
Steve Poyer, Kong, Senior Solutions Engineer

Is your company looking to improve revenue or reduce costs with AI? As businesses adopt AI they have heard of or discovered the horror stories of PII exposure, AI hallucinations and exploding costs. How can an AI Gateway help with these concerns? In this presentation you will learn how AI Gateways:
Improve developer productivity.
Add guardrails to corporate use of AI.
Improve AI security and observability.
Enforce AI compliance and abuse prevention.
Control access to AI models

The presentation will explore using AI with existing API traffic and without coding as well as optimization of LLM usage with AI Gateway symantec functionality.
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Steve Poyer

Senior Solutions Engineer, Kong
Steve Poyer has spent his entire career of over 20 years helping companies succeed with IT technology in the areas of Systems Management, Content Management, Content Networking, Enterprise Video, Load Balancing, API Management, Kubernetes and more recently, Artificial Intelligence... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

3:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Scaling Data Management at Netflix: The Power of Data Abstractions
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Raj Ummadisetty, Netflix, Senior Software Engineer
Vidhya Arvind, Netflix, Staff Software Engineer

Managing data at Netflix scale presents unique challenges, especially with multiple applications requiring diverse databases. Traditional methods risk database sprawl, fragmented knowledge, and redundant efforts. Netflix's Data Access team addresses these issues with Data Abstractions, creating a streamlined data access layer.

Our paved path abstractions—KeyValue, Time Series, Graph, and more—offer robust APIs that hide underlying database complexities. Application teams simply specify their access patterns and requirements, and select the appropriate abstraction. Our platform then handles capacity planning, hardware provisioning, and database deployment.

Data Abstractions allow us to transparently switch databases, ensuring optimal performance and scalability as use cases evolve. This approach has enabled one of the largest database migrations at Netflix, completely transparent to the client. This innovative approach allows Netflix to maintain a high level of service reliability and operational efficiency, even as new database technologies emerge.

Learning objectives
1) Gain a comprehensive understanding of what Data Abstractions are and how they simplify database management by providing a robust data access layer.
2) Discover how Netflix's platform handles capacity planning and hardware provisioning based on application teams' specified access patterns and requirements.
3) Explore the architecture, scale, and novel techniques employed by Netflix to operate Data Abstractions reliably at massive scale.
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Vidhya Arvind

Staff software Engineer, Netflix
Vidhya Arvind is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix and a Senior IEEE member, specializing in building data abstractions. She is a founding member of Netflix’s data abstraction platform, which supports common patterns including KeyValue, Tree, TimeSeries, Table Metadata, and... Read More →
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Raj Ummadisetty

Senior Software Engineer, Netflix
Rajasekhar Ummadisetty is a leading professional with over a decade of experience in solving distributed systems problems at scale. He currently leads the development of data abstractions at Netflix, focusing on scalable, high-performance solutions. Previously, Rajasekhar made significant... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

4:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Code Automation for APIs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Terence Bennett, DreamFactory Software, CEO

A discussion of low code APIs - internal/private APIs use cases. Discuss when to adopt design first vs data first API development.
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Terence Bennett

CEO, DreamFactory Software
Terence is the CEO of DreamFactory Software. Previously, he was the Director of Operations at DreamFactory Software. Before joining DreamFactory, led operations at TeamPassword, was a member of Google RedTeam, and served as a U.S. Navy Officer during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage
Thursday, November 14

9:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Thrive with the Power of APIs in the Artificial Intelligence Era
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Alisha Mohanty. OpenText, Manager, Product Marketing

A quick guide to API strategy for businesses to thrive in an era of Artificial Intelligence
Here I elaborate on points to take away for current trends in API strategy and future predictions keeping them relevant the age of AI.
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Alisha Mohanty

Manager, Product Marketing, OpenText
Alisha is a Technology Marketeer with OpenText, an information management technology company in AI and Analytics line of business. Here, she is focused on strategies to foster API adoption and innovation, empowering partners through smarter information management solutions. As a speaker... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

9:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Unleashing GenAI's Potential for Advanced API Linting
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Sridhar Kunisetty, Equinix, Principal Architect

An API linter plays a crucial role in ensuring that API specifications adhere to established standards, best practices, guidelines, and are free from potential errors. It is an essential component in the development process to ensure that APIs are well-designed, consistent, maintainable, reliable, secure and follow the organization's conventions and guidelines.

