strong>PRO Session [clear filter]
Tuesday, November 5

12:00pm PST

API World Certificate Program
Tuesday November 5, 2024 12:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Details coming soon!
Tuesday November 5, 2024 12:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Santa Clara Convention Center

7:00pm PST

2024 VIP Welcome Reception
Tuesday November 5, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm PST
VIP Welcome Reception
7:00pm - 9:00pm | Complimentary appetizers, beer and wine will be served.
Join us for *the* industry reception to kick off API World, CloudX & Dev Innovation Summit 2024!

The VIP Welcome Party is ONLY open to API World, CloudX & Dev Innovation Summit 2024 Sponsors (two attendees per sponsorship), Speakers, 2024 API Awards & 2024 CloudX Awards Winners, PREMIUM & PRO Passes, and Advisors. The VIP guest list will be strictly adhered to. Guests not eligible to attend or not pre-registered, will NOT be admitted.
Tuesday November 5, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm PST
CloudX -- Main Stage
Wednesday, November 6

9:30am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Challenges and Takeaways of Managing AI Workloads on Cloud Environments
Wednesday November 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Graziano Casto, Mia-Platform, Developer Relations

In today's technological landscape, the synergy between Cloud Native technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) opens the stage to a myriad of unexplored challenges and opportunities. Dynamic, always-on and highly scalable infrastructures, typical of the Cloud Native paradigm, seamlessly integrate with AI's need to rapidly prototype solutions and access vast computational resources. The convergence of these two worlds has exposed some gaps in the Cloud Native ecosystem that need to be addressed. At the same time, AI opens numerous opportunities for innovation that are yet to be explored.
This talk will delve into the Cloud Native Artificial Intelligence (CNAI) paradigm as a holistic approach to unlocking the full potential of the cloud in managing AI workloads and aim to anticipate the growth opportunities that lie ahead for the Cloud Native world.
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Graziano Casto

Developer Relations Engineer, Mia-Platform
Graziano is a software engineer and passionate about agile development and product management. Formerly a developer of distributed systems in enterprise environments and a product manager, he focuses on sharing the myriad beauties of the cloud-native world. Active in international... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

9:30am PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Creating Your Own LLM from Opensource Models
Wednesday November 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Sebastiano Galazzo, Seynapsia AI, Artificial intelligence researcher

From a "simple" finetuning to your own Mixture of Expert model using opensource models.
Nowadays training from scratch an LLM is a so huge effort also for very big company. Starting from pre-trained models to create your own model is no more a way for resourceless companies, but a often a must starting point.

- Lora
- Quantization and QLora
- Injecting embeddings model into Lora to manage multiple Lora adapters.
- Mixing models
- Creating your MoE (Mixture of experts) model using several finetuned (Your own) models
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Sebastiano Galazzo

Artificial intelligence researcher, Seynapsia AI
Winner of three AI awards, I’ve been working in AI and machine learning for 25 years, designing and developing AI and computer graphic algorithms.I’m very passionate about AI, focusing on Audio, Image and Natural Language Processing, and predictive analysis as well.I received... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

9:30am PST

API World Certificate Program
Wednesday November 6, 2024 9:30am - 4:30pm PST
Details coming soon!
Wednesday November 6, 2024 9:30am - 4:30pm PST
Santa Clara Convention Center

10:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Scaling Event Driven Microservices with Netflix Conductor
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Viren Baraiya, Orkes, CTO

Event driven architecture provides a robust mechanism for microservices communication over an event bus, providing scale and durability of the flows. Event Driven Microservices in recent times have gained popularity because of these reasons and are especially useful when implementing asynchronous flows.

In this talk, we will discuss strategies and framework that allows building and scaling your microservices using event driven architecture leveraging open source Netflix conductor.
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Viren Baraiya

CTO, Orkes
Viren is the CTO at Orkes, leading core engineering.Prior to founding Orkes, Viren led engineering teams at Google building products at internet scale with Firebase and Google Play.Viren built and architected Netflix Conductor during his time at Netflix and is the key committer to... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

10:00am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Frontend by Everyone Using HTMX
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Jacek Migdal, Quesma, CEO, Co-founder

How to write interactive web applications with HTML and a minor open-source extension, HTMX. There is no need for JavaScript.

This is an alternative to the traditional frontend stack (React/Angular, TypeScript, building, etc.), which can feel over-engineered in many use cases.

It allows all engineers to contribute to the front end from their native environment.
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Jacek Migdal

CEO, Co-founder, Quesma
Jacek started a career as an engineering intern at NVIDIA CUDA and Facebook. He joined pre-revenue startup Sumo Logic as ~20 Sumo Logic in the San Francisco Bay Area. He moved back to Poland and opened an office with 80+ full-time engineers. We optimized gross margins on AWS and... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

10:00am PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): You’re Not Hallucinating: How to Optimize AI Reliability with 100% Open Source Vector Databases
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am PST
Anil Inamdar, Instaclustr by NetApp, Head of Data Solutions

For dev teams building and training their own AI models, ending up with AI solutions plagued by hallucinations and reliability issues is a (rightfully) huge concern. The good news: vector databases make generative AI considerably more reliable and less prone to hallucinations. The even better news: a number of *100% free and open source* vector databases are especially great options for supporting AI workloads.

The good news keeps coming for teams considering an open source vector database path: it isn’t necessary to invest in implementing new or exotic or proprietary or specialized data-layer solutions to harness vector databases. Many enterprises will find that their existing infrastructure can already support AI workloads (while continuing to provide the familiar data availability, scalability, and performance they already know they can trust). In particular, PostgreSQL (with the pgvector extension), OpenSearch, and Apache Cassandra 5.0 (with its new native vector indexing) are three completely open source technologies—no proprietary or open core solutions needed—that tick all the boxes for meeting enterprises’ AI workloads requirements.

Attendees of this Dev Innovation Summit session will learn how open source vector databases utilize vector embeddings to enable more accurate LLMs, and how to strategically approach and implement retrieval augmented generation (RAG) processes. Attendees will also come away with a clear understanding of the advantages offered by PostgreSQL with pgvector, OpenSearch and Cassandra 5.0 as particularly mature open source vector database strategies ready to jumpstart your organization’s competitive AI capabilities.
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Anil Inamdar

Head of Data Solutions, Instaclustr by NetApp
Anil Inamdar is the VP & Head of Data Solutions at Instaclustr by NetApp. Anil has 20+ years of experience in data and analytics roles. Joining Instaclustr in 2019, he works with organizations to drive successful data-centric digital transformations via the right cultural, operational... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

10:30am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Which Vault? Don’t Tell Me Your Secret(s)!
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Michel Schildmeijer, SSC-ICT, Lead Technologist

Secret management is a crucial aspect of DevOps, as it involves the protection of sensitive data that is used by applications and services. Secrets can include API keys, credentials, tokens, certificates, and passwords that grant access to various resources and systems. If these secrets are compromised, attackers can exploit them to cause damage, steal information, or disrupt operations.
One of the challenges of secret management is how to securely store, distribute, and rotate secrets in a dynamic and distributed environment. Traditional methods of hard-coding secrets in configuration files or environment variables are not secure, scalable, or reliable. Moreover, secrets need to be updated frequently to comply with security policies and regulations, and to prevent unauthorized access.
To address these challenges, several tools and frameworks have been developed to provide secret management solutions for DevOps.
These tools can help DevOps teams to implement best practices for secret management.
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Michel Schildmeijer

Lead Technologist, SSC-ICT
Michel started his career as a medical officer in the Royal Dutch Airforce, with a focus on pharma. After the air force, he continued in pharma, followed by time working in clinical pharmacology. While there, he transitioned to IT by learning UNIX and MUMPS, and developed a system... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

11:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): cURL to SDKs: Navigating the API Adoption Chasm
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Sid Maestre, APIMatic, VP Developer Relations

As API adoption becomes increasingly pivotal for companies, understanding the evolution from cURL commands to robust Software Development Kits (SDKs) is paramount. Your initial developer experience may focus on API reference docs with cURL commands, but as you scale, you'll need to help developers beyond “Hello World.” Discover the pivotal role SDKs play in propelling developers towards production-ready solutions.

However, building and maintaining an effective SDK program can be resource-intensive. This talk will address this challenge by demonstrating the key – SDK generation. Learn how your OpenAPI definition can serve as a source of truth, enabling the automated generation of SDK libraries in multiple languages, comprehensive documentation, and illustrative code samples. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of SDK generation as the linchpin in crossing the API Adoption Chasm.
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Sid Maestre

VP Developer Relations, APIMatic
As the VP of Developer Relation at APIMatic, Sid Maestre works with companies to automate how they build developer experiences and drive adoption of their APIs through SDKs, interactive documentation, guides and code samples. Sid is building a community of practice for SDKs builders... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Embedded API Governance in Action
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Swapnil Sapar, Microsoft, Principal Software Engineer

API governance is crucial for enterprise success. By integrating policy guidance as developer signals within their Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) tools and processes, enterprises achieve higher policy compliance at substantially lower recovery costs. This approach enhances the developer experience and offers management a transparent overview of their API portfolios, facilitating ongoing improvements in API production. The API Health Dashboard, an exemplary governance application for internal portals, provides upper management with a clear perspective on the performance of their APIs. 
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Swapnil Sapar

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
https://www.linkedin.com/in/swapnilsapar/Implemented API Programs at Enterprise ScaleMember of OpenAPI SIG, Linux Foundation.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:00am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): How We Implemented Zero Trust Security Using Cilium
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Lakmal Warusawithana, WSO2, Technology Evangelist

Implementing a zero trust approach is essential for security, as it involves verifying and validating every request, irrespective of its origin or location.

In the initial implementation of Choreo, our internal Developer Platform as a Service, we faced challenges in controlling all network access and enforcing authentication, authorization, and seamless network traffic encryption at scale, which is vital for the Choreo cloud service. However, by employing Cilium, K8s, and a cell-based architecture, we were able to develop a scalable platform that upholds zero trust security principles.

The combination of Cilium's eBPF-powered layer 3, 4, and 7 network policies, Hubble Observability, IPSec security, and a cell-based architecture enabled us to address all the critical elements of a zero trust platform successfully.

In this talk, I will detail all the challenges we faced and the strategies we employed to overcome them.
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Lakmal Warusawithana

Technology Evangelist, WSO2
Lakmal Warusawithana is the Senior Director - Cloud Architecture of WSO2. Lakmal has a long history of working in open source, cloud, and DevOps technologies and has been Vice President of Apache Stratos PaaS Project. Lakmal has also presented at numerous events, including ApacheCon... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): How We Built a Billion $$ API Business for a Leading Retailer (Best Buy)
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Kumar Kandaswamy, Platformify, Serial platform builder

Every company should be a platform company. That's what led me to Best Buy in 2010 where I was hired as the founding GM to build their platform business. We delivered a billion $ API business from scratch in less than 5 years. This session will showcase our journey, the lessons learned and how other organizations could benefit from the experience. 
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Kumar Kandaswamy

Serial platform builder, Platformify
Kumar Kandaswamy is a veteran Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and intrapreneur with over 30 years industry experience spanning various industries. Kumar is a serial platform builder having built and scaled API and platform ecosystems for early stage startups like Chegg, RapidAPI... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Coordinating Chaos - Architecting Distributed Transactions in Microservices
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Amuthan Ganeshan, US Bank, Principal Architect

The shift towards microservices has introduced a range of transactional complexities that cannot be efficiently managed through traditional ACID transaction models. My presentation will explore the implementation of the Saga pattern, using Apache Kafka for messaging, to ensure data consistency and integrity across distributed systems.
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Amuthan Ganeshan

Principal Architect, US bank
Principal Software Engineer with over 15 years of hands-on experience architecting and building distributed cloud-native applications. Authored a couple of books on enterprise Java application development.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Harnessing Sandboxing for Secure Application Deployment
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Ajay Kidave, Clace, Founder

Sandboxing allows for secure software development and deployment. Running code in a sandbox allows installing and running applications while controlling what the applications can do. Sandboxing allows administrators to deploy an application and specify what fine grained operations it can perform. We introduce an open-source project built in go that implements sandboxing features to allow applications to be developed and deployed easily and securely. 
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Ajay Kidave

Founder, Clace
Ajay Kidave is the Founder of Clace, an open source project which is using sandboxing to allow the secure development and deployment of internal applications. Previously, Ajay was the Chief Architect at SnapLogic, an enterprise data and application integration service. Before that... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Codemod: Code Modernization at Scale, Powered by AI
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Alex Bit, Codemod, Founder & CEO

Learn about Codemod's open-source code automation platform. This similar technology has long been used in tech giants like Meta to automate vast amounts of crucial yet undifferentiated coding, such as framework upgrades, feature flag cleanups, large refactors, optimizations, mining, and more.
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Alex Bit

Founder & CEO, Codemod
Alex, a PhD dropout in Systems Engineering, has built AI-powered automation platforms at Meta, processing billions of content daily. Alex founded Codemod to create a better version of the internal code automation platform at Meta for the rest of the world.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Modern OpenAPI Tooling - Unlock the Full Potential of Your Spec
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Adrian Machado, Zuplo, Product Engineer

OpenAPI adoption has reached an alltime high - but most companies are doing OpenAPI ALL WRONG. Join Adrian Machado, Zuplo Product Engineer, and prominent developer in the Open Source API Tooling space, as he dives into how cutting-edge companies are using OpenAPI to power more than just their documentation. You'll learn how to use modern OpenAPI tooling to improve API security and developer experien
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Adrian Machado

Product Engineer, Zuplo
Adrian is a Product Engineer at Zuplo. Formerly a tech lead in the Facebook videos org, Adrian is now focused on making API development accessible to all.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Microservices for Confidential Computing Ecosystem
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Bala Siva Sai Akhil Malepati, Intel, Staff Engineer

Confidential Computing is an emerging field which makes it possible to protect and secure data in use. Microservices built for this ecosystem have fundamental uniqueness in terms of architecture and design. There are many offerings in the Confidential Computing ecosystem which can help developers build Microservices with more ease. In this session, will cover about above and more specifically fundamentals of Confidential Computing such as Attestation, Sealing, etc. along with how Microservices should be thought of, built, deployed and managed for this emerging ecosystem.

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Bala Siva Sai Akhil Malepati

Staff Engineer, Intel
I love distributed and decentralized systems. Currently working as Staff Engineer at Intel. Working on Research and Development of Distributed and Secure Platforms and Services. Previously worked on various layers and aspects in terms of innovation, architecture, design and development... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Thinking Beyond Chatbots! - What’s Next for Observability + AI
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Ruchir Jha, Cardinal, CEO

Ever felt like RunBooks are just bandaids for tech mishaps? They pop up after an incident and only help when the same gremlins strike again. But where’s the RunBook for leveling up your troubleshooting game (fast)? Every company is a unique beast with its own architecture, tech stacks, and dependency webs. Scrambling to link faces with systems and knowing who to call during a crisis can be stressful.
And then there’s the real kicker: How do you gauge the true business fallout from an outage, and and determine the best course of action? What if Observability Tools could pull something like your IDE, learning from “anonymous usage stats” to improve over time for everyone on the team? Imagine tapping into the instincts of senior engineers and sharing their troubleshooting savvy across the board. My talk dives into how Retrieval Augmented Techniques (RAG) in AI can make this more seamless in reality.
Join me to explore how we can turn troubleshooting into a collective superpower!
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Ruchir Jha

CEO, Cardinal
Ruchir is the co-founder and CEO of Cardinal, which helps improve the ROI (Return On Investment) of an existing Observability Stack. In his previous life, he spent 7 years as a Lead Engineer on Netflix's Observability team, where he built petabyte-scale Observability products that... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

1:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): The Hidden Currents of API Consumption: Strategies for Effective Egress Traffic Control
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Iddo Gino, Lunar, Advisor & Investor

In a world where APIs serve as the linchpin of digital transformation, the journey often begins with a successful integration.

However, the narrative seldom explores the aftermath—what happens after the integration is completed?

The proposed lecture zooms in on API Egress traffic and into the less-discussed terrain of post-integration challenges and pragmatic solutions within the API economy.
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Iddo Gino

Advisor & Investor, Lunar
Part of Forbes 30 Under 30 list, he's a 2017 Thiel Fellow. Previously, he was a Co-organizer of Hacking Gen Y. Iddo has been programming since he was a kid and continues to contribute to open-source projects. Originally from Haifa, Israel, Iddo is based in San Francisco, CA.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Simplifying Multi-Cloud Security and Networking using an AI-Powered Approach
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Bhavin Desai, Google, Cross-Cloud Network Product Lead

Organizations increasingly adopt multi-cloud strategies to enhance agility and avoid vendor lock-in. However, this complexity creates challenges in networking, security posture management, and application development. This abstract highlights the potential of service-centric networking to streamline secure connectivity across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. It also explores AI-powered network security capabilities, including zero-trust architecture, next-generation firewalls, secure web proxies, and data loss prevention. By integrating these solutions, organizations can proactively defend their cloud networks, protect workloads, secure data, and ensure user security, ultimately accelerating distributed application development while maintaining a robust security posture. 
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Bhavin Desai

Cross-Cloud Network Product Lead, Google
Highly accomplished cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity professional with a strong background in product management, technical solutions architecture, and cloud engineering. Proven expertise with 11+ years of experience in leading strategic initiatives, designing scalable solutions... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Boosting Developer Productivity: Implementing Efficient Pipelines with Helm & CI/CD
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Sanyogeeta Lawande, Ford Motor Company, Software Engineer

In today's fast-paced development environment, efficiency is key. In this talk, we will explore the implementation of efficient CI/CD pipelines to ensure that testing on the development branch is smooth and unblocked. By leveraging Helm and advanced pipeline strategies, developers can enjoy a more seamless integration process, reducing bottlenecks and enhancing productivity. Learn practical techniques and best practices to optimize your development workflow, enabling your team to deliver high-quality software faster and with greater confidence. 
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Sanyogeeta Lawande

Software Engineer, Ford Motor Company
Sanyogeeta is a seasoned Software Engineer specializing in scaling and optimizing complex, high-volume data systems. Currently, she is shaping the future of automotive telemetry at Ford, previously at Autonomic LLC in Palo Alto, CA, where she has scaled telemetry streaming services... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Meet The Web Framework From The Future
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Dev Agrawal, Smart Data, Software Engineer

What would you envision your futuristic web framework to be like? What kind of properties would it have, and what would it enable for you?

