Clemens Vasters is Lead Architect in Microsoft’s Azure Messaging team that builds and operates a fleet of hyper-scale messaging services, including Event Grid, Service Bus, and Event Hubs. Clemens represents Microsoft in messaging standardisation in OASIS (AMQP) and CNCF (CloudEvents... Read More →
Ransomware attacks, breaches, data exfiltration, and insider disclosures are occurring every day around the world. Legacy thinking on providing data security has been focused on the application and platform or operating system. This leads to a somewhat chaotic data security landscape that is likely to have holes and missed handoffs. Modern enterprise systems use and store data using the most effective platform that delivers the convenience and performance required. This open-ended approach to data handling should be addressed through an equally open and flexible approach to securing data regardless of where it is stored or how and when it is used. Businesses should take a holistic view of their data security to ensure that unintended gaps and inconsistencies that may open the door for threat propagation are detected and mitigated. Enacting multiple layers of data management practices ensures that both stored and inflight data is clean. This keynote will draw on the Data Security Maturity Model (DSMM) to illustrate the challenges developers and users face in the open landscape of current application deployments. Placing a strong focus on a layered framework that provides consistent and robust security for data as it is used, this approach incorporates seamless malware scanning and detection that provides a constant watch for irregularities and threats.
As chief technology officer for CSS, Kevin leads the company’s product development, engineering, and customer experience groups in delivering unparalleled cloud storage security solutions that address current and future customer storage security needs. Kevin brings CSS a wealth... Read More →
Anup Ghatage, Salesforce, Lead Member of Technical Staff Varun Shah, Salesforce, Software Engineer
At Salesforce, our team does Kubernetes deployments at the petabyte scale, with 100+ clusters, 10000+ pods, and 25+ PiB of provisioned storage and innumerable Kubernetes jobs. Operating at this massive scale necessitates an approach that reduces engineering toil. Maintaining such mammoth clusters while keeping security in mind is a whole different challenge.
We specifically talk about how and why we picked immutability and Infra-as-code as the cornerstone of our design and the challenges around it. Immutability provides security and scalability and eliminates config drift. Infra-as-code guarantees that changes to our infrastructure follow the same software lifecycle. but the trade-off is a lack of flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
In this talk, we go over the unique design choices that help us manage, grow, and configure petabyte-scale deployments at Salesforce.
Anup works on Salesforce's Infrastructure platform.Previously, he has worked on database internals, query processing and storage at SAP, Cisco Systems and other companies for more than 8 years. Anup holds a BS from the University of Pune and an MS from Carnegie Mellon University... Read More →
BE with a specialization in Computer EngineeringMS in Electrical EngineeringWorking on enterprise software since 2009 with companies like Brocade (now Broadcom) / VMware and currently with Salesforce.Using cloud native technologies to scale Salesforce software stack.