We present a new approach to API linting by harnessing the power of Generative AI (GenAI). Our solution involves training a Large Language Model (LLM) to act as an Advanced API Linter, capable of not only answering correctness queries but also analyzing API specifications and providing a comprehensive list of errors, violations, and issues.

Unlike traditional API linters, our GenAI solution eliminates the need for complex validation rules and specialized expertise. By training the LLM with our organization's API standards, best practices, and guidelines, we enable it to understand and enforce these rules effortlessly. Moreover, the training process is straightforward, and we can alternatively provide the necessary content as a context in the prompt to the LLM.

One of the key advantages of our GenAI approach is its user-friendliness. Instead of grappling with new syntax or programming languages to define validation rules, users can express their requirements in plain English. This democratizes API linting, empowering developers to improve API quality through self-service and facilitating the seamless adoption of an API-First approach.

During this session, we will showcase a range of use cases that demonstrate how GenAI can be leveraged to achieve advanced API linting capabilities. Additionally, we will explore the potential of utilizing a Small Language Model (SLM) as an alternative to the LLM, opening up new possibilities for API linting efficiency.

Join us as we unveil the future of API linting, where GenAI revolutionizes the development process, enhances API quality, and empowers developers to build robust and reliable APIs effortlessly.
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Sridhar Kunisetty

Principal Architect, Equinix
Sridhar has over 20 years of experience working in technical and management roles in startups and large companies in Silicon Valley Bay Area. Before joining Equinix to lead the API program, he was a Distinguished Engineer and a Chief Architect at other companies. He is a lead inventor... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Embracing API-First in the Internal Developer Platform: A Unified Approach
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Asanka Abeysinghe, WSO2, CTO

In the evolving landscape of enterprise technology, the traditional approach of building separate API platforms is no longer sustainable. Instead, integrating API management and capabilities into a comprehensive Internal Developer Platform (IDP) ensures greater agility, efficiency, and coherence in software development. This session explores the pitfalls of isolated API platforms and presents a compelling case for their integration into IDPs. By emphasizing modularity, discovery, and composability, this unified approach can streamline workflows and enhance developer productivity. Drawing from the principles of the Platformless Manifesto, practical strategies, architectural considerations, and real-world examples will illustrate the benefits of this integrated methodology. 
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Asanka Abeysinghe

Asanka is a technology visionary who connects people and technology through digital transformation programs that create consumer-centric applications. As WSO2's CTO, he is responsible for advancing the company's corporate reference architecture and promoting its thought leadership... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Practicing Design First API Development with Backstage
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Ram Gopinathan, Red Hat, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, Edge Computing

This session will first cover what design first API development means and compare and contrast with code first approach. We will then go over how backstage can help API developers practice design first API development using software templates and github actions workflow.
API designers after designing openapi spec in swagger editor can use the software template to provide information about the API along with the spec. Once the information is submitted, using backstage scaffolding capabilities required catalog entity files are created and added to git repo and a pull request is created. PR url will be displayed as output. Open pull request action will also trigger a github actions workflow to update the targets in the location file and since our backstage instance is configured to automatically ingest entities from this location as soon as the pull request is merged within a few minutes this new API will become available in the backstage software catalog. At this point development team can use a software template to implement this newly created API.
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Ram Gopinathan

Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, Edge Computing, Red Hat
Developer turned platform engineer primarily focused on edge computing
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Unlocking Live Data Access for AI
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Anushrut Gupta, Hasura, Senior Product Manager, Generative AI

“Over the last 3 months, summarize the top billing issues faced by my enterprise customers within the first 30 days of their onboarding.”

On the surface, building an internal AI customer intelligence application that can answer questions like this is a perfect use-case for Gen AI.
However, building a production ready app that retrieves the data (RAG) before hauling it off to your favorite LLM for summarization soon becomes a terrible engineering experience.

The data is spread across 3 places: a tickets database (eg: elastic), a CRM (eg: salesforce) and your user-accounts transactional database (eg: postgres).
In production, your app can’t access the data from these databases directly. Given security & privacy concerns, your app won’t have direct access to these databases.
Making independent retrieval requests to each of these sources and then joining them in memory might be prohibitively expensive and needs a level of query planning to do efficiently.
Moving all data into one location is expensive to build, maintain and govern
Predictable quality is further made hard because underlying data formats and storage interfaces are continuously changing.
Different types of user queries might require additional filtering and joining of data, which becomes hard to generalize.