For me, the future of web frameworks should be performant by default, developer friendly, minimal but flexible to business needs, and use both the client and the server runtimes to their maximum potential.

It’s a tough criteria, and most frameworks fail to meet a lot of these requirements. However, Solid Start is a relatively new framework that checks all of these boxes, aims for a very high ceiling, and has already inspired many popular frameworks to add similar features.

Let’s take a look at the shape of frameworks to come in this session by building a sample application with Solid Start, witness its incredible UX and DX capabilities, and how it compares to other frameworks like Next.js and Astro.
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Dev Agrawal

Software Engineer, Smart Data
Dev Agrawal is a software engineer at Smart Data, and makes content on YouTube and Twitch around software development and design. Dev has been writing fullstack javascript applications for 7 years, has an interest in devtools that enable productivity, home brewing coffee, and heavy... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Breaking Barriers: Achieving Continuous Testing @ Scale
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Wilhelm Haaker, Parasoft, Director, Solution Engineering, Functional

Continuous testing serves as the cornerstone for modern software development, facilitating the rapid delivery of high-quality software. Yet, as projects grow in complexity and testing scope, achieving the delicate balance between frequent releases and uncompromised quality becomes increasingly challenging. The methodology of short development iterations often clashes with the necessity of rigorous regression testing, threatening to erode the foundation of continuous testing.

In this session, we’ll discuss how to overcome the hurdles that impede achieving continuous testing at scale. Drawing from industry experience and best practices, we’ll tackle:

Too many UI tests. Explore innovative approaches to reduce dependence on UI testing, optimizing test coverage across the SDLC for efficiency and reliability.

Too many tests in general. Reduce the constantly increasing weight of regression tests that compromise QA's ability to keep up with development by adopting strategies that uphold testing effectiveness without sacrificing velocity.

Test environment constraints. Confront the challenges stemming from test environment availability and controllability through the strategic application of service virtualization.

Join us as we unravel the intricacies of continuous testing at scale, equipping your team with the tools and insights necessary to embrace a paradigm shift toward accelerated delivery without compromising on quality.
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Wilhelm Haaker

Director, Solution Engineering, Functional, Parasoft
Wilhelm Haaker, Director of Solution Engineering at Parasoft, manages a global team of solution engineers dedicated to Parasoft’s web and cloud solutions. His team helps organizations modernize their software development and testing processes and optimize test automation for Agile... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Log for Success: Enhancing API Security and Operations Through Effective Audit Logging
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
John Tobin, Solsys, Principal Consultant

APIs are more vital - and more vulnerable - than ever before. The potential for exposing critical customer data or jeopardizing financial transactions puts organizations at significant risk of reputational and financial damage. Additionally, ensuring API performance and swiftly resolving client issues have become increasingly complex tasks. The solution to these challenges lies in effective API audit logging at key entry points. Understanding what to log and how to monitor this information for security threats is crucial. This session will provide essential practices for effective API audit logging, empowering you to safeguard your organization and enhance operational efficiency.
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John Tobin

Principal Consultant, Solsys
John has over 25 years of experience working in software and technology, with professional services consulting firms and product companies, ranging from large enterprises to small firms. John currently helps clients with their API governance, API management, and API security problems... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): .NET Apps Everywhere, at 5X the Speed
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Steve Bilogan, Uno Platform, Senior Engineer

Developing cross-platform applications is complex. Some frameworks allow us to share the business logic and some go further and allow us to share the UI layer. But even then – working with device hardware requires developers familiar with each target platform to maintain it and can still lead to error-prone platform-specific code.

What if you could write it all in either C# or XAML, from any dev environment, deploy to any platform, at 5x the speed, and have it all pixel-perfect without any lock-in? Enter Uno Platform, an open-source project enabling amazing dev productivity for building Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and WebAssembly apps!

In this session, we will provide a brief overview of what Uno Platform is and how it works before we take a deep dive under the hood and see where the magic happens.
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Steve Bilogan

Senior Engineer, Uno Platform
Steve is a Senior Engineer, a .NET Microsoft MVP, and one of the core maintainers of the open-source Uno Platform project. When not at his computer, he is either watching the Montreal Canadiens lose or asleep on the couch.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

3:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): OpenAPI Extensibility - The Good, The Bad and The YAMLy
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Baruch Sadogursky, Gradle, Principal Developer Productivity Engineering Advocate
Laura Kassovic, Gradle, Tech Writer

Swagger and OpenAPI revolutionized the API landscape and created a thriving ecosystem of developer tools, from IDEs to contract testing and no-code solutions. In our projects (WireMock, Jenkins, Testcontainers and WireMock Cloud) we adopted OpenAPI to provide a great developer, and achieved great results. At the same time, the v3 version of specification has too many limitations, especially when it comes to behavior modeling: limited extensions framework, poor response flexibility limiting complex API options, and weak examples and self documentation capabilities. Good news is that OpenAPI v4 (Project Moonwalk) addresses many of those concerns and, hopefully, could address others before the release. Let’s, wearing our end user hats, discuss the v3 experiences and how we could address them in the upcoming major release! 
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Laura Kassovic

Technical Writer, Gradle
Laura is a seasoned Technical Writer specializing in software and hardware documentation. At Gradle, she focuses on enhancing the Gradle Build Tool User Manual and the Gradle experience. She has authored tutorials, blog posts, Javadocs, user manual entries, and release notes during... Read More →
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Baruch Sadogursky

Principal Developer Productivity Engineering Advocate, Gradle
Baruch Sadogursky (@jbaruch) did Java before it had generics, DevOps before there was Docker, and DevRel before it had a name. He started DevRel at JFrog when it was ten people and took it all the way to a successful $6B IPO by helping engineers solve problems. Now Baruch keeps helping... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

3:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): How Attentive Leveraged Istio's Proxyless Mesh To Send Over Half A Billion Text Messages In A Day
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Lawrence Finn, Attentive, Principal Engineer

Attentive is a leader in text and email marketing. Every year around Thanksgiving, companies do a massive amount of marketing. In 2023 we realized that our typical service mesh would not be able to handle the estimated load generated during the holiday season. Learn about how we migrated some of our services to use Istio's Proxyless Mesh powered by xDS to handle our scale needs and then some. 
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Lawrence Finn

Principal Engineer, Attentive
Lawrence (Larry) Finn is a technologist hailing from New York City. He started out working in banking technology, but has spent the past decade in the startup world working at enterprise technology startups. Larry has specialized in building APIs and distributed backend systems.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

3:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): AI for API Privacy Testing
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Intesar Shannan Mohammed, PerfAI, Founder

Did you know that data privacy is a compliance requirement mandated by almost every country? It differs from data security, with a greater focus on protecting personal information. API privacy plays a crucial role in this, as it extends beyond securing databases and cloud data. In this session, I’ll introduce the API Privacy Top-10 List and demonstrate how AI can automate API privacy testing, freeing developers from tedious tasks while ensuring your applications and APIs remain compliant with privacy regulations.
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Intesar Shannan Mohammed

Founder, PerfAI.ai
Intesar Shannan Mohammed is a seasoned serial entrepreneur and speaker with profound expertise in APIs, governance, privacy, performance, and security. With a remarkable track record of founding three successful startups in the API space, Intesar's entrepreneurial journey has been... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

3:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Empowering Concurrent Development of Distributed Systems with GenAI-Assisted API Spec Management
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Matthew Bae, Deloitte, Specialist Lead in API & Integration Offering

Modern integration techniques, typically implemented through APIs and Microservices, play a pivotal role in propelling digital transformation initiatives. These deployments often occur in highly distributed environments, where a large number of small APIs and Microservices are simultaneously developed by different teams.

This simultaneous development can present challenges such as coordination among teams and delays due to waiting for other teams' completion. Overcoming these challenges requires distributed development techniques like design-first approaches and test-driven methodologies. In these methods, interface specifications written in a common structured language serve as the "contract" to manage interface agreements between applications. These interface contracts, which are machine-readable, and version controlled, facilitate trust among teams and allow parallel development and testing of applications in an early stage of the application development lifecycle. The contracts also aid in dependency management, planning for integrated testing, and releases of all related APIs and Microservices.

This session discusses a GenAI-assisted solution to standardize the development of API specifications, and automate the publishing of versioned, traceable API documentation in an API catalog portal. This pro
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Matthew Bae

Specialist Lead in API & Integration Offering, Deloitte
Matthew Bae is a systems integration leader and collaborative problem solver who uses his over 20 years of banking and telco industry knowledge, IT management consulting experiences, and digital transformation and integration architecture expertise (MuleSoft) to help enterprises reduce... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

3:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Mastering Latency: Efficient Data Processing through Tiered Storage Techniques
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Rayees Pasha, RisingWave Labs, Head of Product

In this talk, I focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with Cloud storage in data processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of object storage latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing.

We will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of Cloud storage latency on data processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their data processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.
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Rayees Pasha

Head of Product, RisingWave Labs
Rayees Pasha is the Head of Product at RisingWave Labs, a startup pioneering the development of Streaming Database. Rayees is responsible for all areas of Product management and Marketing. His expertise is in the areas of data management and big data analytics. He has held product... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

3:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Evolution of Real-Time and AnyCable
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Irina Nazarova, Evil Martians, CEO

When we launched AnyCable Pro in 2021, our goal was to grow our open source WebSocket infrastructure project, while also making this work successful commercially. We started building what people asked for, and witnessed their tastes in real-time shift from GraphQL to simpler HTML-over-the-wire, from notifications and chats to more complex collaboration UI, and finally to the AI-powered text and voice apps. Let’s reflect on our journey and things that worked, and glimpse into the future of AnyCable and real-time applications.
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Irina Nazarova

CEO, Evil Martians
CEO at devtools consulting Evil Martians, co-founder of real-time framework AnyCable, based in SF. I believe that clients are friends, and we care about each other. Armed with wit, passion, and a sprinkle of mischief, I proudly steer Evil Martians toward extraordinary achievement... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

4:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Architecting a Developer-Friendly API Platform
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Augusto Goncalves, Autodesk, Developer Advocate Manager

Well-designed and well-maintained APIs are the foundation of any successful API ecosystem program. In this session, we'll explore best practices for architecting APIs across various formats – REST & GraphQL – to deliver performant and developer-friendly services. Drawing from the experience of building a world-class developer program that supports thousands of active third-party developers, we'll delve into the architectural considerations and strategies for creating a cohesive platform that provides a seamless experience across all APIs. 
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Augusto Goncalves

Developer Advocate Manager, Autodesk
Advocate at Autodesk since 2008, supporting customers and partners using desktop and cloud APIs
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

4:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Establishing an API-First Culture within Atlassian
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Dugald Morrow, Atlassian, Developer Advocacy and Extensibility Standards

API technologists are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of an API first approach to software development, but there are many challenges related to the establishment of an API First culture throughout an organisation.

In this session, learn about the tactics used by Atlassian’s Extensibility Standards team to uplevel Atlassian’s API culture. The session covers the challenges faced by Atlassian, how API First overcomes these challenges and how API First fits within Atlassian’s API lifecycle management practices.
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Dugald Morrow

Developer Advocacy and Extensibility Standards, Atlassian
Dugald Morrow studied electrical engineering at the University of Sydney. His software career started in the development of mission critical applications including a submarine combat system, air traffic control system and traffic and transport management system. He worked in a number... Read More →
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

4:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): eBay's Universal Rendering Platform
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Damodaran Chingleput Sathyakumar, eBay, Staff Engineer

The session walks through an industry solution of universal rendering, streaming & micro frontends that helped eBay deliver host app agnostic cross functional UX widgets at scale to over 700+ distributed site facing eBay apps & helped cut down the time to launch site wide UX from a few months to a few weeks. The system delivers over 150+ targeted UX widgets & has onboarded over 30 internal platforms within the company that have usecases of delivering site wide UX 
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Damodaran Chingleput Sathyakumar

Staff Engineer, eBay
Damodaran works as a Senior FE Engineer for eBay. He has worked on Header Platforms, universal render platforms, eBay's Seller experience & Buyer Experience SEO pages. He works predominantly on NodeJS, React & Marko.
Wednesday November 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1
Thursday, November 7

9:00am PST

API World EXPO Challenge (Win Swag!)
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm PST
Complete the API World 2024 Expo Challenge to earn cool API World 2024 Swag!
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm PST
Expo Hall

9:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Unleashing GenAI's Potential for Advanced API Linting
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Sridhar Kunisetty, Equinix, Principal Architect

An API linter plays a crucial role in ensuring that API specifications adhere to established standards, best practices, guidelines, and are free from potential errors. It is an essential component in the development process to ensure that APIs are well-designed, consistent, maintainable, reliable, secure and follow the organization's conventions and guidelines.

We present a new approach to API linting by harnessing the power of Generative AI (GenAI). Our solution involves training a Large Language Model (LLM) to act as an Advanced API Linter, capable of not only answering correctness queries but also analyzing API specifications and providing a comprehensive list of errors, violations, and issues.

Unlike traditional API linters, our GenAI solution eliminates the need for complex validation rules and specialized expertise. By training the LLM with our organization's API standards, best practices, and guidelines, we enable it to understand and enforce these rules effortlessly. Moreover, the training process is straightforward, and we can alternatively provide the necessary content as a context in the prompt to the LLM.

One of the key advantages of our GenAI approach is its user-friendliness. Instead of grappling with new syntax or programming languages to define validation rules, users can express their requirements in plain English. This democratizes API linting, empowering developers to improve API quality through self-service and facilitating the seamless adoption of an API-First approach.

During this session, we will showcase a range of use cases that demonstrate how GenAI can be leveraged to achieve advanced API linting capabilities. Additionally, we will explore the potential of utilizing a Small Language Model (SLM) as an alternative to the LLM, opening up new possibilities for API linting efficiency.

Join us as we unveil the future of API linting, where GenAI revolutionizes the development process, enhances API quality, and empowers developers to build robust and reliable APIs effortlessly.
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Sridhar Kunisetty

Principal Architect, Equinix
Sridhar has over 20 years of experience working in technical and management roles in startups and large companies in Silicon Valley Bay Area. Before joining Equinix to lead the API program, he was a Distinguished Engineer and a Chief Architect at other companies. He is a lead inventor... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

9:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Designing A Lingua Franca for Data Access
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Tom Harding, Hasura, Software Engineer

How could we design an API for querying data across all kinds of sources? How could we describe complex queries that join data across them? This problem is tough enough when all the sources are, say, Postgres, but what about when we need to join data from Postgres to MongoDB? Or an arbitrary CSV file? Or even another API? How do we talk about data access and manipulation in a way that makes sense for all these possible backends?

In this talk, we'll discuss how we've been designing a solution to this problem. We'll talk about some of the challenges in keeping API design consistent across data sources, balancing simplicity and expressivity, and even making all of this performant behind the infinite number shapes that a GraphQL request can take.
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Tom Harding

Software Engineer, Hasura
Tom lives in Barcelona with his partner and their cat, Beef. At Hasura, he builds compilers from GraphQL to SQL across a variety of different backend data stores. Outside of work, he's a runner, climber, and cyclist.
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

9:30am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Navigating the Ethical Terrain of AI-Enhanced Marketing Automation: Strategies for Responsible Innov
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Sravan Yella, Hewlett Packard, Lead Solutions Engineer

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing, particularly through social media, presents profound opportunities and ethical challenges that demand careful consideration. As AI technologies like Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and predictive analytics become central to marketing strategies, they facilitate unparalleled personalization and efficiency in analyzing vast datasets and optimizing marketing efforts. Despite these advancements enhancing customer engagement by 40% and reducing operational costs by 30%, the rapid proliferation of AI tools in marketing raises significant ethical concerns. Key issues include the potential for data privacy breaches, the accuracy and bias in AI algorithms, and the lack of transparency in AI-driven decisions. These challenges not only affect consumer trust, which has seen a decline of 20% in brands using AI indiscriminately but also pose risks to brand integrity and compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks. To navigate this landscape responsibly, this presentation will explore best practices and frameworks for ethical AI usage in marketing. We will discuss the implementation of rigorous data governance protocols that ensure user data protection and privacy, techniques for auditing and mitigating biases in AI models to boost decision transparency, and strategies for maintaining compliance with international data use regulations. By fostering an ethical AI deployment approach, companies can enhance customer satisfaction by 25% and improve brand loyalty. This talk aims to equip professionals with actionable insights to leverage AI in marketing ethically and sustainably, ensuring long-term business success and consumer trust.

This abstract emphasizes the balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and addressing ethical considerations, backed by relevant data points to enhance its appeal to conference reviewers.
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Sravan Yella

Lead Solutions Engineer, Hewlett Packard
Sravan Yella is an expert CRM Engineering Leader with extensive experience in leveraging exponential backoff strategies to enhance the robustness and efficiency of distributed systems. His strategic implementations have significantly reduced downtime and improved system response in... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

9:30am PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Innovating Browser Security: New Dev Strategies for Taming Vulnerable Third-Party Scripts
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Simon Wijckmans, c/side, CEO

As developers, we continually put third-party code snippets into our organization’s websites to run features like chatbots, analytics, and payment gateways. However, these scripts have become a significantly increasing attack vector for cybercriminals—putting user data and businesses at risk. From the infamous British Airways breach to the recent Kaiser Permanente incident (and many more in between), the consequences of failing to secure these code vulnerabilities aren’t for the faint of heart.

In this Dev Innovation Summit session, we’ll dive deep into the unique challenges posed by the third-party code scripts that run behind the scenes in your user’s browsers. You’ll gain a technical understanding of how exactly these attacks occur and why they’ve been so difficult to monitor and secure. Through real-world examples and case studies, the talk will explore the tactics hackers employ to exploit these code vulnerabilities.
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Simon Wijckmans

CEO, c/side
Simon Wijckmans is the CEO and co-founder of c/side. His career has focused on web security, product management, cloud solutions, and developer experience. His technical experience includes work at Cloudflare, Vercel, and Microsoft.
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

9:30am PST

API World Certificate Program
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 4:00pm PST
Details coming soon!
Thursday November 7, 2024 9:30am - 4:00pm PST
Santa Clara Convention Center

10:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Bridging the Gap: A Case Study in Unifying Disparate Systems for Seamless Smart Home Security
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Arun Narasimhan, Google, Senior Software Engineer

The Internet of Things (IoT) landscape for smart home security is often fragmented, with various providers offering distinct solutions. This presentation explores a collaboration between ADT, a leader in traditional security systems, and Google, a pioneer in smart home devices.

Previously, customers would have had to juggle separate applications and ecosystems from ADT and Google to manage their security needs. This project addressed this challenge by integrating data and functionality from both systems into a single, user-friendly mobile application called "ADT+".

The talk will delve into the technical aspects of integrating siloed systems and explore how APIs were leveraged to this enable it.

Takeaways will include a list of best practices for doing large scale system integrations between industry behemoths.
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Arun Narasimhan

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Arun Narasimhan is a Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead Manager at Google with over ten years of experience in software development.Arun was the Engineering Manager of the Spam & Abuse fighting team for the ‘Google Messages’ product which has 5B+ downloads on the Android PlayStore... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

10:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Harnessing GitOps for Next-Gen Infrastructure as Code
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Guy Ludvig, Frontegg, Head of DevOp

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is evolving with the adoption of the GitOps pattern, revolutionizing deployment strategies and operational standards. This session will cover how we implemented the GitOps pattern using Crossplane to manage our cloud-native resources effectively. We'll discuss the benefits of this approach, including increased developer autonomy, improved accuracy in deployments, and enhanced security compliance. Learn how GitOps can streamline your workflow, provide a clear audit trail, and support scalable, sustainable infrastructure management as your team continues to scale and broaden the capabilities of your product. 
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Guy Ludvig

Head of DevOp, Frontegg
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

10:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Telling Your developer Success Stories
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Tony Mann, Docusign, Director, Developer Content

At Docusign, we have a vibrant developer ecosystem. We understand that telling the success stories of your developer engagements and integrations with APIs is very different than what companies typically do for business case studies. API success stories have to resonate with a developer audience and engage a technical audience in a clear, concise, interesting way. This session will outline how we do this at Docusign, with a lot of tried-and-true tips and advice.
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Tony Mann

Director, Developer Content, Docusign
I am the Director of Developer Content at Docusign and have been with the company for more than 7 years. I'm responsible for all API and developer-focused content in our Developer Center, as well as our developer blog, developer newsletter, and developer enablement. I have authored... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

10:30am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Type-Safe, Polyglot Messaging and Eventing: Stream/Queue/Topic “Of T”
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Clemens Vasters, Microsoft, Chief Messenger
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Clemens Vasters

Chief Messenger, Microsoft
Clemens Vasters is Lead Architect in Microsoft’s Azure Messaging team that builds and operates a fleet of hyper-scale messaging services, including Event Grid, Service Bus, and Event Hubs. Clemens represents Microsoft in messaging standardisation in OASIS (AMQP) and CNCF (CloudEvents... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

11:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): How NorthWestern Mutual 10X Our Developer Experience through an Automated Governance Model
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Budhaditya Bhattacharya, Tyk, Developer Advocate
Supreet Nagi, Northwestern Mutual, Assistant Director Systems Software Engineering

NorthWestern Mutual is one of the largest financial services providers in the United States with 5 million+ customers and 6700+ financial advisors. APIs are a core part of our business and are supported by a highly mature API platform engineering team.
In this case study, we learn how we combined seamless API creation and centralized governance using an automated workflow-based model to drive an exceptional DevX.
We will examine a combination of tools, such as K8S, KEDA, Jaeger, and OTel, that enabled the creation of our API platform, along with changes to people and processes.
What we will cover:
1. Key challenges when balancing API creation & governance at scale
2. Implementing an automated workflow-based governance model
3. Metrics of success & outcomes achieved
4. How to execute a similar API platform strategy using the platform engineering maturity model
Ultimately, this session provides real-world examples and insights into best practices for implementing this model within your company.
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Budhaditya Bhattacharya

Developer Advocate, Tyk
Budha is a Developer Advocate at Tyk responsible for product education, community engagement, and open-source ecosystem expansion. He is the host of the All About APIs podcast as well as the API hangout where he engages with developers and business leaders on all things APIs including... Read More →
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Supreet Nagi

Assistant Director Systems Software Engineering, Northwestern Mutual
Supreet Nagi, Assistant Director in infrastructure core platforms, leads messaging, events, runtimes, and API management teams. With 18 years of IT experience, witnessed the transformation of developer experience from 1-day manual builds to 5-minute CICD, bringing efficiency and agility... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:00am PST

PRO SESSION (API): A Maturity Model for API Security Best Practices
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Tim Erlin, Wallarm, VP of Product

Securing modern applications requires new thinking. As the prevalence of application programming interfaces (APIs) increases, and the exponential increase in API calls grows, attackers are taking notice. Attackers have shifted their primary focus from web applications to APIs and most security teams haven’t adapted. Since APIs are inherently more exposed than traditional web apps, security teams must rebalance their efforts to ensure defenses are strongest where attacks are actually occurring. The session will cover:

Introduction to API Security Requirements
Cross-referenced API Security Best Practices
A Security Maturity Model for API Security
3 Ways to Close Remaining Security Gaps
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Tim Erlin

VP of Product, Wallarm
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:00am PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Building Connected AI Agents - Web Scraping vs API Integrations
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Iddo Gino, Lunar, Advisor & Investor

With the AI craze taking over the world, a race is on to develop capable autonomous AI agents. For these agents to offer meaningful capabilities - they need to integrate with the outside world to get access to current information and be able to take actions on behalf of users. Two common approaches battle on for this - creating API integrations and using screen scraping. Each approach has advantages and risks - this session will introduce both approaches in depth, provide real world technical examples, and discuss when to choose which one!
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Iddo Gino

Advisor & Investor, Lunar
Part of Forbes 30 Under 30 list, he's a 2017 Thiel Fellow. Previously, he was a Co-organizer of Hacking Gen Y. Iddo has been programming since he was a kid and continues to contribute to open-source projects. Originally from Haifa, Israel, Iddo is based in San Francisco, CA.
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Meadow: LLM Agents for Data Tasks
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Vishal Motwani, Numbers Station AI,  Founding Product Manager 
Amit Shah, JLL, Senior Director  

Numbers Station Labs is excited to release Meadow, the first open source agentic framework built for data workflows. Data workflows are multi-step processes where an analyst first transforms, generates, and analyzes structured data to gain insights and take action. Mutli-AI-agent architectures are proving to be the key to solving highly complex tasks with AI that one model alone cannot solve, and are paving the way for end-to-end data workflow automation. None of the existing general-purpose agent frameworks are tailor-built for data analysts and lack support for sharing knowledge across a data layer, data-aware task deconstruction, and iterative data debugging. To address these concerns, we’ve built Meadow—the first multi-agentic framework for data tasks where all agents are data-aware and can communicate via shared data layer, hierarchically plan data tasks, and query the data interactively to debug. Early results show that Meadow, without any expensive labeled examples, is within 3.6 points of state-of-the-art on the Spider text-to-SQL benchmark and realizes lifts of up to 20 points over simple, zero-shot text-to-SQL prompts. Meadow is also capable of detecting data errors and uncovering incorrect benchmark queries that did not take into account extra white spaces in the data.
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Vishal Motwani

Founding Product Manager, Numbers Station AI
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Amit Shah

Senior Director, JLL
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (API): Boost Your API Documentation with These Best Practices
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Ken Cenerelli, Google, Senior Technical Writer

Great API documentation is essential when developing a product but it can often be an afterthought during a project. While a technical writer can solve this problem, not every development team or project is assigned one. To create a sublime user experience, you must contemplate how to build a good doc set that’s complete, consistent, and easy to use. In this session, we’ll explore multiple best practices and recommendations that developers can employ to improve their technical documentation.

This session describes:

- Developing personas for your audience
- How to create an engaging style and consistent tone for your documentation
- How to write documentation for your APIs
- Incorporating AI into your documentation process
- Drafting some of the “must-have” docs
- Creating a feedback loop and maintenance plan for your docs
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Ken Cenerelli

Senior Technical Writer, Google Cloud
Ken Cenerelli is a senior technical writer for Google Cloud where he currently creates API documentation that receives millions of page views each year. He’s passionate about technical writing, API documentation, and making content simple for all users. Before his career as a technical... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Infrastructure in a Flash: Deploy via Code in Under 30 Minutes!
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Jagrut Sharma, Adobe, Senior Software Engineer

Unlock the power of managing infrastructure through code in this dynamic session! You'll dive into the fundamentals of infrastructure as code (IaC) with a focus on AWS CloudFormation. Step-by-step, you'll learn how to write your first template to efficiently create, update, and delete cloud resources.

By the end of this hands-on workshop, you'll have added a valuable skill to your repertoire and be equipped with the knowledge to further explore the vast possibilities of infrastructure as code. Join to enhance your technical skillset and embark on a journey of continuous innovation in cloud infrastructure management.
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Jagrut Sharma

Senior Software Engineer, Adobe
Jagrut Sharma is a senior software engineer at Adobe, where he leads the architecture and development of services enabling innovative machine-learning solutions and use cases. With over 20 years of experience in technology, Jagrut has contributed to a wide variety of projects across... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

11:30am PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Building Resilient Multi-Tenant SaaS Application on AWS
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Shantanu Kumar, Amazon, Senior Software Engineer

Join us for a deep dive into the intricacies of building resilient and hyper-scalable multi-tenant SaaS applications on AWS, illustrated through the development of Amazon's groundbreaking Buy with Prime service. This session will explore the challenges faced and innovative solutions implemented to create a robust, secure, and flexible multi-tenant architecture.

Our expert presenter, a Buy with Prime team member, will share valuable insights and best practices gathered from their extensive experience. You will learn about the importance of tenant-aware resource management, which ensures flexibility and security by effectively isolating tenants and addressing noisy neighbor issues. Discover the critical role of implementing throttling mechanisms at multiple layers (API, application, downstream resources) to protect service availability and performance, preventing any single tenant from overloading the system.

We will also delve into the necessity of robust testing for multi-tenancy, highlighting the need for comprehensive test cases that cover optimistic scenarios and critical failure cases to validate tenant isolation and security measures. Additionally, the session will cover comprehensive monitoring and telemetry tools like AWS CloudWatch, which provide visibility into system behavior and enable quick identification and resolution of issues such as noisy neighbors.

Furthermore, the session will discuss the benefits of designing an architecture that separates customer-facing layers from backend services. This separation enhances flexibility and scalability, allowing for independent development and efficient handling of diverse customer needs and traffic demands.

This session is a must-attend for developers, infrastructure specialists, project managers, and anyone involved in building or managing SaaS applications. You'll gain practical knowledge and actionable strategies to tackle common SaaS challenges and create secure, scalable applications that meet diverse customer requirements. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts behind Amazon's Buy with Prime and elevate your SaaS development skills to the next level.
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Shantanu Kumar

Senior Software Engineer, Amazon
I have over eight years of experience working at Amazon, specializing in leading engineering teams that build large-scale data processing systems, AI infrastructure, and cloud-native data platforms and services. My expertise lies in creating secure, scalable, and highly available... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Harmony in API Development: Bridging Code-First and Design-First
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Brett Bush, LogicGate, Staff Software Engineer: Platform

Within API-First development, a dichotomy has formed: Code-First or Design-First. Are these approaches destined to be adopted in polarized isolation, or rather, are they equally valid phases of a healthy API development cycle? This presentation will reveal a new way to visualize the cyclical nature of Code-First and Design-First API development, discuss parallels to Test-Driven development, and explore the benefits unlocked from leveraging both methodologies in tandem. 
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Brett Bush

Staff Software Engineer: Platform, LogicGate
Brett Bush is a Staff Software Engineer at LogicGate with a decade of experience building flexible APIs, services, and databases from SaaS platforms to SDKs with a passion for developer experience, comprehensive documentation, and cross-team collaboration. Brett built out LogicGate's... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Post-Quantum API Security - Preparing Your APIs for Q-day
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Michael Kwan, Broadcom, Architect

Quantum computing seems like a distant-future technology, but if you consider the pace of enterprise modernization, the quantum threat may be just around the corner - and APIs are a primary target. When is Q-day exactly? Nobody knows yet, but equally unknown is the scale of the corrective measures that will be required of your API infrastructure.

In this presentation you will learn:
- How quantum computing introduces a new security risk
- What is the API-specific exposure associated with this threat
- How and when do you need to start preparing your APIs
- What will be the costs in terms of computing resources and API retrofit projects
- What we are learning from post-quantum API security research and initial tests so far

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Michael Kwan

Architect, Broadcom
Michael Kwan is an accomplished software engineer and architect with passion creating scalable, secured, robust software solutions. At Broadcom, currently, his focus is designing solutions to help businesses develop, protect, and secure their APIs and valuable resources.
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): To the Cloud and Back Again?
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Ian Crosby, CloudOps, Field CTO

For years the strategy for successful IT organizations has been clear, “Public Cloud or Bust”. The advantages the cloud brought compared with traditional on-premises infrastructure are numerous: Scalability, Cost Efficiency, Reliability, Security, etc… the road to the cloud may be tough, but once there you can reap the benefits. Digital and cloud transformations were omnipresent. It was such a safe bet, that the famous maxim for IBM was repurposed to “Nobody ever got fired for buying AWS”.

More recently, this piece of advice seems less secure. There has been a distinct silencing of the “Cloud First” march, and even significant noise of retreat, also known as Cloud Repatriation. So without clear messaging within the industry how should we determine what is the right strategy for our workloads? Is Hybrid cloud the perfect balance or a cop-out condemning you to the worst of both worlds?

In this presentation we’ll separate the wheat from the chaff, by covering some proven techniques to determine where you should run your workloads. We’ll look at the most common pitfalls organizations make when migrating to (or from) cloud, and look at when a hybrid cloud strategy makes sense. Finally we’ll dive into what’s driving the recent cloud rebellion, and make some predictions about what the future of cloud looks like.
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Ian Crosby

Field CTO, CloudOps
Ian's tech career has spanned many roles: developer, architect, cloud engineer, CTO, and more. He enjoys solving difficult problems with interesting technology and people. His latest obsession is working to make the software industry more ecologically friendly.
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

1:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Introduction to Cypress for End-to-End Testing
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Alain Chautard, Angular Training, Expert Web Consultant

We will test a web application from scratch using Cypress. Step by step, we will learn about Cypress features, implement those in our tests. We will be testing various aspects of the application (navigation, clicks, user input), and see how to debug and improve our tests, make then more readable, and even how to mock the server-side in order to test more scenarios on the front-end.
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Alain Chautard

Expert Web Consultant, Angular Training
Alain is a Google Developer Expert in Angular and Maps platform. He started working with Angular JS in 2011.Since then, he has worked with all Angular versions daily, both as a developer and as a technical trainer. He runs the Angular certification program for Angular Training.He... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

1:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Anatomy of Inter-Agentic APIs
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Swanand Rao,M9, Co-Founder

With the viral adoption of AI driven by commercially available LLMs newer venues of business have opened up. These new business models are driven by the likes of Co-pilots and virtual agents that bring in tremendous productivity gains across business workflows. Concepts like Generative AI and Conversational AI have already gained mainstream popularity. A new branch of AI that is gaining momentum is that of Agentic AI. This talk is geared towards identifying mechanisms that make inter-agentic communication possible and the ontology of such interactions solving for needed concepts of roles, tasks, memory, tools, context and prompts for a scalable and reliable inter-agentic business workflow.
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Swanand Rao

Co-Founder, M9
Swanand has a track record in product and engineering leadership. He was a Director of Product Management at Adobe. His experience extends to roles at Microsoft, Oracle, and other Fortune 500 companies. A prolific writer, Swanand has contributed to the field of product management... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Eliminating Complexity While Ensuring Data Consistency
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Todd Little, Oracle, Chief Architect Oracle Transaction Processing Products
Brijesh Deo, Oracle, CMTS

Microservices are currently the architecture du jour for building cloud native applications. This session will describe how microservices, each with their own database, can work together to ensure the data they maintain is consistent with the databases of other microservices.