APIs solve almost all of these very well known challenges. APIs offer standardization and security. APIs can provide a stable contract to interact with underlying data.

And in all likelihood, you already have APIs on these internal and external data sources.

Ironically, while APIs have become a necessity for other parts of the stack, they are clearly not the first thing that AI engineers building RAG reach for.

In this talk, we’ll discuss:
Why API based retrieval doesn’t work well for RAG
What we need from our existing internal and external APIs to make them RAG ready
How we can get existing APIs to become RAG ready without needing to rebuild the APIs

This talk will be technical, with code demos (possibly with some live coding!) and end with key resources (reference architectures, API best practices, tools/technologies) that attendees can take back to their work.
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Anushrut Gupta

Senior Product Manager, Generative AI, Hasura
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Streamlining DevOps using GitHub as a Developer Ecosystem
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am PST
Avin Indrasoma, GitHub Education, GitHub Campus Expert

In a constantly evolving and updating software development landscape, DevOps practices are critical to deliver code, fast and efficiently! GitHub acts as a developer ecosystem providing a comprehensive set of tools and features empowering your DevOps workflows across teams! This will be a 30 minutes talk diving into how various GitHub tools can be used in various aspects and processes of DevOps for collaboration, automation, security and much more!

The first tool being discussed is GitHub Packages, a tool designed to simply dependency management, allowing you to publish, update and manage your packages right from your code repository. Next we will be diving into security features such as Dependabot for automated dependency updates, Code Scanning and Secrets Management. Finally, we will be discussing GitHub Actions, a powerful automation platform. We will also be briefly discussing about GitHub Codespaces, a cloud hosted development environment redefining the boundaries of portability for development.

The talk will be filled with practical examples, best practices, and other tips and tricks to extract the full potential of the GitHub Developer ecosystem in your DevOps Adventure. Whether you are a student just getting started in DevOps or if you're an experienced DevOps engineer this session will have takeaways to apply to your development journey.
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Avin Indrasoma

Software Engineer, GitHub Education
I am Avin Indrasoma, an undergraduate slowly growing into a Software Engineer. On a mission to build and empower passionate developer communities across the world with the help of the GitHub Campus Experts Program.
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Accelerating API Adoption with Ready-Made Code 🧙
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Raileen Del Rosario, Docusign, Programmer Writer

Ensuring frictionless integration for developers is key to ensuring that your APIs are used to their fullest potential. By offering reference implementations and a Quickstart wizard in eight programming languages, we highlight the main use cases for our APIs, enabling developers to use our tools efficiently. This talk will discuss how providing ready-made code enables developers to start using your APIs as quickly as possible. 
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Raileen Del Rosario

Programmer Writer, Docusign
Raileen has been a Programmer Writer with Docusign for two years. As a member of the Developer Content team, she is passionate about developer enablement, developing code and writing guides to assist developers in the enablement of Docusign APIs to meet their needs.
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Rerouting: GIS-based Microservices for the Modern Business
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Anthony Molzahn, Devii, CEO

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) are pivotal across industries. Yet, many GIS applications remain anchored in outdated, monolithic structures.

Join us for an insightful session with Anthony Molzahn, CEO of Devii, to discover how cutting-edge microservices are transforming the GIS landscape.

Anthony, a pioneer in remote sensing, GIS, and API technologies, will share how EDA hubs and NSF engines are making spatial data more accessible and commercially viable. Learn how these innovations are driving efficiency and growth in sectors like manufacturing, supply chain, agtech, energy, photonics, and IoT.
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Anthony Molzahn

CEO, Devii
Anthony Molzahn is the CEO and co-founder of Devii, a company specializing in a middleware capable of automating the generation of GraphQL schemas and APIs for any and all SQL-based relational databases.With 16+ years of experience in B2B SaaS and startup environments, Anthony has... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX):: Managing Data Security in Multi-Cloud Environments
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Kevin Hunt, Cloud Storage Security, CTO