Deciding on a pattern to guarantee data consistency is dependent upon many factors. This session will describe some of those factors and provide practical solutions to ensuring data consistency across a broad range of microservices.

At the completion of this session, attendees should understand that it's more important to determine the context and requirements for their application than just going with the current mantra. Hopefully this will lead them to consider simpler design patterns that have been discarded for no other reason than someone decided they're an anti-pattern.
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Brijesh Deo

CMTS, Oracle
Brijesh Deo is a CMTS in the Blockchain and Distributed Transactions Technology team in the Database organization at Oracle. He is passionate about distributed systems and cloud technologies and specializes in Kubernetes, Microservices, and Java. Brijesh has a rich industry experience... Read More →
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Todd Little

Chief Architect Transaction Processing Products, Oracle
Todd Little is chief architect for transaction processing products at Oracle, including the Oracle Tuxedo product family, Oracle Blockchain Platform, and Oracle Transaction Manager for Microservices (MicroTx). Todd is responsible for defining the technical strategy and direction for... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

1:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Anomaly Detection at the Intersection of Retail, Finance, and Compliance
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Bhupendrasinh Thakre, Walmart, Director, Data Science and Analytics

Providing best practices to perform anomaly detection at the cross section of various units of operations. I will explore the methods and methodology to run a smooth operation. 
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Bhupendrasinh Thakre

Director, Data Science and Analytics, Walmart
Bhupendrasinh Thakre is a distinguished Director of Advanced Analytics & Technology at Walmart, Bentonville, AR, recognized for driving innovation and excellence in data science and machine learning across global markets. With a profound educational background from Harvard Business... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): DevSecOps for Network Operations
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Akash Bhaskar, Cisco, Software Architect

This technical session will demonstrate software and configuration compliance use cases through CI/CD pipelines on network devices. A fully functional Jenkins pipelines will be discussed including tools and concepts like code management, artifact management, orchestration, testing.

Based on the concepts and tools mentioned in this session, network engineers can quickly build their own pipelines and take advantage of well tested approach in their network operations. The session will be tool independent where a certain concept will be introduced along with potential tool.
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Akash Bhaskar

Software Architect, Cisco
Akash has over a decade of experience including Site Reliability, DevOps, IT Operations, Middleware Administration, ITIL and Managed File Transfer. Cisco has provided Akash an opportunity apply SRE principles to network operations. Akash has presented at Cisco Live EMEA at Amsterdam... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Is There a Future for Secure Data in the World of AI and Cyber?
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Brenton House, IBM, Principal Cybersecurity and AI Advisor

Generative AI has revolutionized the tech world in the past months. With its insatiable thirst for data, all eyes have turned to APIs and the security (or lack of) protecting them. Large data breaches have become so common that security researchers are overwhelmed with the terabytes of leaked data finding its way to the Dark Web. Learn both the ugly secrets behind cyber threats and the successful strategies used to stop them.
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Brenton House

Principal Cybersecurity and AI Advisor, IBM
Brenton House is an ex-hacker, developer, strategist, and now Principal Cybersecurity and AI Advisor for IBM webMethods. Known for his unique creative work and YouTube channel, Brenton has produced several hit series including The Redacted Hacker, AI: Man vs. Machine, and API Cybersecurity... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Building Robust Networks: The Power of CI/CD in Network Validation
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Naveen Achyuta, Roblox, Network Reliability Engineer

While CI/CD practices are well-established in software development, the networking field is still adapting to these methodologies. This presentation demonstrates a method for validating network configurations in a lab environment, both pre- and post-deployment, to build confidence before implementing changes in production networks. Using open-source tools, custom scripts, and containerlab, we'll walk through each step of implementing a CI/CD pipeline. This approach not only enhances confidence in network deployments but also bridges the gap between traditional networking practices and modern DevOps methodologies. 
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Naveen Achyuta

Network Reliability Engineer, Roblox
Naveen works as a Network Reliability Engineer at Roblox and lives in the Bay Area. After graduating with his master's degree, he initially worked as a network engineer at Comcast. He then transitioned to network software engineering to build network automation systems that streamline... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Embracing Rust for Java and TypeScript Developers
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Ramnivas Laddad, Exograph, Co-Founder

Rust has been the most loved programming language for the past eight years, as highlighted by StackOverflow's developer survey. Its acclaim is backed by adoption from tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Meta. Rust's blend of expressiveness, performance, safety, and fearless concurrency makes it ideal for multi-core CPUs. Additionally, Rust's ability to compile into WebAssembly enables seamless execution in browsers and edge computing environments.

Mastering Rust can be challenging, especially for developers with a background in non-system languages. Adopting Rust with the right mindset and suitable projects is crucial for a smooth transition and successful implementation.

In this talk, we will explore Rust's core principles and provide practical guidance for developers experienced in Java, TypeScript, and like languages. We will highlight projects where Rust excels, offering high value with minimal risk.
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Ramnivas Laddad

Co-founder, Exograph
Ramnivas leads the development of Exograph, a declarative approach to implementing backends. He has led innovation in Spring Framework and Cloud Foundry since their beginning. Ramnivas is the author of AspectJ in Action, the best-selling book on aspect-oriented programming lauded... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): APIs Without Borders: Exploring the World of Locationless API Management
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Vamsi Ravula, Red Hat, Developer Advocate

Locationless API management is a paradigm shift in API governance and security. This innovative approach allows organizations to efficiently manage their APIs distributed across multiple clouds and clusters without exposing them publicly over the internet. Instead, it leverages a sophisticated layer seven service network, offering a secure and seamless solution for API management. By operating locationless, businesses can maintain a high degree of control and privacy over their APIs, mitigating the risks associated with public exposure while facilitating efficient communication between services across diverse deployment environments.

A Layer 7 service network provides the necessary infrastructure to establish secure connections between services, regardless of location. Through this network, APIs can be efficiently managed and accessed within a controlled environment, ensuring that sensitive data and functionalities remain protected. This locationless API management approach not only enhances security but also streamlines operations, as it minimizes the complexities of public-facing API management. As organizations continue to prioritize data privacy and security, locationless API management, powered by technologies like a Layer 7 service network, emerges as a game-changing solution that empowers businesses to securely manage and utilize their APIs without the need for public internet exposure.
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Vamsi Ravula

Developer Advocate, Red hat
Vamsi Ravula is a Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat working on Red Hat Application Foundations, application connectivity, and API management technologies. He is passionate about understanding customers' challenges and use cases and showcasing how Red Hat products can address... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Gridlock: The Dual-Edged Sword of EV and Solar APIs in Grid Security
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Vangelis Stykas, Atropos, CTO

In this talk, we delve deep into the increasingly interconnected world of electronic vehicles (EVs), photovoltaic (PV) solar systems, and the broader power grid infrastructure—a nexus that is becoming a fertile ground for potential large-scale cyber disruptions. As we navigate through this complex interplay of technology and infrastructure, we will uncover the critical vulnerabilities lurking within the API connections that bind these systems together. Our exploration will not only highlight these weaknesses but will also demonstrate, through real-world scenarios and potential attack vectors, how they can be exploited to launch sophisticated cyber-attacks, emphasizing the urgent need for robust security frameworks and proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard our collective future.
The advent of PV inverters and EV charging systems has been marred by the industry's "rush to market" mentality, leading to overlooked security considerations. These critical weaknesses potentially allow remote attackers unprecedented control, with the ability to fully commandeer or even incapacitate these devices. Our investigation will reveal how targeting cloud platforms used by installers could unlock elevated access not just to PV inverters but also to EV chargers. This access includes functionalities usually restricted from the systems' proprietors, thereby opening a pandora's box of vulnerabilities.
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Vangelis Stykas

CTO, Atropos
Vangelis began as a developer from Greece. Six years ago he realized that only his dog didn’t have an API, so he decided to steer his focus towards security.That led him to pursue a PhD in Web Application Security with an extra focus on machine learning. He’s still actively pursuing... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:30pm PST

PRO SESSION (CloudX): Petabyte-Scale Deployments: Balancing Immutability and Flexibility
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Anup Ghatage, Salesforce, Lead Member of Technical Staff
Varun Shah, Salesforce, Software Engineer

At Salesforce, our team does Kubernetes deployments at the petabyte scale, with 100+ clusters, 10000+ pods, and 25+ PiB of provisioned storage and innumerable Kubernetes jobs. Operating at this massive scale necessitates an approach that reduces engineering toil. Maintaining such mammoth clusters while keeping security in mind is a whole different challenge.

We specifically talk about how and why we picked immutability and Infra-as-code as the cornerstone of our design and the challenges around it. Immutability provides security and scalability and eliminates config drift. Infra-as-code guarantees that changes to our infrastructure follow the same software lifecycle. but the trade-off is a lack of flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.

In this talk, we go over the unique design choices that help us manage, grow, and configure petabyte-scale deployments at Salesforce.
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Anup Ghatage

Lead Member of Technical Staff, Salesforce
Anup works on Salesforce's Infrastructure platform.Previously, he has worked on database internals, query processing and storage at SAP, Cisco Systems and other companies for more than 8 years. Anup holds a BS from the University of Pune and an MS from Carnegie Mellon University... Read More →
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Varun Shah

Software Engineer, Salesforce
BE with a specialization in Computer EngineeringMS in Electrical EngineeringWorking on enterprise software since 2009 with companies like Brocade (now Broadcom) / VMware and currently with Salesforce.Using cloud native technologies to scale Salesforce software stack.
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
CloudX -- Stage 1

2:45pm PST

PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Open Source Success: Learnings from 1 Billion Downloads
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:45pm - 2:55pm PST
Avi Press, Scarf, Founder and CEO

In this talk, we share the results of an in-depth analysis of data gathered from over 1 billion open source package downloads across more than 2000 diverse projects on Scarf. Our findings offer valuable insights into user behaviors and interactions with open source software, making it essential for maintainers, founders, and executives in open source companies.
During the presentation, we delve deep into our data, uncovering the best practices employed by successful open source projects. We explore a wide array of topics, including various download formats, packaging systems, regional download trends, and user-favored documentation types. Additionally, we discuss the impact of community engagement and how maintainers can harness their user base to boost project adoption and drive business growth.
Attendees can expect to leave this talk equipped with actionable insights and best practices to optimize their open source projects and thrive in the competitive landscape of open source software.
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Avi Press

Founder and CEO, Scarf
Avi Press is a developer tool author, and functional programming language enthusiast, serving as a founder & CEO of Scarf. Avi loves thinking about and discussing how people can solve problems by more effectively sharing data, and how that applies to building a sustainable open-source... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 2:45pm - 2:55pm PST
Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

3:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): Fusion Tech Art: Leveraging APIs to Integrate AI, ML, and Creative Disciplines
Thursday November 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Ayesha M. Ali, Metavisionaries, Co-Founder / Creative Director

This session will explore the transformative potential of APIs in the realm of Fusion Tech Art and interdisciplinary content creation. Emphasizing the integration of frontier technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), we will discuss how APIs serve as the vital connectors enabling seamless communication and collaboration across diverse creative fields. Participants will gain insights into how APIs facilitate innovative approaches that merge art, technology, fashion, and more.
• Introduce the Concept of Fusion Tech Art: Explain the importance and impact of Fusion Tech Art in the modern digital and creative industries.
• Highlight the Role of APIs: Discuss how APIs act as the backbone of integrating AI, ML, and various creative disciplines.
• Demonstrate Practical API Integration Techniques: Showcase new interdisciplinary approaches enabled by APIs and practical techniques that can be adopted by entrepreneurs and creatives.
• Case Study: Present a detailed case study of my project sent to space in collaboration with NASA and SpaceX, illustrating the power of API-driven integration.
• Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Address the ethical considerations and sustainability issues related to API-driven AI and tech projects, both on Earth and in space.
Session Outline:
1. Introduction to Fusion Tech Art:
• Definition and significance of Fusion Tech Art in contemporary creative practices.
• Overview of how APIs enable the integration of AI, ML, and other technologies into creative projects.
2. Current Landscape of Frontier Technologies:
• In-depth look at the latest developments in AI, ML, and their applications through APIs.
• Examples of cutting-edge tools and platforms that utilize APIs for interdisciplinary integration.
3. Seamless Interdisciplinary Techniques through APIs:
• Step-by-step guide on adopting an interdisciplinary approach using APIs.
• Demonstration of API functionalities that enable the merging of art, technology, fashion, and other fields.
4. Case Study: Art Project to Space via APIs:
• Detailed narrative of my project sent to the International Space Station (ISS) with NASA and SpaceX, focusing on the API integrations that made it possible.
• Insights into the creative process, collaboration, and execution of the project.
• Lessons learned and tips for aspiring creatives and entrepreneurs on leveraging APIs.
5. Ethics and Sustainability in API-Driven Fusion Tech Art:
• Discussion on the ethical implications of using APIs in AI and content creation.
• Sustainability discourse and its importance in tech-driven projects.
• How to ensure responsible and sustainable practices when utilizing APIs in creative projects.
Target Audience:
• API developers and technologists interested in the creative applications of their work.
• Artists and designers looking to integrate technology into their projects using APIs.
• Entrepreneurs and creatives seeking innovative interdisciplinary approaches.
• Educators and students in the fields of art, technology, and design.
Expected Outcomes:
• Increased awareness and understanding of Fusion Tech Art and the role of APIs in enabling it.
• Practical knowledge of API-driven tools and techniques for merging diverse creative disciplines.
• Inspiration from real-world examples and successful case studies.
• A framework for ethically and sustainably implementing API-driven AI and tech in creative projects.
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Ayesha M. Ali

Co-Founder / Creative Director, Metavisionaries
Ayesha is an Internationally acclaimed Visual Tech-Artist and Wearable Art Designer/Researcher, focusing on Fusion-art practices. Her work often explores the synergy between humans and machines, the intersection of technology and identity. By combining sci-fi themes, and the hidden... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage B

3:00pm PST

PRO SESSION (API): State of API Security 2024
Thursday November 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Jeremy Snyder, FireTail.io, CEO and Founder

To start off, Jeremy will summarize key points and findings from extensive research into the API security landscape in 2024 with a look at our growing reliance on APIs and how APIs are increasingly being used as an attack surface.

Then, he’ll go over statistics on API proliferation and recap key developments from 2023, including the OWASP Top 10 Update 2023 and the impact AI is having on API security. He will pay particular attention to the massive expansion of API calling capabilities that came via recent OpenAI Updates and the overall impact of AI on API security.

Jeremy will then look at increasing regulatory oversight, the current shift toward personal accountability for CISOs and what this means for cyber security against a backdrop of increasingly sophisticated API attacks.

Jeremy will present real-world examples and show what we can learn from them, while drawing on data from a decade of data breaches, including notable cases like Points.com, moveIT, Money Lover and bugs in West Bengal and Rajasthan government websites, as well as others.

Jeremy will analyze API breaches by primary and secondary attack vectors and compare these findings to what we witnessed in 2023.

Finally, this talk will provide the actionable insights and practical advice needed to help you implement effective API security strategies across your organization. Jeremy will cover the 6 pillars of API security needed for companies to secure their APIs, as well as guidance on implementing authentication, authorization, input validation, encryption, and regular security assessments.

Overall, this talk will emphasize the importance of API security, summarize findings from the last 12 months, explore the trends we’re seeing in cyber security and make predictions for the rest of 2024, as well as providing recommendations and tips for improving cybersecurity postures.
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Jeremy Snyder

Founder and CEO, FireTail.io
Jeremy is the founder and CEO of FireTail.io, an end-to-end API security startup. Prior to FireTail, Jeremy worked in M&A at Rapid7, a global cyber leader, where he worked on the acquisitions of 3 companies during the pandemic. Jeremy previously led sales at DivvyCloud, one of the... Read More →
Thursday November 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
API World -- Workshop Stage A
Tuesday, November 12

12:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Designing A Lingua Franca for Data Access
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
Tom Harding, Hasura, Software Engineer

How could we design an API for querying data across all kinds of sources? How could we describe complex queries that join data across them? This problem is tough enough when all the sources are, say, Postgres, but what about when we need to join data from Postgres to MongoDB? Or an arbitrary CSV file? Or even another API? How do we talk about data access and manipulation in a way that makes sense for all these possible backends?

In this talk, we'll discuss how we've been designing a solution to this problem. We'll talk about some of the challenges in keeping API design consistent across data sources, balancing simplicity and expressivity, and even making all of this performant behind the infinite number shapes that a GraphQL request can take.
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Tom Harding

Software Engineer, Hasura
Tom lives in Barcelona with his partner and their cat, Beef. At Hasura, he builds compilers from GraphQL to SQL across a variety of different backend data stores. Outside of work, he's a runner, climber, and cyclist.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A
Wednesday, November 13

9:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Challenges and Takeaways of Managing AI Workloads on Cloud Environments
Wednesday November 13, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Graziano Casto, Mia-Platform, Developer Relations

In today's technological landscape, the synergy between Cloud Native technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) opens the stage to a myriad of unexplored challenges and opportunities. Dynamic, always-on and highly scalable infrastructures, typical of the Cloud Native paradigm, seamlessly integrate with AI's need to rapidly prototype solutions and access vast computational resources. The convergence of these two worlds has exposed some gaps in the Cloud Native ecosystem that need to be addressed. At the same time, AI opens numerous opportunities for innovation that are yet to be explored.
This talk will delve into the Cloud Native Artificial Intelligence (CNAI) paradigm as a holistic approach to unlocking the full potential of the cloud in managing AI workloads and aim to anticipate the growth opportunities that lie ahead for the Cloud Native world.
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Graziano Casto

Developer Relations Engineer, Mia-Platform
Graziano is a software engineer and passionate about agile development and product management. Formerly a developer of distributed systems in enterprise environments and a product manager, he focuses on sharing the myriad beauties of the cloud-native world. Active in international... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

9:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Creating Your Own LLM from Opensource Models
Wednesday November 13, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Sebastiano Galazzo, Seynapsia AI, Artificial intelligence researcher

From a "simple" finetuning to your own Mixture of Expert model using opensource models.
Nowadays training from scratch an LLM is a so huge effort also for very big company. Starting from pre-trained models to create your own model is no more a way for resourceless companies, but a often a must starting point.

- Lora
- Quantization and QLora
- Injecting embeddings model into Lora to manage multiple Lora adapters.
- Mixing models
- Creating your MoE (Mixture of experts) model using several finetuned (Your own) models
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Sebastiano Galazzo

Artificial intelligence researcher, Seynapsia AI
Winner of three AI awards, I’ve been working in AI and machine learning for 25 years, designing and developing AI and computer graphic algorithms.I’m very passionate about AI, focusing on Audio, Image and Natural Language Processing, and predictive analysis as well.I received... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Scaling Event Driven Microservices with Netflix Conductor
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Viren Baraiya, Orkes, CTO

Event driven architecture provides a robust mechanism for microservices communication over an event bus, providing scale and durability of the flows. Event Driven Microservices in recent times have gained popularity because of these reasons and are especially useful when implementing asynchronous flows.

In this talk, we will discuss strategies and framework that allows building and scaling your microservices using event driven architecture leveraging open source Netflix conductor.
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Viren Baraiya

CTO, Orkes
Viren is the CTO at Orkes, leading core engineering.Prior to founding Orkes, Viren led engineering teams at Google building products at internet scale with Firebase and Google Play.Viren built and architected Netflix Conductor during his time at Netflix and is the key committer to... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

10:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Frontend by Everyone Using HTMX
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Jacek Migdal, Quesma, CEO, Co-founder

How to write interactive web applications with HTML and a minor open-source extension, HTMX. There is no need for JavaScript.

This is an alternative to the traditional frontend stack (React/Angular, TypeScript, building, etc.), which can feel over-engineered in many use cases.

It allows all engineers to contribute to the front end from their native environment.
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Jacek Migdal

CEO, Co-founder, Quesma
Jacek started a career as an engineering intern at NVIDIA CUDA and Facebook. He joined pre-revenue startup Sumo Logic as ~20 Sumo Logic in the San Francisco Bay Area. He moved back to Poland and opened an office with 80+ full-time engineers. We optimized gross margins on AWS and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

10:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): You’re Not Hallucinating: How to Optimize AI Reliability with 100% Open Source Vector Databases
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am PST
Anil Inamdar, Instaclustr by NetApp, Head of Data Solutions

For dev teams building and training their own AI models, ending up with AI solutions plagued by hallucinations and reliability issues is a (rightfully) huge concern. The good news: vector databases make generative AI considerably more reliable and less prone to hallucinations. The even better news: a number of *100% free and open source* vector databases are especially great options for supporting AI workloads.

The good news keeps coming for teams considering an open source vector database path: it isn’t necessary to invest in implementing new or exotic or proprietary or specialized data-layer solutions to harness vector databases. Many enterprises will find that their existing infrastructure can already support AI workloads (while continuing to provide the familiar data availability, scalability, and performance they already know they can trust). In particular, PostgreSQL (with the pgvector extension), OpenSearch, and Apache Cassandra 5.0 (with its new native vector indexing) are three completely open source technologies—no proprietary or open core solutions needed—that tick all the boxes for meeting enterprises’ AI workloads requirements.

Attendees of this Dev Innovation Summit session will learn how open source vector databases utilize vector embeddings to enable more accurate LLMs, and how to strategically approach and implement retrieval augmented generation (RAG) processes. Attendees will also come away with a clear understanding of the advantages offered by PostgreSQL with pgvector, OpenSearch and Cassandra 5.0 as particularly mature open source vector database strategies ready to jumpstart your organization’s competitive AI capabilities.
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Anil Inamdar

Head of Data Solutions, Instaclustr by NetApp
Anil Inamdar is the VP & Head of Data Solutions at Instaclustr by NetApp. Anil has 20+ years of experience in data and analytics roles. Joining Instaclustr in 2019, he works with organizations to drive successful data-centric digital transformations via the right cultural, operational... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

10:30am PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (API): Insights from Analyzing 1 Million Domains - The State of API Security 2024
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Tristan Kalos, Escape, Co-founder and CEO
Antoine Carossio, Escape, Cofounder & CTO

Join Tristan Kalos & Antoine Carossio from Escape, for insights on critical risks from exposed API tokens. Their groundbreaking research, analyzing 1 million domains, uncovered 18,000+ API tokens and RSA keys accessible without authentication. 41% were highly critical.
They will share his unique web scanning methodology, dive into sensitive API data revealing potential severe financial losses (up to 17 million $), and draw parallels to standard API security threats.
Going beyond the findings, they'll present actionable remediation strategies and provide a practical API security checklist. Leave equipped with a clear path to secure your APIs.

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Antoine Carossio

Cofounder & CTO, Escape.tech
Former pentester for the French Intelligence Services.Former Machine Learning Research @ Apple.
avatar for Tristan Kalos

Tristan Kalos

Co-founder and CEO, Escape
Tristan Kalos, co-founder and CEO at Escape, draws from a background as a software engineer and Machine Learning Researcher at UC Berkeley. Motivated by firsthand experience witnessing a client's database stolen through an API in 2018, he has since become an expert in API security... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): cURL to SDKs: Navigating the API Adoption Chasm
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Sid Maestre, APIMatic, VP Developer Relations

As API adoption becomes increasingly pivotal for companies, understanding the evolution from cURL commands to robust Software Development Kits (SDKs) is paramount. Your initial developer experience may focus on API reference docs with cURL commands, but as you scale, you'll need to help developers beyond “Hello World.” Discover the pivotal role SDKs play in propelling developers towards production-ready solutions.

However, building and maintaining an effective SDK program can be resource-intensive. This talk will address this challenge by demonstrating the key – SDK generation. Learn how your OpenAPI definition can serve as a source of truth, enabling the automated generation of SDK libraries in multiple languages, comprehensive documentation, and illustrative code samples. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of SDK generation as the linchpin in crossing the API Adoption Chasm.
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Sid Maestre

VP Developer Relations, APIMatic
As the VP of Developer Relation at APIMatic, Sid Maestre works with companies to automate how they build developer experiences and drive adoption of their APIs through SDKs, interactive documentation, guides and code samples. Sid is building a community of practice for SDKs builders... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Embedded API Governance in Action
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Swapnil Sapar, Microsoft, Principal Software Engineer

API governance is crucial for enterprise success. By integrating policy guidance as developer signals within their Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) tools and processes, enterprises achieve higher policy compliance at substantially lower recovery costs. This approach enhances the developer experience and offers management a transparent overview of their API portfolios, facilitating ongoing improvements in API production. The API Health Dashboard, an exemplary governance application for internal portals, provides upper management with a clear perspective on the performance of their APIs. 
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Swapnil Sapar

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
https://www.linkedin.com/in/swapnilsapar/Implemented API Programs at Enterprise ScaleMember of OpenAPI SIG, Linux Foundation.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Development Portal: Unleash the Best for Your Developers & More!
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Praneet Singh, Intuit, Staff Product Manager

Discover Intuit's in-house built developer portal journey which serves 5000+ developers and another 4000+ non developer personas - A shift from Developer Portal to Development Portal.

Intuit serves 100M users annually using a centralized Development Portal. It supports Day 0, 1 and 2 actions right out-of-the-box: from no-code infrastructure provisioning templates to monitoring dashboards and end-of-life management. But that's just where the fun starts: Intuit has a come a long way from building experiences for service developers to supporting various personas such as web, mobile, data developers as well as product managers and leaders.
In this session, we will share some of our most powerful and efficient workflows (intelligent infrastructure provisioning, automated software lifecycle grading, application discovery and much more) and finally how we work with internal platform teams to add new capabilities in our Portal and its Information Architecture.
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Praneet Singh

Staff Product Manager, Intuit
Data driven product manager with a track record of launching portals and marketplaces.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): How We Built a Billion $$ API Business for a Leading Retailer (Best Buy)
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Kumar Kandaswamy, Platformify, Serial platform builder

Every company should be a platform company. That's what led me to Best Buy in 2010 where I was hired as the founding GM to build their platform business. We delivered a billion $ API business from scratch in less than 5 years. This session will showcase our journey, the lessons learned and how other organizations could benefit from the experience. 
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Kumar Kandaswamy

Serial platform builder, Platformify
Kumar Kandaswamy is a veteran Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and intrapreneur with over 30 years industry experience spanning various industries. Kumar is a serial platform builder having built and scaled API and platform ecosystems for early stage startups like Chegg, RapidAPI... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Coordinating Chaos - Architecting Distributed Transactions in Microservices
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Amuthan Ganeshan, US Bank, Principal Architect

The shift towards microservices has introduced a range of transactional complexities that cannot be efficiently managed through traditional ACID transaction models. My presentation will explore the implementation of the Saga pattern, using Apache Kafka for messaging, to ensure data consistency and integrity across distributed systems. 
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Amuthan Ganeshan

Principal Architect, US bank
Principal Software Engineer with over 15 years of hands-on experience architecting and building distributed cloud-native applications. Authored a couple of books on enterprise Java application development.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Harnessing Sandboxing for Secure Application Deployment
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Ajay Kidave, Clace, Founder

Sandboxing allows for secure software development and deployment. Running code in a sandbox allows installing and running applications while controlling what the applications can do. Sandboxing allows administrators to deploy an application and specify what fine grained operations it can perform. We introduce an open-source project built in go that implements sandboxing features to allow applications to be developed and deployed easily and securely. 
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Ajay Kidave

Founder, Clace
Ajay Kidave is the Founder of Clace, an open source project which is using sandboxing to allow the secure development and deployment of internal applications. Previously, Ajay was the Chief Architect at SnapLogic, an enterprise data and application integration service. Before that... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Codemod: Code Modernization at Scale, Powered by AI
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Alex Bit, Codemod, Founder & CEO

Learn about Codemod's open-source code automation platform. This similar technology has long been used in tech giants like Meta to automate vast amounts of crucial yet undifferentiated coding, such as framework upgrades, feature flag cleanups, large refactors, optimizations, mining, and more.
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Alex Bit

Founder & CEO, Codemod
Alex, a PhD dropout in Systems Engineering, has built AI-powered automation platforms at Meta, processing billions of content daily. Alex founded Codemod to create a better version of the internal code automation platform at Meta for the rest of the world.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (API): Ship Features Faster with AI Based Testing Using Keploy
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Animesh Pathak, Keploy, DevRel

Keploy. has become one of the popular tools for software end to end testing. If you can test your application with enough time to market that, this is what you're likely to use.

In this talk, we will classify end to end testing and discuss application areas for Keploy and traditional testing framework, and discuss which tool to choose for each use-case. And why not both? We will discuss using Keploy side by side with existing testcases to get even higher coverage with real-time based edge scenarios.

P.S: We will focus on enterprise grade application with Node, Java, but the same approaches can be used everywhere since Keploy is language agnostic.
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Animesh Pathak

DevRel, Keploy
I have a passion for learning and sharing my knowledge with others a public as possible.I love open source. I am not a heavy maintainer of any large libraries, but I really like the boyscout rule. I contribute to things as I come across issues that I think other people might struggle... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

12:30pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (API): Minimal API - Tool for the Job
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
Karol Rogowski, SoftwareHut, Head of Engineering

Minimal API is a powerful tool for developers looking to build lightweight and efficient web applications. Unlike traditional web frameworks that can be cumbersome and difficult to work with, Minimal API streamlines the development process by providing a simple, yet effective, interface for creating RESTful APIs. With Minimal API, developers can easily define routes, handle HTTP requests and responses, and implement middleware with just a few lines of code. This results in faster development times, improved performance, and reduced complexity. Whether you're building a small application or a large-scale API, Minimal API is the perfect tool for the job. 
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Karol Rogowski

Head of Engineering, SoftwareHut
Working in IT since 2009. Currently working as Head of Engineering at SoftwareHut and as an academic teacher at Białystok Technical University. Co-founder of meet.js Białystok. Book and articles author. Father, husband, huge H.P. Lovecraft fan and terrible poker player.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

12:30pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (CloudX): AI-Enhanced Dev Innovation: Shaping the Future of Cloud-Native Development
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
Dileep Kumar Pandiya, ZoomInfo, Principal Engineer

Explore how AI is transforming development practices in cloud-native environments. Highlight innovative tools, frameworks, and methodologies that incorporate AI to enhance developer productivity and software quality. 
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Dileep Kumar Pandiya

Principal Engineer, ZoomInfo
Technology Leader with expertise in scaling digital businesses and navigating complex digital transformations has been pivotal in the success of numerous high-profile projects. Dileep dedicates himself to staying ahead of industry trends and utilizes his skills to create robust, scalable... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Modern OpenAPI Tooling - Unlock the Full Potential of Your Spec
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Adrian Machado, Zuplo, Product Engineer

OpenAPI adoption has reached an alltime high - but most companies are doing OpenAPI ALL WRONG. Join Adrian Machado, Zuplo Product Engineer, and prominent developer in the Open Source API Tooling space, as he dives into how cutting-edge companies are using OpenAPI to power more than just their documentation. You'll learn how to use modern OpenAPI tooling to improve API security and developer experien
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Adrian Machado

Product Engineer, Zuplo
Adrian is a Product Engineer at Zuplo. Formerly a tech lead in the Facebook videos org, Adrian is now focused on making API development accessible to all.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Microservices for Confidential Computing Ecosystem
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Bala Siva Sai Akhil Malepati, Intel, Staff Engineer

Confidential Computing is an emerging field which makes it possible to protect and secure data in use. Microservices built for this ecosystem have fundamental uniqueness in terms of architecture and design. There are many offerings in the Confidential Computing ecosystem which can help developers build Microservices with more ease. In this session, will cover about above and more specifically fundamentals of Confidential Computing such as Attestation, Sealing, etc. along with how Microservices should be thought of, built, deployed and managed for this emerging ecosystem.

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Bala Siva Sai Akhil Malepati

Staff Engineer, Intel
I love distributed and decentralized systems. Currently working as Staff Engineer at Intel. Working on Research and Development of Distributed and Secure Platforms and Services. Previously worked on various layers and aspects in terms of innovation, architecture, design and development... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Thinking Beyond Chatbots! - What’s Next for Observability + AI
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Ruchir Jha, Cardinal, CEO

Ever felt like RunBooks are just bandaids for tech mishaps? They pop up after an incident and only help when the same gremlins strike again. But where’s the RunBook for leveling up your troubleshooting game (fast)? Every company is a unique beast with its own architecture, tech stacks, and dependency webs. Scrambling to link faces with systems and knowing who to call during a crisis can be stressful.
And then there’s the real kicker: How do you gauge the true business fallout from an outage, and and determine the best course of action? What if Observability Tools could pull something like your IDE, learning from “anonymous usage stats” to improve over time for everyone on the team? Imagine tapping into the instincts of senior engineers and sharing their troubleshooting savvy across the board. My talk dives into how Retrieval Augmented Techniques (RAG) in AI can make this more seamless in reality.
Join me to explore how we can turn troubleshooting into a collective superpower!
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Ruchir Jha

CEO, Cardinal
Ruchir is the co-founder and CEO of Cardinal, which helps improve the ROI (Return On Investment) of an existing Observability Stack. In his previous life, he spent 7 years as a Lead Engineer on Netflix's Observability team, where he built petabyte-scale Observability products that... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): The Hidden Currents of API Consumption: Strategies for Effective Egress Traffic Control
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Eyal Solomon , Lunar, CEO & Co-founder
Iddo Gino, Lunar, Advisor & Investor

In a world where APIs serve as the linchpin of digital transformation, the journey often begins with a successful integration.

However, the narrative seldom explores the aftermath—what happens after the integration is completed?