Ransomware attacks, breaches, data exfiltration, and insider disclosures are occurring every day around the world. Legacy thinking on providing data security has been focused on the application and platform or operating system. This leads to a somewhat chaotic data security landscape that is likely to have holes and missed handoffs. Modern enterprise systems use and store data using the most effective platform that delivers the convenience and performance required. This open-ended approach to data handling should be addressed through an equally open and flexible approach to securing data regardless of where it is stored or how and when it is used.
Businesses should take a holistic view of their data security to ensure that unintended gaps and inconsistencies that may open the door for threat propagation are detected and mitigated. Enacting multiple layers of data management practices ensures that both stored and inflight data is clean.
This keynote will draw on the Data Security Maturity Model (DSMM) to illustrate the challenges developers and users face in the open landscape of current application deployments. Placing a strong focus on a layered framework that provides consistent and robust security for data as it is used, this approach incorporates seamless malware scanning and detection that provides a constant watch for irregularities and threats.
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Kevin Hunt

Chief Technology Officer, Cloud Storage Security (CSS)
As chief technology officer for CSS, Kevin leads the company’s product development, engineering, and customer experience groups in delivering unparalleled cloud storage security solutions that address current and future customer storage security needs. Kevin brings CSS a wealth... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

10:45am PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: Ambassador (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am PST
Live virtual demo and Q&A with Chris Petterson, VP of Solutions.

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Ambassador provides best-in-class Kubernetes-native productivity tools. We specialize in building developer-friendly solutions – Telepresence and Edge Stack. We design tools to empower developers to design, develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications with efficiency and ease.As... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am PST
Virtual Expo Hall

11:00am PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: mogenius (Live Demo, Live Q&A (post speaking session))
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Overwhelmed by Kubernetes support requests? Empower your developers to self-serve on Kubernetes and take control.

Accelerate project delivery, reduce errors, and cut costs by enabling developers to manage Kubernetes deployments independently.

In our live demo, discover how mogenius can help your team tackle cloud-native challenges and ensure consistent delivery with customized workflows for independent lifecycle management, all while maintaining compliance and reducing DevOps reliance.

Our team is ready to answer your questions.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am PST
Virtual Expo Hall

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): API Synthetics and Observability to Improve UX and Digital Outcomes
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Gagan Kapahi, Optum, Sr. Principal Engineer and Director of Engineering

With proliferation of multi cloud, hybrid cloud, digital architectures and micro services, security and reliability of APIs has become very critical and important.

Majority of the organizations today spend a lot of time and resources on chasing the problem and the root cause.

With the right blend of synthetics and enhanced observability strategy, organizations can save huge amount of time chasing the problem and instead spend more time rolling out new features and problem solving.

Let's hear more from us on how this overall synthetics and observability strategy leads to improved user experience (UX) and digital outcomes.
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Gagan Kapahi

Sr. Principal Engineer and Director of Engineering, Optum (United Health)
Gagan Kapahi is a hands-on Technology Leader with deep expertise in platform engineering, product, automation and delivery of transformative capabilities and solutions across multiple tiers, data centers and cloud.In his current role, Gagan is serving UnitedHealth Group/Optum as Sr... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): You Can't Do AI Without APIs: A Practical Playbook for the AI Revolution
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Sterling Chin, Postman, Senior Developer Advocate

Sterling presents a comprehensive playbook for navigating the AI API landscape, which has been rapidly evolving since the AI revolution began in late 2022. We'll explore how APIs have become the cornerstone of AI accessibility and implementation across industries.

Attendees will gain actionable insights on how to implement and maximize the potential of AI APIs in their organizations. This playbook approach will equip participants with the knowledge to make informed decisions, overcome common challenges, and stay ahead in the rapidly advancing field of AI.

Whether you're new to AI implementation or looking to optimize your current strategies, this talk will provide valuable, real-world guidance for harnessing the power of AI through APIs.

You'll Learn:
1. How to evaluate AI APIs
2. Open Source or Close Source?
3. How to create a playbook on implementing AI APIs in your products
avatar for Sterling Chin

Sterling Chin

Senior Developer Advocate, Postman
Sterling Chin is a driving force behind numerous Postman initiatives from inception to launch, including the GA releases of gRPC, GraphQL, Postman Flows, and most recently Postbot, Postman’s AI Assistant. As a long time proponent of AI/ML, he has been instrumental in the adoption... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

11:00am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Responsible AI and Security in the Generative Era: Science and Practice
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Ishneet Dua, Amazon Web Services, Senior Generative AI Solutions Architect
Parth Girish Patel, Amazon Web Services, Sr AI/ML Architect

The rapid growth of generative AI brings promising innovation and, at the same time, raises new challenges around its security, safe, and responsible development and use. These challenges include some that were common before generative AI, such as bias and explainability, and new ones unique to generative models, including hallucinations, toxicity, and intellectual property protection. During this session, participants will gain an overview of the challenges that generative AI presents, survey the emerging science surrounding these challenges, and engage in a discussion about the hands-on, security, and Responsible AI work currently being conducted on AWS.
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Ishneet Dua