The proposed lecture zooms in on API Egress traffic and into the less-discussed terrain of post-integration challenges and pragmatic solutions within the API economy.
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Iddo Gino

Advisor & Investor, Lunar
Part of Forbes 30 Under 30 list, he's a 2017 Thiel Fellow. Previously, he was a Co-organizer of Hacking Gen Y. Iddo has been programming since he was a kid and continues to contribute to open-source projects. Originally from Haifa, Israel, Iddo is based in San Francisco, CA.
avatar for Eyal Solomon

Eyal Solomon

CEO & Co-founder, Lunar
Eyal Solomon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Lunar.dev.He has an extensive background as a Cyber Security Engineer and product leader with over 10 years of experience in cyber tools, product management and sales.Eyal was also one of the early employees at a large scale Cyber Company... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Simplifying Multi-Cloud Security and Networking using an AI-Powered Approach
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Bhavin Desai, Google, Cross-Cloud Network Product Lead

Organizations increasingly adopt multi-cloud strategies to enhance agility and avoid vendor lock-in. However, this complexity creates challenges in networking, security posture management, and application development. This abstract highlights the potential of service-centric networking to streamline secure connectivity across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. It also explores AI-powered network security capabilities, including zero-trust architecture, next-generation firewalls, secure web proxies, and data loss prevention. By integrating these solutions, organizations can proactively defend their cloud networks, protect workloads, secure data, and ensure user security, ultimately accelerating distributed application development while maintaining a robust security posture. 
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Bhavin Desai

Cross-Cloud Network Product Lead, Google
Highly accomplished cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity professional with a strong background in product management, technical solutions architecture, and cloud engineering. Proven expertise with 11+ years of experience in leading strategic initiatives, designing scalable solutions... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (API): Evolution of SRE Program Management with AI
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Karanveer Anand, Google, Technical Program Management

Last year, we solicited talks on the then new trend of
cost and resource pressure: doing more with less in the
face of uncertain future growth and revenue for the
technology industry while also generative AI has improved the workflows of business.
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Karanveer Anand

Technical Program Management, Google
Karanveer Anand is a technical program management leader at Google's SRE organization. Before joining Google, he managed program management in the SRE organization at Nutanix. He is a prominent voice in the industry, advocating for new program structures and standards.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (API): In Memory Of Travails
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Gabriel Schulhof, Auction.com, Senior Software Engineer

Two aspects of resolvers have an outsized influence on their performance: the size of the execution context, and the way we compute their value. In the Node.js implementation of graphql, promises wrapping primitive values are especially disruptive, since they add a large computing overhead. The context size creates a memory usage baseline that can rise very quickly with even small additions to the context, when there are many concurrent contexts. The execution can create temporary objects, increasing memory usage. Often-run resolvers, such as those responsible for filling out large arrays of objects, can become performance bottlenecks.

At Auction.com, our search results page (SRP) requests up to 500 items of roughly 80 fields each. The query resolving these fields was suffering a high latency. We shall examine the tools to instrument our code and identify memory usage and CPU utilization bottlenecks.

Our realtime elements (e.g. realtime updates to the status of currently viewed properties) are implemented using a translation of kafka messages to graphql updates. We shall present the tools and procedures to reduce memory usage and CPU usage when fanning out such messages.
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Gabriel Schulhof

Senior Software Engineer, Auction.com
Node.js Core Collaborator and TSC Member emeritus, member of the Node.js API working group. Former employers include Nokia, Intel, and SpaceX.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Boosting Developer Productivity: Implementing Efficient Pipelines with Helm & CI/CD
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Sanyogeeta Lawande, Ford Motor Company, Software Engineer

In today's fast-paced development environment, efficiency is key. In this talk, we will explore the implementation of efficient CI/CD pipelines to ensure that testing on the development branch is smooth and unblocked. By leveraging Helm and advanced pipeline strategies, developers can enjoy a more seamless integration process, reducing bottlenecks and enhancing productivity. Learn practical techniques and best practices to optimize your development workflow, enabling your team to deliver high-quality software faster and with greater confidence. 
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Sanyogeeta Lawande

Software Engineer, Ford Motor Company
Sanyogeeta is a seasoned Software Engineer specializing in scaling and optimizing complex, high-volume data systems. Currently, she is shaping the future of automotive telemetry at Ford, previously at Autonomic LLC in Palo Alto, CA, where she has scaled telemetry streaming services... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Meet The Web Framework From The Future
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Dev Agrawal, Smart Data, Software Engineer

What would you envision your futuristic web framework to be like? What kind of properties would it have, and what would it enable for you?

For me, the future of web frameworks should be performant by default, developer friendly, minimal but flexible to business needs, and use both the client and the server runtimes to their maximum potential.

It’s a tough criteria, and most frameworks fail to meet a lot of these requirements. However, Solid Start is a relatively new framework that checks all of these boxes, aims for a very high ceiling, and has already inspired many popular frameworks to add similar features.

Let’s take a look at the shape of frameworks to come in this session by building a sample application with Solid Start, witness its incredible UX and DX capabilities, and how it compares to other frameworks like Next.js and Astro.
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Dev Agrawal

Software Engineer, Smart Data
Dev Agrawal is a software engineer at Smart Data, and makes content on YouTube and Twitch around software development and design. Dev has been writing fullstack javascript applications for 7 years, has an interest in devtools that enable productivity, home brewing coffee, and heavy... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Breaking Barriers: Achieving Continuous Testing @ Scale
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Wilhelm Haaker, Parasoft, Director, Solution Engineering, Functional

Continuous testing serves as the cornerstone for modern software development, facilitating the rapid delivery of high-quality software. Yet, as projects grow in complexity and testing scope, achieving the delicate balance between frequent releases and uncompromised quality becomes increasingly challenging. The methodology of short development iterations often clashes with the necessity of rigorous regression testing, threatening to erode the foundation of continuous testing.

In this session, we’ll discuss how to overcome the hurdles that impede achieving continuous testing at scale. Drawing from industry experience and best practices, we’ll tackle:

Too many UI tests. Explore innovative approaches to reduce dependence on UI testing, optimizing test coverage across the SDLC for efficiency and reliability.

Too many tests in general. Reduce the constantly increasing weight of regression tests that compromise QA's ability to keep up with development by adopting strategies that uphold testing effectiveness without sacrificing velocity.

Test environment constraints. Confront the challenges stemming from test environment availability and controllability through the strategic application of service virtualization.

Join us as we unravel the intricacies of continuous testing at scale, equipping your team with the tools and insights necessary to embrace a paradigm shift toward accelerated delivery without compromising on quality.
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Wilhelm Haaker

Director, Solution Engineering, Functional, Parasoft
Wilhelm Haaker, Director of Solution Engineering at Parasoft, manages a global team of solution engineers dedicated to Parasoft’s web and cloud solutions. His team helps organizations modernize their software development and testing processes and optimize test automation for Agile... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Log for Success: Enhancing API Security and Operations Through Effective Audit Logging
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
John Tobin, Solsys, Principal Consultant

APIs are more vital - and more vulnerable - than ever before. The potential for exposing critical customer data or jeopardizing financial transactions puts organizations at significant risk of reputational and financial damage. Additionally, ensuring API performance and swiftly resolving client issues have become increasingly complex tasks. The solution to these challenges lies in effective API audit logging at key entry points. Understanding what to log and how to monitor this information for security threats is crucial. This session will provide essential practices for effective API audit logging, empowering you to safeguard your organization and enhance operational efficiency.
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John Tobin

Principal Consultant, Solsys
John has over 25 years of experience working in software and technology, with professional services consulting firms and product companies, ranging from large enterprises to small firms. John currently helps clients with their API governance, API management, and API security problems... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): .NET Apps Everywhere, at 5X the Speed
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Steve Bilogan, Uno Platform, Senior Engineer

Developing cross-platform applications is complex. Some frameworks allow us to share the business logic and some go further and allow us to share the UI layer. But even then – working with device hardware requires developers familiar with each target platform to maintain it and can still lead to error-prone platform-specific code.

What if you could write it all in either C# or XAML, from any dev environment, deploy to any platform, at 5x the speed, and have it all pixel-perfect without any lock-in? Enter Uno Platform, an open-source project enabling amazing dev productivity for building Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and WebAssembly apps!

In this session, we will provide a brief overview of what Uno Platform is and how it works before we take a deep dive under the hood and see where the magic happens.
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Steve Bilogan

Senior Engineer, Uno Platform
Steve is a Senior Engineer, a .NET Microsoft MVP, and one of the core maintainers of the open-source Uno Platform project. When not at his computer, he is either watching the Montreal Canadiens lose or asleep on the couch.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): How Attentive Leveraged Istio's Proxyless Mesh To Send Over Half A Billion Text Messages In A Day
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Lawrence Finn, Attentive, Principal Engineer

Attentive is a leader in text and email marketing. Every year around Thanksgiving, companies do a massive amount of marketing. In 2023 we realized that our typical service mesh would not be able to handle the estimated load generated during the holiday season. Learn about how we migrated some of our services to use Istio's Proxyless Mesh powered by xDS to handle our scale needs and then some. 
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Lawrence Finn

Principal Engineer, Attentive
Lawrence (Larry) Finn is a technologist hailing from New York City. He started out working in banking technology, but has spent the past decade in the startup world working at enterprise technology startups. Larry has specialized in building APIs and distributed backend systems.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

3:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): AI for API Privacy Testing
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Intesar Shannan Mohammed, PerfAI, Founder

Did you know that data privacy is a compliance requirement mandated by almost every country? It differs from data security, with a greater focus on protecting personal information. API privacy plays a crucial role in this, as it extends beyond securing databases and cloud data. In this session, I’ll introduce the API Privacy Top-10 List and demonstrate how AI can automate API privacy testing, freeing developers from tedious tasks while ensuring your applications and APIs remain compliant with privacy regulations.
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Intesar Shannan Mohammed

Founder, PerfAI.ai
Intesar Shannan Mohammed is a seasoned serial entrepreneur and speaker with profound expertise in APIs, governance, privacy, performance, and security. With a remarkable track record of founding three successful startups in the API space, Intesar's entrepreneurial journey has been... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

3:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Empowering Concurrent Development of Distributed Systems with GenAI-Assisted API Spec Management
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Matthew Bae, Deloitte, Specialist Lead in API & Integration Offering

Modern integration techniques, typically implemented through APIs and Microservices, play a pivotal role in propelling digital transformation initiatives. These deployments often occur in highly distributed environments, where a large number of small APIs and Microservices are simultaneously developed by different teams.

This simultaneous development can present challenges such as coordination among teams and delays due to waiting for other teams' completion. Overcoming these challenges requires distributed development techniques like design-first approaches and test-driven methodologies. In these methods, interface specifications written in a common structured language serve as the "contract" to manage interface agreements between applications. These interface contracts, which are machine-readable, and version controlled, facilitate trust among teams and allow parallel development and testing of applications in an early stage of the application development lifecycle. The contracts also aid in dependency management, planning for integrated testing, and releases of all related APIs and Microservices.

This session discusses a GenAI-assisted solution to standardize the development of API specifications, and automate the publishing of versioned, traceable API documentation in an API catalog portal. This pro
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Matthew Bae

Specialist Lead in API & Integration Offering, Deloitte
Matthew Bae is a systems integration leader and collaborative problem solver who uses his over 20 years of banking and telco industry knowledge, IT management consulting experiences, and digital transformation and integration architecture expertise (MuleSoft) to help enterprises reduce... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

3:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Mastering Latency: Efficient Data Processing through Tiered Storage Techniques
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Rayees Pasha, RisingWave Labs, Head of Product

In this talk, I focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with Cloud storage in data processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of object storage latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing.

We will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of Cloud storage latency on data processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their data processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.
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Rayees Pasha

Head of Product, RisingWave Labs
Rayees Pasha is the Head of Product at RisingWave Labs, a startup pioneering the development of Streaming Database. Rayees is responsible for all areas of Product management and Marketing. His expertise is in the areas of data management and big data analytics. He has held product... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

3:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Evolution of Real-Time and AnyCable
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
Irina Nazarova, Evil Martians, CEO

When we launched AnyCable Pro in 2021, our goal was to grow our open source WebSocket infrastructure project, while also making this work successful commercially. We started building what people asked for, and witnessed their tastes in real-time shift from GraphQL to simpler HTML-over-the-wire, from notifications and chats to more complex collaboration UI, and finally to the AI-powered text and voice apps. Let’s reflect on our journey and things that worked, and glimpse into the future of AnyCable and real-time applications.
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Irina Nazarova

CEO, Evil Martians
CEO at devtools consulting Evil Martians, co-founder of real-time framework AnyCable, based in SF. I believe that clients are friends, and we care about each other. Armed with wit, passion, and a sprinkle of mischief, I proudly steer Evil Martians toward extraordinary achievement... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

4:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Architecting a Developer-Friendly API Platform
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Augusto Goncalves, Autodesk, Developer Advocate Manager

Well-designed and well-maintained APIs are the foundation of any successful API ecosystem program. In this session, we'll explore best practices for architecting APIs across various formats – REST & GraphQL – to deliver performant and developer-friendly services. Drawing from the experience of building a world-class developer program that supports thousands of active third-party developers, we'll delve into the architectural considerations and strategies for creating a cohesive platform that provides a seamless experience across all APIs. 
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Augusto Goncalves

Developer Advocate Manager, Autodesk
Advocate at Autodesk since 2008, supporting customers and partners using desktop and cloud APIs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

4:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Establishing an API-First Culture within Atlassian
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Dugald Morrow, Atlassian, Developer Advocacy and Extensibility Standards

API technologists are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of an API first approach to software development, but there are many challenges related to the establishment of an API First culture throughout an organisation.

In this session, learn about the tactics used by Atlassian’s Extensibility Standards team to uplevel Atlassian’s API culture. The session covers the challenges faced by Atlassian, how API First overcomes these challenges and how API First fits within Atlassian’s API lifecycle management practices.
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Dugald Morrow

Developer Advocacy and Extensibility Standards, Atlassian
Dugald Morrow studied electrical engineering at the University of Sydney. His software career started in the development of mission critical applications including a submarine combat system, air traffic control system and traffic and transport management system. He worked in a number... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

4:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): eBay's Universal Rendering Platform
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
Damodaran Chingleput Sathyakumar, eBay, Staff Engineer

The session walks through an industry solution of universal rendering, streaming & micro frontends that helped eBay deliver host app agnostic cross functional UX widgets at scale to over 700+ distributed site facing eBay apps & helped cut down the time to launch site wide UX from a few months to a few weeks. The system delivers over 150+ targeted UX widgets & has onboarded over 30 internal platforms within the company that have usecases of delivering site wide UX 
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Damodaran Chingleput Sathyakumar

Staff Engineer, eBay
Damodaran works as a Senior FE Engineer for eBay. He has worked on Header Platforms, universal render platforms, eBay's Seller experience & Buyer Experience SEO pages. He works predominantly on NodeJS, React & Marko.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1
Thursday, November 14

9:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Navigating the Ethical Terrain of AI-Enhanced Marketing Automation: Strategies for Responsible Innov
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Sravan Yella, Hewlett Packard, Lead Solutions Engineer

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing, particularly through social media, presents profound opportunities and ethical challenges that demand careful consideration. As AI technologies like Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and predictive analytics become central to marketing strategies, they facilitate unparalleled personalization and efficiency in analyzing vast datasets and optimizing marketing efforts. Despite these advancements enhancing customer engagement by 40% and reducing operational costs by 30%, the rapid proliferation of AI tools in marketing raises significant ethical concerns. Key issues include the potential for data privacy breaches, the accuracy and bias in AI algorithms, and the lack of transparency in AI-driven decisions. These challenges not only affect consumer trust, which has seen a decline of 20% in brands using AI indiscriminately but also pose risks to brand integrity and compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks. To navigate this landscape responsibly, this presentation will explore best practices and frameworks for ethical AI usage in marketing. We will discuss the implementation of rigorous data governance protocols that ensure user data protection and privacy, techniques for auditing and mitigating biases in AI models to boost decision transparency, and strategies for maintaining compliance with international data use regulations. By fostering an ethical AI deployment approach, companies can enhance customer satisfaction by 25% and improve brand loyalty. This talk aims to equip professionals with actionable insights to leverage AI in marketing ethically and sustainably, ensuring long-term business success and consumer trust.

This abstract emphasizes the balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and addressing ethical considerations, backed by relevant data points to enhance its appeal to conference reviewers.
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Sravan Yella

Lead Solutions Engineer, Hewlett Packard
Sravan Yella is an expert CRM Engineering Leader with extensive experience in leveraging exponential backoff strategies to enhance the robustness and efficiency of distributed systems. His strategic implementations have significantly reduced downtime and improved system response in... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

9:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Innovating Browser Security: New Dev Strategies for Taming Vulnerable Third-Party Scripts
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
Simon Wijckmans, c/side, CEO

As developers, we continually put third-party code snippets into our organization’s websites to run features like chatbots, analytics, and payment gateways. However, these scripts have become a significantly increasing attack vector for cybercriminals—putting user data and businesses at risk. From the infamous British Airways breach to the recent Kaiser Permanente incident (and many more in between), the consequences of failing to secure these code vulnerabilities aren’t for the faint of heart.