Senior Generative AI Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Ishneet Dua (Isha) is a recognized expert in leveraging AI and machine learning for sustainability solutions. She has established herself as a go-to authority on combating climate change, pollution, and other environmental challenges through cutting-edge technologies.Dua has authored... Read More →
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Parth Girish Patel

Sr AI/ML Architect, AWS
Parth Girish Patel is a seasoned architect with a wealth of experience spanning over 17 years, encompassing management consulting and cloud computing. Currently, at Amazon Web Services (AWS), he specializes in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, generative AI, sustainability... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Main Stage

11:00am PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): A Developer Self-Service Experience for Edge and IoT Come True
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am PST
Carl Moberg, Avassa, CTO and co-founder
Amy Simonson, Avassa, Marketing Manager

Enough manual actions. Enough slow handovers. And enough K8mplexity.

For many innovative enterprises today, the journey to the centralized cloud has shaped the way of working when it comes to container orchestration and observability. Now, developers and IT teams are increasingly also managing containers at the distributed on-site edge and in IoT environments, which risk becoming a mind-boggling task due to the resource-constrained, distant nature of IoT and edge.

In this session, we address the challenges related to deploying, monitoring, observing, and securing container applications at the edge. We also present hands-on examples of what a self-service developer experience can look like for the container applications at the distributed edge and IoT infrastructure. It's automated, it's application-centric and it's astonishingly easy.
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Carl Moberg

CTO and co-founder, Avassa
Carl has spent many years solving for automation and orchestration. He started building customer service platforms for ISPs back when people used dial-up for their online activities. He then moved on to focus on making multi-vendor networks programmable through model-driven architectures... Read More →
avatar for Amy Simonson

Amy Simonson

Marketing Manager, Avassa
Amy is an experienced marketing professional who thrives right in the intersection between deep tech and marketing. She is currently the marketing manager of Swedish Edge Platform provider Avassa, who are set out to make the distributed on-site edge delightfully easy to manage.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: Okta (Live Demo)
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am PST
In this demo, we’ll showcase how to secure APIs using Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA). As modern applications require more sophisticated access control, traditional methods like role-based access control (RBAC) can fall short. Auth0 FGA provides a more flexible and scalable solution by enabling developers to define and enforce granular permissions and policies.

We’ll walk through the process of setting up Auth0 FGA to protect your APIs, demonstrate key concepts, and show how to implement dynamic, relationship-based access controls. By the end of this demo, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to secure your APIs using Auth0 FGA while delivering a seamless user experience

Booth #606
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Auth0 by Okta takes a modern approach to Identity and enables organizations to provide secure access to any application, for any user. Auth0 is a highly customizable product that is as simple as development teams want, and as flexible as they need. Safeguarding billions of login transactions... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am PST
Virtual Expo Hall

11:30am PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Azure OpenAI in Action
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Jannik Reinhard, BASF, Senior Solution Architect

In this session I will guide you from how to start with a CoPilot to deploy and own Azure Open AI instance to use cases which brings benefit to your company. We will also have a look how to build custom solution with the power of Azure.

- Takeaways:
- What is a copilot and how you can use it in your daily business
- How to setup Azure Open AI
- How can you build a custom solution with help of Azure.
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Jannik Reinhard

Senior Solution Architect, basf
My name is Jannik Reinhard and I'm 25 years old and I am work in the internal IT department of the largest chemical company in the world. I am a senior solution architect in the area of modern device management and technical lead of AIOPS (AI of IT Operation).
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Crafting the Future: Web3 Innovation Powered by APIs
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Aman Johar, DATACURVE, Founder and CEO

The emergence of Web3 technologies, built upon decentralized networks such as blockchain, is revolutionizing the digital landscape. At the heart of this revolution, APIs will play a pivotal role in enabling interoperability, connectivity, and functionality within the Web3 ecosystem. This session will delve into the intricacies of leveraging APIs to unlock the full potential of Web3 platforms, exploring their impact on industries ranging from sports, entertainment, retail, finance, gaming and beyond.
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Aman Johar

Founder and CEO, DATACURVE
A seasoned Silicon Valley executive, Aman, is currently the co-founder of DATACURVE , and is focused on sculpting the veryfoundations of the next era of human-machine interaction and immersive experiences. With an ability to identify andcapitalize on nascent technologies, he has directly... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Adding Generative AI to Real-Time Streaming Pipelines
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Timothy Spann, Zilliz, Principal Developer Advocate

In this talk I walk through various use cases where bringing real-time data to LLM solves some interesting problems.

In one case we use Apache NiFi to provide a live chat between a person in Slack and several LLM models all orchestrated via NiFi and Kafka. In another case NiFi ingests live travel data and feeds it to HuggingFace and OLLAMA LLM models for summarization. I also do live chatbot. We also augment LLM prompts and results with live data streams. All with ASF projects. I call this pattern FLaNK AI.
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Timothy Spann

Principal Developer Advocate, Zilliz
Tim Spann is the Principal Developer Advocate for Data in Motion @ Zilliz. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Developer Advocate at StreamNative, Principal Field Engineer... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Main Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX):Architecting platform services for mission-critical software systems
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Aman Sardana, Discover Financial Services, Senior Principal Application Architect

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create resilient and highly available platform services that support mission-critical software systems? Please join me to find out how you can set the right strategy and foundational architecture for building platform services that businesses can trust for their most critical workloads.

Payment systems that support real-time transaction processing are expected to be highly available and highly responsive 24/7/365. These systems must be fault-tolerant and resilient to any failures that might happen during payment transaction processing.
Mission-critical payment systems with distributed architecture often depend on platform services like distributed caching, messaging, event streaming, databases, etc. that should be independently designed for high availability and fault tolerance.
In this talk, I’ll share the approach we took for architecting and designing platform services within the payments domain that can be applied to any domain that supports business-critical processes. This methodological approach starts with establishing a capability view for platform services and then defining the implementation and physical views. You’ll also gain an understanding of other aspects of platform services like provisioning, security, observability, testing, and automation that are important for creating a well-rounded platform strategy supporting business-critical systems.
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Aman Sardana

Senior Principal Application Architect, Discover Financial Services
I am a technology professional working in the financial services and payments domain. I’m a hands-on technology leader, enabling business capabilities by implementing cutting-edge, modernized technology solutions. I am skilled in designing, developing, and implementing innovative... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

12:30pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Green DevOps: Building Sustainable Software
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
Neel Shah, Internauts Infotech, Devops Community

In today's world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront of our minds, it's crucial to consider the impact of our actions, including those within the tech industry. Software development, while driving innovation and progress, also contributes to a significant carbon footprint. This is where Green DevOps steps in, offering a powerful solution for building software that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.

Green DevOps refers to the practice of integrating sustainable practices into your software development lifecycle. This means implementing tools, techniques, and methodologies that minimize the environmental impact of software development and delivery. By adopting Green DevOps, you can achieve significant benefits, including:

Reduced energy consumption: Green DevOps practices help optimize resource utilization, leading to lower energy consumption throughout your development process. This not only translates to cost savings but also minimizes the carbon footprint of your software.

Improved resource efficiency: Green DevOps encourages developers to utilize resources wisely, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. This can involve practices like code optimization, infrastructure right-sizing, and efficient testing processes.

Enhanced software quality: Green DevOps principles encourage a focus on quality from the very beginning of the development process. This leads to fewer bugs and defects, resulting in software that is more reliable and requires fewer resources to maintain.

I would cover most of this topics in my talk.
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Neel Shah

Devops Community Guy, Internauts Infotech
Mentored more than 10 hackathons and open source programs and mentored more than 2000 peers to contribute to open source programsCo-organiser of HUG Ahmedabad,Gandhinagar , CNCF Gandhinagar ,GDG Cloud Gandhinagar
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Unleashing DevSecOps Mastery: The 5 Secrets Every Cloud Innovator Must Know!
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Gursimar Singh, freeCodeCamp, Author

In the dynamic realm of cloud infrastructure, security remains a paramount concern. As organizations strive to fortify their digital assets against evolving threats, integrating security seamlessly into infrastructure development processes becomes imperative. DevSecOps offers a compelling framework for achieving this synergy between security and infrastructure operations.