In this Dev Innovation Summit session, we’ll dive deep into the unique challenges posed by the third-party code scripts that run behind the scenes in your user’s browsers. You’ll gain a technical understanding of how exactly these attacks occur and why they’ve been so difficult to monitor and secure. Through real-world examples and case studies, the talk will explore the tactics hackers employ to exploit these code vulnerabilities.
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Simon Wijckmans

CEO, c/side
Simon Wijckmans is the CEO and co-founder of c/side. His career has focused on web security, product management, cloud solutions, and developer experience. His technical experience includes work at Cloudflare, Vercel, and Microsoft.
Thursday November 14, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

10:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Bridging the Gap: A Case Study in Unifying Disparate Systems for Seamless Smart Home Security
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Arun Narasimhan, Google, Senior Software Engineer

The Internet of Things (IoT) landscape for smart home security is often fragmented, with various providers offering distinct solutions. This presentation explores a collaboration between ADT, a leader in traditional security systems, and Google, a pioneer in smart home devices.

Previously, customers would have had to juggle separate applications and ecosystems from ADT and Google to manage their security needs. This project addressed this challenge by integrating data and functionality from both systems into a single, user-friendly mobile application called "ADT+".

The talk will delve into the technical aspects of integrating siloed systems and explore how APIs were leveraged to this enable it.

Takeaways will include a list of best practices for doing large scale system integrations between industry behemoths.
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Arun Narasimhan

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Arun Narasimhan is a Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead Manager at Google with over ten years of experience in software development.Arun was the Engineering Manager of the Spam & Abuse fighting team for the ‘Google Messages’ product which has 5B+ downloads on the Android PlayStore... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

10:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Harnessing GitOps for Next-Gen Infrastructure as Code
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Guy Ludvig, Frontegg, Head of DevOp

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is evolving with the adoption of the GitOps pattern, revolutionizing deployment strategies and operational standards. This session will cover how we implemented the GitOps pattern using Crossplane to manage our cloud-native resources effectively. We'll discuss the benefits of this approach, including increased developer autonomy, improved accuracy in deployments, and enhanced security compliance. Learn how GitOps can streamline your workflow, provide a clear audit trail, and support scalable, sustainable infrastructure management as your team continues to scale and broaden the capabilities of your product. 
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Guy Ludvig

Head of DevOp, Frontegg
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

10:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Telling Your developer Success Stories
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Tony Mann, Docusign, Director, Developer Content

At Docusign, we have a vibrant developer ecosystem. We understand that telling the success stories of your developer engagements and integrations with APIs is very different than what companies typically do for business case studies. API success stories have to resonate with a developer audience and engage a technical audience in a clear, concise, interesting way. This session will outline how we do this at Docusign, with a lot of tried-and-true tips and advice.
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Tony Mann

Director, Developer Content, Docusign
I am the Director of Developer Content at Docusign and have been with the company for more than 7 years. I'm responsible for all API and developer-focused content in our Developer Center, as well as our developer blog, developer newsletter, and developer enablement. I have authored... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

10:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Type-Safe, Polyglot Messaging and Eventing: Stream/Queue/Topic “Of T”
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Clemens Vasters, Microsoft, Chief Messenger
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Clemens Vasters

Chief Messenger, Microsoft
Clemens Vasters is Lead Architect in Microsoft’s Azure Messaging team that builds and operates a fleet of hyper-scale messaging services, including Event Grid, Service Bus, and Event Hubs. Clemens represents Microsoft in messaging standardisation in OASIS (AMQP) and CNCF (CloudEvents... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

11:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): How NorthWestern Mutual 10X Our Developer Experience through an Automated Governance Model
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Budhaditya Bhattacharya, Tyk, Developer Advocate
Supreet Nagi, Northwestern Mutual, Assistant Director Systems Software Engineering

NorthWestern Mutual is one of the largest financial services providers in the United States with 5 million+ customers and 6700+ financial advisors. APIs are a core part of our business and are supported by a highly mature API platform engineering team.
In this case study, we learn how we combined seamless API creation and centralized governance using an automated workflow-based model to drive an exceptional DevX.
We will examine a combination of tools, such as K8S, KEDA, Jaeger, and OTel, that enabled the creation of our API platform, along with changes to people and processes.
What we will cover:
1. Key challenges when balancing API creation & governance at scale
2. Implementing an automated workflow-based governance model
3. Metrics of success & outcomes achieved
4. How to execute a similar API platform strategy using the platform engineering maturity model
Ultimately, this session provides real-world examples and insights into best practices for implementing this model within your company.
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Budhaditya Bhattacharya

Developer Advocate, Tyk
Budha is a Developer Advocate at Tyk responsible for product education, community engagement, and open-source ecosystem expansion. He is the host of the All About APIs podcast as well as the API hangout where he engages with developers and business leaders on all things APIs including... Read More →
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Supreet Nagi

Assistant Director Systems Software Engineering, Northwestern Mutual
Supreet Nagi, Assistant Director in infrastructure core platforms, leads messaging, events, runtimes, and API management teams. With 18 years of IT experience, witnessed the transformation of developer experience from 1-day manual builds to 5-minute CICD, bringing efficiency and agility... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): A Maturity Model for API Security Best Practices
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Tim Erlin, Wallarm, VP of Product

Securing modern applications requires new thinking. As the prevalence of application programming interfaces (APIs) increases, and the exponential increase in API calls grows, attackers are taking notice. Attackers have shifted their primary focus from web applications to APIs and most security teams haven’t adapted. Since APIs are inherently more exposed than traditional web apps, security teams must rebalance their efforts to ensure defenses are strongest where attacks are actually occurring. The session will cover:

Introduction to API Security Requirements
Cross-referenced API Security Best Practices
A Security Maturity Model for API Security
3 Ways to Close Remaining Security Gaps
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Tim Erlin

VP of Product, Wallarm
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

11:00am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Building Connected AI Agents - Web Scraping vs API Integrations
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
Iddo Gino, Lunar, Advisor & Investor

With the AI craze taking over the world, a race is on to develop capable autonomous AI agents. For these agents to offer meaningful capabilities - they need to integrate with the outside world to get access to current information and be able to take actions on behalf of users. Two common approaches battle on for this - creating API integrations and using screen scraping. Each approach has advantages and risks - this session will introduce both approaches in depth, provide real world technical examples, and discuss when to choose which one!
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Iddo Gino

Advisor & Investor, Lunar
Part of Forbes 30 Under 30 list, he's a 2017 Thiel Fellow. Previously, he was a Co-organizer of Hacking Gen Y. Iddo has been programming since he was a kid and continues to contribute to open-source projects. Originally from Haifa, Israel, Iddo is based in San Francisco, CA.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Meadow: LLM Agents for Data Tasks
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Laurel Orr, Numbers Station AI, ML Architect
Ines Chami, Numbers Station AI, Co-founder & Chief Scientist

Numbers Station Labs is excited to release Meadow, the first open source agentic framework built for data workflows. Data workflows are multi-step processes where an analyst first transforms, generates, and analyzes structured data to gain insights and take action. Mutli-AI-agent architectures are proving to be the key to solving highly complex tasks with AI that one model alone cannot solve, and are paving the way for end-to-end data workflow automation. None of the existing general-purpose agent frameworks are tailor-built for data analysts and lack support for sharing knowledge across a data layer, data-aware task deconstruction, and iterative data debugging. To address these concerns, we’ve built Meadow—the first multi-agentic framework for data tasks where all agents are data-aware and can communicate via shared data layer, hierarchically plan data tasks, and query the data interactively to debug. Early results show that Meadow, without any expensive labeled examples, is within 3.6 points of state-of-the-art on the Spider text-to-SQL benchmark and realizes lifts of up to 20 points over simple, zero-shot text-to-SQL prompts. Meadow is also capable of detecting data errors and uncovering incorrect benchmark queries that did not take into account extra white spaces in the data.
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Ines Chami

Co-founder & Chief Scientist, Numbers Station AI
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Laurel Orr

ML Architect, Numbers Station AI
Laurel Orr is an ML architect at Numbers Station, a startup that applies Foundation Model technology to the enterprise data stack. Her research interests include how to use FMs to solve classically hard data wrangling tasks and how to put FM technology into deployment. Before Numbers... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Infrastructure in a Flash: Deploy via Code in Under 30 Minutes!
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Jagrut Sharma, Adobe, Senior Software Engineer

Unlock the power of managing infrastructure through code in this dynamic session! You'll dive into the fundamentals of infrastructure as code (IaC) with a focus on AWS CloudFormation. Step-by-step, you'll learn how to write your first template to efficiently create, update, and delete cloud resources.

By the end of this hands-on workshop, you'll have added a valuable skill to your repertoire and be equipped with the knowledge to further explore the vast possibilities of infrastructure as code. Join to enhance your technical skillset and embark on a journey of continuous innovation in cloud infrastructure management.
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Jagrut Sharma

Senior Software Engineer, Adobe
Jagrut Sharma is a senior software engineer at Adobe, where he leads the architecture and development of services enabling innovative machine-learning solutions and use cases. With over 20 years of experience in technology, Jagrut has contributed to a wide variety of projects across... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

11:30am PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Building Resilient Multi-Tenant SaaS Application on AWS
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
Shantanu Kumar, Amazon, Senior Software Engineer

Join us for a deep dive into the intricacies of building resilient and hyper-scalable multi-tenant SaaS applications on AWS, illustrated through the development of Amazon's groundbreaking Buy with Prime service. This session will explore the challenges faced and innovative solutions implemented to create a robust, secure, and flexible multi-tenant architecture.

Our expert presenter, a Buy with Prime team member, will share valuable insights and best practices gathered from their extensive experience. You will learn about the importance of tenant-aware resource management, which ensures flexibility and security by effectively isolating tenants and addressing noisy neighbor issues. Discover the critical role of implementing throttling mechanisms at multiple layers (API, application, downstream resources) to protect service availability and performance, preventing any single tenant from overloading the system.

We will also delve into the necessity of robust testing for multi-tenancy, highlighting the need for comprehensive test cases that cover optimistic scenarios and critical failure cases to validate tenant isolation and security measures. Additionally, the session will cover comprehensive monitoring and telemetry tools like AWS CloudWatch, which provide visibility into system behavior and enable quick identification and resolution of issues such as noisy neighbors.

Furthermore, the session will discuss the benefits of designing an architecture that separates customer-facing layers from backend services. This separation enhances flexibility and scalability, allowing for independent development and efficient handling of diverse customer needs and traffic demands.

This session is a must-attend for developers, infrastructure specialists, project managers, and anyone involved in building or managing SaaS applications. You'll gain practical knowledge and actionable strategies to tackle common SaaS challenges and create secure, scalable applications that meet diverse customer requirements. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts behind Amazon's Buy with Prime and elevate your SaaS development skills to the next level.
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Shantanu Kumar

Senior Software Engineer, Amazon
I have over eight years of experience working at Amazon, specializing in leading engineering teams that build large-scale data processing systems, AI infrastructure, and cloud-native data platforms and services. My expertise lies in creating secure, scalable, and highly available... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

12:00pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Building Guardrails for Generative AI: Security, Compliance, and Responsible Innovation
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
Ken Huang, DistributedApps, CEO and Chief AI Officer

This presentation introduces a comprehensive framework for testing and validating the security of generative AI applications, particularly those built on large language models (LLMs). Developed by Ken Huang (the Speaker) and World Digital Technology Academy's AI Safety, Trust, and Responsibility (STR) working group, the framework addresses the new attack surfaces and risks introduced by generative AI.

The standard covers the entire AI application stack, including base model selection, embedding and vector databases, prompt execution/inference, agentic behaviors, fine-tuning, response handling, and runtime security. For each layer, it outlines specific testing methods and expected outcomes to ensure AI applications behave securely and as designed throughout their lifecycle.

Key areas of focus include model compliance, data usage checks, API security, prompt injection testing, output validation, and privacy protection. The framework also addresses emerging challenges like agentic behaviors, where AI agents autonomously perform tasks based on predefined objectives.
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Ken Huang

CEO and Chief AI Officer, DistributedApps
Ken Huang is a prolific author and renowned expert in AI and Web3, with numerous published books spanning AI and Web3 business and technical guides and cutting-edge research. As Co-Chair of the AI Safety Working Groups at the Cloud Security Alliance, and Co-Chair of AI STR Working... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

12:30pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (API): APIs/Interfaces Using Azure Integration Services
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
Harsh Sharma, Shell, Associate Software Engineer

How to build API/Interfaces using Azure Integration Services like logic App, APIM, Service Bus, Function App.
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Harsh Sharma

Associate Software Engineer, Shell
Harsh Sharma is an experienced professional having 2 years of experience in building APIs/Interfaces using Azure Integration Services, C# and .NET Core. Additionally he having experience in Research & Development by publishing 2 research papers in IEEE based on Networking & Machine... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

12:30pm PST

[Virtual Exclusive] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Less is More: Unleashing Time-Saving CI/CD Practices
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
Monika, AHEAD, Senior Assoc Tech Consultant

Tirith is an open-source policy engine designed to simplify and automate policy enforcement for cloud configurations.
This session will explore how Tirith's key features can streamline cloud management.

Like declarative syntax, multi-stack compliance, and extensibility for various use cases like IaC resources, Kubernetes configurations, and CI/CD pipelines. Tirith helps discover misconfigurations, build reusable policies, and deploy guardrails. The platform integrates seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines, ensuring continuous compliance and centralized visibility across cloud environments.

By the end of this session, you will understand how Tirith can enhance your cloud infrastructure's compliance and security through automated, streamlined policy enforcement.
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Senior Assoc Tech Consultant, Ahead
- Senior Assoc Tech Consultant @Ahead- Worked with 4 early stage startups.- Organizer at CNCF Gurgaon, India- Mentored 60+ Students Currently.
Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Harmony in API Development: Bridging Code-First and Design-First
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Brett Bush, LogicGate, Staff Software Engineer: Platform

Within API-First development, a dichotomy has formed: Code-First or Design-First. Are these approaches destined to be adopted in polarized isolation, or rather, are they equally valid phases of a healthy API development cycle? This presentation will reveal a new way to visualize the cyclical nature of Code-First and Design-First API development, discuss parallels to Test-Driven development, and explore the benefits unlocked from leveraging both methodologies in tandem. 
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Brett Bush

Staff Software Engineer: Platform, LogicGate
Brett Bush is a Staff Software Engineer at LogicGate with a decade of experience building flexible APIs, services, and databases from SaaS platforms to SDKs with a passion for developer experience, comprehensive documentation, and cross-team collaboration. Brett built out LogicGate's... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Post-Quantum API Security - Preparing Your APIs for Q-day
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Michael Kwan, Broadcom, Architect

Quantum computing seems like a distant-future technology, but if you consider the pace of enterprise modernization, the quantum threat may be just around the corner - and APIs are a primary target. When is Q-day exactly? Nobody knows yet, but equally unknown is the scale of the corrective measures that will be required of your API infrastructure.

In this presentation you will learn:
- How quantum computing introduces a new security risk
- What is the API-specific exposure associated with this threat
- How and when do you need to start preparing your APIs
- What will be the costs in terms of computing resources and API retrofit projects
- What we are learning from post-quantum API security research and initial tests so far

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Michael Kwan

Architect, Broadcom
Michael Kwan is an accomplished software engineer and architect with passion creating scalable, secured, robust software solutions. At Broadcom, currently, his focus is designing solutions to help businesses develop, protect, and secure their APIs and valuable resources.
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): To the Cloud and Back Again?
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
Ian Crosby, CloudOps, Field CTO

For years the strategy for successful IT organizations has been clear, “Public Cloud or Bust”. The advantages the cloud brought compared with traditional on-premises infrastructure are numerous: Scalability, Cost Efficiency, Reliability, Security, etc… the road to the cloud may be tough, but once there you can reap the benefits. Digital and cloud transformations were omnipresent. It was such a safe bet, that the famous maxim for IBM was repurposed to “Nobody ever got fired for buying AWS”.

More recently, this piece of advice seems less secure. There has been a distinct silencing of the “Cloud First” march, and even significant noise of retreat, also known as Cloud Repatriation. So without clear messaging within the industry how should we determine what is the right strategy for our workloads? Is Hybrid cloud the perfect balance or a cop-out condemning you to the worst of both worlds?