This anticipated session at CloudX 2024 will provide actionable insights tailored to infrastructure professionals. The session will provide expert insights on establishing and sustaining a highly effective DevSecOps framework, anchored in five foundational tenets that prioritize people, tools, and processes.
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Gursimar Singh

Author, freeCodeCamp
Gursimar is trying to empower individuals via Education, Mentorship, and Open-Source. He was invited to Paris and presented at the HAProxy Conf 2022 in November 2022. He's a moderator and CFP review committee member for ContainerDays 2023 & 2024 and Staff Member & CFP review committee... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Expo Innovation Stage

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Modernizing Monoliths
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Parth Shah, Cruise, Staff Software Engineer
Bianca Tamayo, Cruise, Staff Software Engineer

In today's micro services world, it is far too common for an API service to explode at an unbounded rate. The journey starts off as a shiny new micro service, which was designed to contain APIs for 1 business entity, becoming so heavily utilized that over time, it evolves and turns into a massive monolith, which contains hundreds of APIs for dozens of business entities. In the early days, new features could be introduced and rolled out within a few hours. Now, a small database schema change takes a few days or weeks to roll out. In this madness, how do you effectively and efficiently decompose and modernize your monolith? This session goes over a real world case study of how a group of 5 engineers decomposed a 160+ API monolith into smaller and focused micro services with 0 outages, 0 downtime, increase in overall service availability from 99.9% to 99.999%, decrease in latencies from 15% to 95% and ability to handle 90x more traffic with a reduced resource footprint (68% reduction in compute and 55% reduction in memory).
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Parth Shah

Staff Software Engineer, Cruise
Parth is a highly accomplished Staff Software Engineer who is currently working on Developer Productivity at Cruise LLC. With a distinguished career spanning across industry giants such as Oracle and Microsoft, he has consistently designed, developed, and delivered cutting-edge cloud... Read More →
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Bianca Tamayo

Staff Software Engineer, Cruise
Bianca Tamayo is a Staff Software Engineer at Cruise, based in San Francisco. She has a broad range of experience, including full-stack application development, backend services, release and deployment, and building platforms. Bianca's passion lies in developing systems that simplify... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): A World of AI Is a World of APIs; Securing the Most Modern of Modern Apps
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Chuck Herrin, F5, Field CSO
Corey Ball, Moss Adams, Senior Manager - Penetration Testing

F5 secures and optimizes traffic for some of the largest AI projects in the world, and organizations are planning to spend an average of 18% of 2025 IT budgets on AI implementation.
What many are missing is that outside of a few edge cases, nearly all training, usage, attacks, and data loss against AI models come through APIs, and APIs themselves expose critical information about models such as data labels and confidence scores, facilitating model theft, transfer attacks, and other issues unique to securing LLMs.
In this session, we’ll talk about the ties between AI security, APIs, and how to structure a Defense in Depth architecture to secure your AI factory and models from the beginning, rather than after the fact.
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Corey Ball

Senior Manager - Penetration Testing, Moss Adams
Corey has provided cybersecurity consulting services since 2011, and has primarily focused his expertise on the energy, financial, legal, and health care industries. He has extensive technical experience in multiple security areas, including penetration testing, web application security... Read More →
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Chuck Herrin

Field CSO, F5
Chuck’s purview includes customer advocacy and active engagement across Product, Marketing, Sales, and Channel operations to bring thought leadership and alignment of solutions with the real-world problems our enterprise customers face every day.  Prior to F5, Chuck was the CTO... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Building an API Ecosystem to Enable Generative AI
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Ed Olson-Morgan, Marsh McLennan, Core API & Innovation Lead

Driving value from generative AI isn't just about large language models. Integrating them with the right data, services and supporting capabilities through APIs is just as important.

Learn how Marsh McLennan's Generative AI Services project built an API-based environment to nourish AI experimentation and underpin AI impact through production applications serving their 90,000 employees as well as a world-wide client base.
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Ed Olson-Morgan

Core API & Innovation Lead, Marsh McLennan
Ed Olson-Morgan is an experienced technology leader with a diverse background across technical fields as well as business, consulting and strategy. He is currently the Core APIs and Innovation Lead at Marsh McLennan, where he is building a team of software engineers and technologists... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Main Stage

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): How AI Is Redefining API Integrations and How Developers Will Benefit from It
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Dominik Rampelt, APICHAP, CEO & Co-Founder

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming every facet of our lives, including the way we approach API integrations. In this talk, we will explore the profound impact AI will have on developers and the necessary steps to harness its full potential. The future of API development will focus heavily on an API-Contract First approach, where developers become architects defining APIs and data flows. The implementation will then be assisted by various AI tools.

Join us to discover how tools like APICHAP enable developers to implement APIs for your services and integrate with any datasource in just a few seconds. Learn how to leverage the power of AI in your daily development work. In the future, the best API developers won't just write code—they'll design the blueprint for AI to follow.
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Dominik Rampelt

CEO & Co-Founder, APICHAP
Dominik is an API Advocate with over a decade of experience in building hundreds of APIs, backends, and system integrations. Throughout his career, Dominik has witnessed the evolution of APIs, from the rise of REST APIs and API-Contract development to the advent of AI-assisted API... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): Transforming Lending with Open Banking: A Case Study in Building a Cash Flow Underwriting System
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Amol Gote, Innova Solutions, Solutions Architect

In the evolving landscape of financial services, implementing a cash flow underwriting system aims to expand credit access and enhance risk assessment. This session will cover an approach that leverages open banking, machine learning, and dynamic underwriting rules to provide creditworthiness evaluation beyond traditional credit scoring methods. It will cover the case study of iCreditWorks - a Fintech organization where this pattern was implemented.

The system consists of four critical components:

(1) A financial data aggregator to securely link customers' bank accounts, utilizing open banking APIs and traditional integration techniques.

(2) Collaboration with a specialized partner that employs machine learning models to analyze transaction data, generating a comprehensive cash flow score and identifying verifiable income.

(3) Developing and implementing underwriting rules that integrate the cash flow score and income data to make informed lending decisions.

(4) The seamless integration of these components into a mobile application and backend infrastructure, ensuring a user-friendly experience and efficient loan application processing.

This session discusses the cash flow underwriting system's design, implementation, and strategic significance. It highlights its potential to extend credit access by surpassing traditional credit scores and opening new avenues for financial inclusion and risk assessment. It also introduces a technical implementation approach for cash flow underwriting by integrating multiple services and using open banking for bank account linking for transaction data.
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Amol Gote

Solutions Architect, Innova Solutions
Amol Gote is a seasoned technology professional adept at building scalable, resilient microservices in Java and .NET. He excels at deploying and managing microservices in AWS and Azure environments and boasts technical proficiency across multiple applications and tools. His expertise... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Expo Discovery Stage

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (CloudX): Shifting the Perspective on Security: Putting Security Back in the Design Process
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Celina Stewart, Neuvik Solutions, Cyber Risk Lead

Although many organizations incorporate security into the Software Development Life Cycle, it is often treated as a compliance requirement rather than a purpose-built feature. Not treating security as a feature during the design process can lead to rework, extra complexity, or investment in functionality that does not actually address risk effectively. Further, poor integration of security can have a negative impact on otherwise well-designed applications and cause friction in user experience.

This talk encourages attendees to go beyond traditional threat modeling and defense-in-depth techniques to incorporate security as a purpose-built feature in applications. Attendees will receive tactical guidance on how to incorporate security proactively in the design process. Techniques discussed will include: how to use the organization’s risk outlook to prioritize security features; how to avoid unnecessary development costs by proactively anticipating friction in user experience; how to evaluate tradeoffs and invest in the security features needed to prevent the greatest risks.
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Celina Stewart

Cyber Risk Lead, Neuvik
Celina Stewart is an expert in cyber risk management at Neuvik, a cybersecurity services company. In her current role, she leads Neuvik’s Integrated Risk Management service line, translating technical findings from Red Team Assessments to cogent, tactical strategies to buy-down... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] OPEN SESSION (API): How to Build a Killer API Program Developers Love
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Derric Gilling, Moesif, CEO

A discussion on what are healthy metrics foryour developer program and ways to improve like Time to First Hello World (TTFHW) and integration rate. What does it mean to build a good Developer Experience and some tips on where you can improve. 
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Derric Gilling

CEO, Moesif
Derric Gilling is the CEO of Moesif, the leading API analytics and monetization platform. He enjoys working with both startups and large enterprises on launching and scaling an API-first strategy. Gilling is a frequent speaker at developer conferences, including API World, Developer... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- OPEN Workshop Stage

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] Sponsor Spotlight: Broadcom (Live Raffle/Giveaway)
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm PST
Pamela Deason, Marketing Manager for Broadcom with draw a name to receive a Soarington Drone!

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Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) is a global technology leader that designs, develops and supplies a broad range of semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions. Broadcom’s category-leading product portfolio serves critical markets including data center, networking, enterprise... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm PST
Expo Hall

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