In this presentation we’ll separate the wheat from the chaff, by covering some proven techniques to determine where you should run your workloads. We’ll look at the most common pitfalls organizations make when migrating to (or from) cloud, and look at when a hybrid cloud strategy makes sense. Finally we’ll dive into what’s driving the recent cloud rebellion, and make some predictions about what the future of cloud looks like.
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Ian Crosby

Field CTO, CloudOps
Ian's tech career has spanned many roles: developer, architect, cloud engineer, CTO, and more. He enjoys solving difficult problems with interesting technology and people. His latest obsession is working to make the software industry more ecologically friendly.
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

1:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Introduction to Cypress for End-to-End Testing
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Alain Chautard, Angular Training, Expert Web Consultant

We will test a web application from scratch using Cypress. Step by step, we will learn about Cypress features, implement those in our tests. We will be testing various aspects of the application (navigation, clicks, user input), and see how to debug and improve our tests, make then more readable, and even how to mock the server-side in order to test more scenarios on the front-end.
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Alain Chautard

Expert Web Consultant, Angular Training
Alain is a Google Developer Expert in Angular and Maps platform. He started working with Angular JS in 2011.Since then, he has worked with all Angular versions daily, both as a developer and as a technical trainer. He runs the Angular certification program for Angular Training.He... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Anatomy of Inter-Agentic APIs
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Swanand Rao,M9, Co-Founder

With the viral adoption of AI driven by commercially available LLMs newer venues of business have opened up. These new business models are driven by the likes of Co-pilots and virtual agents that bring in tremendous productivity gains across business workflows. Concepts like Generative AI and Conversational AI have already gained mainstream popularity. A new branch of AI that is gaining momentum is that of Agentic AI. This talk is geared towards identifying mechanisms that make inter-agentic communication possible and the ontology of such interactions solving for needed concepts of roles, tasks, memory, tools, context and prompts for a scalable and reliable inter-agentic business workflow.
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Swanand Rao

Co-Founder, M9
Swanand has a track record in product and engineering leadership. He was a Director of Product Management at Adobe. His experience extends to roles at Microsoft, Oracle, and other Fortune 500 companies. A prolific writer, Swanand has contributed to the field of product management... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Eliminating Complexity While Ensuring Data Consistency
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Todd Little, Oracle, Chief Architect Oracle Transaction Processing Products
Brijesh Deo, Oracle, CMTS

Microservices are currently the architecture du jour for building cloud native applications. This session will describe how microservices, each with their own database, can work together to ensure the data they maintain is consistent with the databases of other microservices.
Deciding on a pattern to guarantee data consistency is dependent upon many factors. This session will describe some of those factors and provide practical solutions to ensuring data consistency across a broad range of microservices.
At the completion of this session, attendees should understand that it's more important to determine the context and requirements for their application than just going with the current mantra. Hopefully this will lead them to consider simpler design patterns that have been discarded for no other reason than someone decided they're an anti-pattern.
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Brijesh Deo

CMTS, Oracle
Brijesh Deo is a CMTS in the Blockchain and Distributed Transactions Technology team in the Database organization at Oracle. He is passionate about distributed systems and cloud technologies and specializes in Kubernetes, Microservices, and Java. Brijesh has a rich industry experience... Read More →
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Todd Little

Chief Architect Transaction Processing Products, Oracle
Todd Little is chief architect for transaction processing products at Oracle, including the Oracle Tuxedo product family, Oracle Blockchain Platform, and Oracle Transaction Manager for Microservices (MicroTx). Todd is responsible for defining the technical strategy and direction for... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

1:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Anomaly Detection at the Intersection of Retail, Finance, and Compliance
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
Bhupendrasinh Thakre, Walmart, Director, Data Science and Analytics

Providing best practices to perform anomaly detection at the cross section of various units of operations. I will explore the methods and methodology to run a smooth operation. 
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Bhupendrasinh Thakre

Director, Data Science and Analytics, Walmart
Bhupendrasinh Thakre is a distinguished Director of Advanced Analytics & Technology at Walmart, Bentonville, AR, recognized for driving innovation and excellence in data science and machine learning across global markets. With a profound educational background from Harvard Business... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): DevSecOps for Network Operations
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Akash Bhaskar, Cisco, Software Architect

This technical session will demonstrate software and configuration compliance use cases through CI/CD pipelines on network devices. A fully functional Jenkins pipelines will be discussed including tools and concepts like code management, artifact management, orchestration, testing.

Based on the concepts and tools mentioned in this session, network engineers can quickly build their own pipelines and take advantage of well tested approach in their network operations. The session will be tool independent where a certain concept will be introduced along with potential tool.
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Akash Bhaskar

Software Architect, Cisco
Akash has over a decade of experience including Site Reliability, DevOps, IT Operations, Middleware Administration, ITIL and Managed File Transfer. Cisco has provided Akash an opportunity apply SRE principles to network operations. Akash has presented at Cisco Live EMEA at Amsterdam... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Is There a Future for Secure Data in the World of AI and Cyber?
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Brenton House, IBM, Principal Cybersecurity and AI Advisor

Generative AI has revolutionized the tech world in the past months. With its insatiable thirst for data, all eyes have turned to APIs and the security (or lack of) protecting them. Large data breaches have become so common that security researchers are overwhelmed with the terabytes of leaked data finding its way to the Dark Web. Learn both the ugly secrets behind cyber threats and the successful strategies used to stop them.
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Brenton House

Principal Cybersecurity and AI Advisor, IBM
Brenton House is an ex-hacker, developer, strategist, and now Principal Cybersecurity and AI Advisor for IBM webMethods. Known for his unique creative work and YouTube channel, Brenton has produced several hit series including The Redacted Hacker, AI: Man vs. Machine, and API Cybersecurity... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Building Robust Networks: The Power of CI/CD in Network Validation
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Naveen Achyuta, Roblox, Network Reliability Engineer

While CI/CD practices are well-established in software development, the networking field is still adapting to these methodologies. This presentation demonstrates a method for validating network configurations in a lab environment, both pre- and post-deployment, to build confidence before implementing changes in production networks. Using open-source tools, custom scripts, and containerlab, we'll walk through each step of implementing a CI/CD pipeline. This approach not only enhances confidence in network deployments but also bridges the gap between traditional networking practices and modern DevOps methodologies. 
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Naveen Achyuta

Network Reliability Engineer, Roblox
Naveen works as a Network Reliability Engineer at Roblox and lives in the Bay Area. After graduating with his master's degree, he initially worked as a network engineer at Comcast. He then transitioned to network software engineering to build network automation systems that streamline... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1

2:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Embracing Rust for Java and TypeScript Developers
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
Ramnivas Laddad, Exograph, Co-Founder

Rust has been the most loved programming language for the past eight years, as highlighted by StackOverflow's developer survey. Its acclaim is backed by adoption from tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Meta. Rust's blend of expressiveness, performance, safety, and fearless concurrency makes it ideal for multi-core CPUs. Additionally, Rust's ability to compile into WebAssembly enables seamless execution in browsers and edge computing environments.

Mastering Rust can be challenging, especially for developers with a background in non-system languages. Adopting Rust with the right mindset and suitable projects is crucial for a smooth transition and successful implementation.

In this talk, we will explore Rust's core principles and provide practical guidance for developers experienced in Java, TypeScript, and like languages. We will highlight projects where Rust excels, offering high value with minimal risk.
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Ramnivas Laddad

Co-founder, Exograph
Ramnivas leads the development of Exograph, a declarative approach to implementing backends. He has led innovation in Spring Framework and Cloud Foundry since their beginning. Ramnivas is the author of AspectJ in Action, the best-selling book on aspect-oriented programming lauded... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): APIs Without Borders: Exploring the World of Locationless API Management
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Vamsi Ravula, Red Hat, Developer Advocate

Locationless API management is a paradigm shift in API governance and security. This innovative approach allows organizations to efficiently manage their APIs distributed across multiple clouds and clusters without exposing them publicly over the internet. Instead, it leverages a sophisticated layer seven service network, offering a secure and seamless solution for API management. By operating locationless, businesses can maintain a high degree of control and privacy over their APIs, mitigating the risks associated with public exposure while facilitating efficient communication between services across diverse deployment environments.

A Layer 7 service network provides the necessary infrastructure to establish secure connections between services, regardless of location. Through this network, APIs can be efficiently managed and accessed within a controlled environment, ensuring that sensitive data and functionalities remain protected. This locationless API management approach not only enhances security but also streamlines operations, as it minimizes the complexities of public-facing API management. As organizations continue to prioritize data privacy and security, locationless API management, powered by technologies like a Layer 7 service network, emerges as a game-changing solution that empowers businesses to securely manage and utilize their APIs without the need for public internet exposure.
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Vamsi Ravula

Developer Advocate, Red hat
Vamsi Ravula is a Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat working on Red Hat Application Foundations, application connectivity, and API management technologies. He is passionate about understanding customers' challenges and use cases and showcasing how Red Hat products can address... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Gridlock: The Dual-Edged Sword of EV and Solar APIs in Grid Security
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Vangelis Stykas, Atropos, CTO

In this talk, we delve deep into the increasingly interconnected world of electronic vehicles (EVs), photovoltaic (PV) solar systems, and the broader power grid infrastructure—a nexus that is becoming a fertile ground for potential large-scale cyber disruptions. As we navigate through this complex interplay of technology and infrastructure, we will uncover the critical vulnerabilities lurking within the API connections that bind these systems together. Our exploration will not only highlight these weaknesses but will also demonstrate, through real-world scenarios and potential attack vectors, how they can be exploited to launch sophisticated cyber-attacks, emphasizing the urgent need for robust security frameworks and proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard our collective future.
The advent of PV inverters and EV charging systems has been marred by the industry's "rush to market" mentality, leading to overlooked security considerations. These critical weaknesses potentially allow remote attackers unprecedented control, with the ability to fully commandeer or even incapacitate these devices. Our investigation will reveal how targeting cloud platforms used by installers could unlock elevated access not just to PV inverters but also to EV chargers. This access includes functionalities usually restricted from the systems' proprietors, thereby opening a pandora's box of vulnerabilities.
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Vangelis Stykas

CTO, Atropos
Vangelis began as a developer from Greece. Six years ago he realized that only his dog didn’t have an API, so he decided to steer his focus towards security.That led him to pursue a PhD in Web Application Security with an extra focus on machine learning. He’s still actively pursuing... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

2:30pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (CloudX): Petabyte-Scale Deployments: Balancing Immutability and Flexibility
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Anup Ghatage, Salesforce, Lead Member of Technical Staff
Varun Shah, Salesforce, Software Engineer

At Salesforce, our team does Kubernetes deployments at the petabyte scale, with 100+ clusters, 10000+ pods, and 25+ PiB of provisioned storage and innumerable Kubernetes jobs. Operating at this massive scale necessitates an approach that reduces engineering toil. Maintaining such mammoth clusters while keeping security in mind is a whole different challenge.

We specifically talk about how and why we picked immutability and Infra-as-code as the cornerstone of our design and the challenges around it. Immutability provides security and scalability and eliminates config drift. Infra-as-code guarantees that changes to our infrastructure follow the same software lifecycle. but the trade-off is a lack of flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.

In this talk, we go over the unique design choices that help us manage, grow, and configure petabyte-scale deployments at Salesforce.
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Anup Ghatage

Lead Member of Technical Staff, Salesforce
Anup works on Salesforce's Infrastructure platform.Previously, he has worked on database internals, query processing and storage at SAP, Cisco Systems and other companies for more than 8 years. Anup holds a BS from the University of Pune and an MS from Carnegie Mellon University... Read More →
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Varun Shah

Software Engineer, Salesforce
BE with a specialization in Computer EngineeringMS in Electrical EngineeringWorking on enterprise software since 2009 with companies like Brocade (now Broadcom) / VMware and currently with Salesforce.Using cloud native technologies to scale Salesforce software stack.
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL CloudX -- Stage 1
  CloudX: DevOps Summit, Infrastructure-as-Code

2:45pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (Dev Innovation): Open Source Success: Learnings from 1 Billion Downloads
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:45pm - 2:55pm PST
Avi Press, Scarf, Founder and CEO

In this talk, we share the results of an in-depth analysis of data gathered from over 1 billion open source package downloads across more than 2000 diverse projects on Scarf. Our findings offer valuable insights into user behaviors and interactions with open source software, making it essential for maintainers, founders, and executives in open source companies.
During the presentation, we delve deep into our data, uncovering the best practices employed by successful open source projects. We explore a wide array of topics, including various download formats, packaging systems, regional download trends, and user-favored documentation types. Additionally, we discuss the impact of community engagement and how maintainers can harness their user base to boost project adoption and drive business growth.
Attendees can expect to leave this talk equipped with actionable insights and best practices to optimize their open source projects and thrive in the competitive landscape of open source software.
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Avi Press

Founder and CEO, Scarf
Avi Press is a developer tool author, and functional programming language enthusiast, serving as a founder & CEO of Scarf. Avi loves thinking about and discussing how people can solve problems by more effectively sharing data, and how that applies to building a sustainable open-source... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:45pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation Summit -- Main Stage

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): Fusion Tech Art: Leveraging APIs to Integrate AI, ML, and Creative Disciplines
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Ayesha M. Ali, Metavisionaries, Co-Founder / Creative Director

This session will explore the transformative potential of APIs in the realm of Fusion Tech Art and interdisciplinary content creation. Emphasizing the integration of frontier technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), we will discuss how APIs serve as the vital connectors enabling seamless communication and collaboration across diverse creative fields. Participants will gain insights into how APIs facilitate innovative approaches that merge art, technology, fashion, and more.
• Introduce the Concept of Fusion Tech Art: Explain the importance and impact of Fusion Tech Art in the modern digital and creative industries.
• Highlight the Role of APIs: Discuss how APIs act as the backbone of integrating AI, ML, and various creative disciplines.
• Demonstrate Practical API Integration Techniques: Showcase new interdisciplinary approaches enabled by APIs and practical techniques that can be adopted by entrepreneurs and creatives.
• Case Study: Present a detailed case study of my project sent to space in collaboration with NASA and SpaceX, illustrating the power of API-driven integration.
• Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Address the ethical considerations and sustainability issues related to API-driven AI and tech projects, both on Earth and in space.
Session Outline:
1. Introduction to Fusion Tech Art:
• Definition and significance of Fusion Tech Art in contemporary creative practices.
• Overview of how APIs enable the integration of AI, ML, and other technologies into creative projects.
2. Current Landscape of Frontier Technologies:
• In-depth look at the latest developments in AI, ML, and their applications through APIs.
• Examples of cutting-edge tools and platforms that utilize APIs for interdisciplinary integration.
3. Seamless Interdisciplinary Techniques through APIs:
• Step-by-step guide on adopting an interdisciplinary approach using APIs.
• Demonstration of API functionalities that enable the merging of art, technology, fashion, and other fields.
4. Case Study: Art Project to Space via APIs:
• Detailed narrative of my project sent to the International Space Station (ISS) with NASA and SpaceX, focusing on the API integrations that made it possible.
• Insights into the creative process, collaboration, and execution of the project.
• Lessons learned and tips for aspiring creatives and entrepreneurs on leveraging APIs.
5. Ethics and Sustainability in API-Driven Fusion Tech Art:
• Discussion on the ethical implications of using APIs in AI and content creation.
• Sustainability discourse and its importance in tech-driven projects.
• How to ensure responsible and sustainable practices when utilizing APIs in creative projects.
Target Audience:
• API developers and technologists interested in the creative applications of their work.
• Artists and designers looking to integrate technology into their projects using APIs.
• Entrepreneurs and creatives seeking innovative interdisciplinary approaches.
• Educators and students in the fields of art, technology, and design.
Expected Outcomes:
• Increased awareness and understanding of Fusion Tech Art and the role of APIs in enabling it.
• Practical knowledge of API-driven tools and techniques for merging diverse creative disciplines.
• Inspiration from real-world examples and successful case studies.
• A framework for ethically and sustainably implementing API-driven AI and tech in creative projects.
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Ayesha M. Ali

Co-Founder / Creative Director, Metavisionaries
Ayesha is an Internationally acclaimed Visual Tech-Artist and Wearable Art Designer/Researcher, focusing on Fusion-art practices. Her work often explores the synergy between humans and machines, the intersection of technology and identity. By combining sci-fi themes, and the hidden... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage B

3:00pm PST

[Virtual] PRO SESSION (API): State of API Security 2024
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Jeremy Snyder, FireTail.io, CEO and Founder

To start off, Jeremy will summarize key points and findings from extensive research into the API security landscape in 2024 with a look at our growing reliance on APIs and how APIs are increasingly being used as an attack surface.

Then, he’ll go over statistics on API proliferation and recap key developments from 2023, including the OWASP Top 10 Update 2023 and the impact AI is having on API security. He will pay particular attention to the massive expansion of API calling capabilities that came via recent OpenAI Updates and the overall impact of AI on API security.

Jeremy will then look at increasing regulatory oversight, the current shift toward personal accountability for CISOs and what this means for cyber security against a backdrop of increasingly sophisticated API attacks.

Jeremy will present real-world examples and show what we can learn from them, while drawing on data from a decade of data breaches, including notable cases like Points.com, moveIT, Money Lover and bugs in West Bengal and Rajasthan government websites, as well as others.

Jeremy will analyze API breaches by primary and secondary attack vectors and compare these findings to what we witnessed in 2023.

Finally, this talk will provide the actionable insights and practical advice needed to help you implement effective API security strategies across your organization. Jeremy will cover the 6 pillars of API security needed for companies to secure their APIs, as well as guidance on implementing authentication, authorization, input validation, encryption, and regular security assessments.

Overall, this talk will emphasize the importance of API security, summarize findings from the last 12 months, explore the trends we’re seeing in cyber security and make predictions for the rest of 2024, as well as providing recommendations and tips for improving cybersecurity postures.
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Jeremy Snyder

Founder and CEO, FireTail.io
Jeremy is the founder and CEO of FireTail.io, an end-to-end API security startup. Prior to FireTail, Jeremy worked in M&A at Rapid7, a global cyber leader, where he worked on the acquisitions of 3 companies during the pandemic. Jeremy previously led sales at DivvyCloud, one of the... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
VIRTUAL API World -- Workshop Stage A

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